Place the following actions in the correct sequence of occurrence, from first to last, in the process by which the Supreme Court accepts and reviews a case. e. Adverse opinion. Which of the following factors about the U.S. Constitution makes it more likely that that judges will engage in public policy? Properly order the steps in which a case goes through the federal court system. WebA. majority opinion. What term describes a court's legal authority to resolve a case? What is the most common method in the states for the selection of judges? An outside firm does not need a prolonged briefing period regarding the client because of their expertise in diverse areas. Marriage is a civil contract, and in that character alone is dealt with by the municipal law. After WWII, the primary reason for the expansion of public relations was. Instead Scalia reached back to the early opinion in Reynolds v. U.S. Justice Sandra Day OConnor, although concurring in the outcome, vigorously disagreed with the Courts abandonment of the compelling interest standard, as did Justice Harry Blackmun in the dissent. $$. What is the best-known think tank for public relations? Which of the following characteristics are relevant for determining which federal court has jurisdiction over a case? Which of the following are a direct result of administrative lawmaking? explaining the reasons why not. Individuals who belong to the group are preferred over those who do not belong to the group, for example in educational admissions, hiring, promotions, awarding of contracts, and the like. The Supreme Court is an active participant in the legislative process, as seen by how they often rule acts of Congress unconstitutional. Virtually all public relations codes of ethics begin with the duty to tell the truth. Explain. every member of the Court, whether of the majority or the minority. We are all of the opinion that it does., In fact, the Supreme Court decided the case on narrower grounds and had specifically avoided this Constitutional issue. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like judicial review, How is the ruling in Marbury v. concurring opinion. [59] Moreover, the Court's decision in Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925) allowed families to opt out of public schools, despite "inequality in economic resources that made the option of private schools available to some and not to others", as Martha Minow has put it. best serve the concerns of their own demographic groups. Collective goods offer particularized A group of citizens selected to hear evidence makes the determination of guilt. that the statute in question had its origin in the purpose, not so much to exclude white persons from railroad cars occupied by blacks, as to exclude colored people from coaches occupied by or assigned to white persons [I]n view of the Constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens. Which of the following is not a typical tool of the discovery process in civil litigation: Which of the following is not a discovery tool used for obtaining information from the opposing party? Why was the case of Marbury v. Madison historically significant? The Equal Protection Clause is located at the end of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. [60], American public school systems, especially in large metropolitan areas, to a large extent are still de facto segregated. Senator Bedfellow is concerned that a bill Congress is considering might be unconstitutional. [13], With the return to originalist interpretations of the Constitution, many wonder what was intended by the framers of the reconstruction amendments at the time of their ratification. b. landmark decision. Besides the Supreme Court, there are lower courts in the national system called ________. One of the main ways interest groups participate in Supreme Court cases is by ________. [Emphasis in the original.]. writes a concurring opinion; writes a dissenting opinion Public opinion is a factor of American politics as citizens tend to measure, record, and react to it. This term best describes the notion of high authority and power associated with the dominant coalition. What Brown v. Board of Education should have said: the nation's top legal experts rewrite America's landmark civil rights decision. The Court did employ similar principles, however, in combination with federalism principles. Disparate impact merely has an evidentiary value; absent a "stark" pattern, "impact is not determinative."[76]. is the most widely recognized form of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Although gift giving is considered unethical in the United States, other nations have different standards. The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Furthermore, the animation sequences tend to be much shorter for local commercials than for other work. Which of the following federal courts have original jurisdiction with at least some of the cases they see? Cases involving which of the following trigger the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction per the Constitution? It promotes clarity and predictability. All of the above, At the federal level, trial courts are: Answers: Courts of limited jurisdiction. A party receiving written interrogatories prepares answers: In preparing answers for written interrogatories, a defendant may: Written interrogatories are useful for obtaining information: . [77] It is possible for a discriminating state to hide its true intention, and one possible solution is for disparate impact to be considered as stronger evidence of discriminatory intent. According to the text, which of the following is a development that will shape public relations in the upcoming years? [92] The four dissenting justices argued that the authors of the statute were rational.[93]. Why does the Supreme Court rarely challenge the actions of executive agencies? Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Election? writes a concurring opinion; writes a dissenting opinion Public opinion is a factor of American politics as citizens tend to measure, record, and react to it. As for public schooling, no states during this era of Reconstruction actually required separate schools for blacks. In fact, much of the integration in the 1960s happened in response not to Brown but to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Federal question jurisdiction arises under which of the following? What happens to Supreme Court deliberations once a justice receives the assignment of writing the official majority opinion? A) Elmer Davis B) Paul W. Garrett concurring authority. Justice Harlan again dissented. C) compulsory advisory authority. d. Parallel opinion. On the face, there was no clear evidence of racially discriminatory intent on the part of Arlington Heights's planning commission. Of the 13 courts of appeals in the United States,. D. eleven have jurisdiction over a "circuit" comprised of the district courts in anywhere from three to five states. b. The United States has two court systems, state and federal. In 1971, the Court in Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education approved busing as a remedy to segregation; three years later, though, in the case of Milliken v. Bradley (1974), it set aside a lower court order that had required the busing of students between districts, instead of merely within a district. The justices of the Supreme Court are ________. Which legal doctrine holds that in nearly every instance, policy issues should be decided by elected lawmakers and not by appointed judges? This is a request for: At the close of discovery, either party may: A major purpose of pretrial conferences is to: Suppose, before the start of a trial, the judge believes the case should be settled by the parties, rather than go to trial. All that was therefore required of the law was reasonableness, and Louisiana's railway law amply met that requirement, being based on "the established usages, customs and traditions of the people." Most revenues from public relations firms come from implementing tactical aspects. The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison is significant C. for the establishment of judicial review. Which of the following constrain the power of courts? Appeals from these courts go to one of 12 circuit courts of appeal, and which court is chosen is a matter of which state the case starts in.). The ratification of the amendment by the former Confederate states was imposed as a condition of their acceptance back into the Union. to help Congress govern federal and state bureaucratic activities. This presentation is known as: After presenting her evidence at arbitration, Ellen is quite happy when they decide that, in fact, James has violated his contractual obligations to her, and owes her damages. New York University Press. [5] Black people were considered inferior to white Americans, and subject to chattel slavery in the slave states until the Emancipation Proclamation and the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. Van Alstyne, William. WebAn opinion written by a judge on a court of appeals who agrees with the decision of the majority, but for a different reason, is called a: a. majority opinion b. dissenting opinion c. concurring opinion d. modifying opinion e. none of the other choices; no such written opinion is allowed, except at the Supreme Court [72] The whole tiered strategy developed by the Court is meant to reconcile the principle of equal protection with the reality that most laws necessarily discriminate in some way. [10][11] Additionally, Congress wanted to protect white Unionists who were under personal and legal attack in the former Confederacy. The first truly landmark equal protection decision by the Supreme Court was Strauder v. West Virginia (1880). It was this factthe fact that the Fourteenth Amendment was enacted by a "rump" Congressthat permitted the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment by Congress and subsequently proposed to the states. This subject was addressed in the seminal case of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Corp. (1977). c. outlined in The Federalist Papers, issue V. d. found in Article 3 of the U.S. Such doubts were one factor that led Congress to begin to draft and debate what would become the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ________ development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness. In Sweatt, the Court considered the constitutionality of Texas's state system of law schools, which educated blacks and whites at separate institutions. The "dominant coalition" refers to a situation where public relations practitioners are subservient to marketing and related functions. Which group drafts the dissenting opinion? In which of the following ways is the Supreme Court less diverse than in the past? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like interest group, right of association, factions and more. WebWhat type of cases does the Supreme Court hear quizlet? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Supreme Court's power of judicial review _____. Since the New Deal, however, such invalidations have been rare.[50]. (Brown was actually a consolidation of four different cases from four different states.) The $50,000 is called: Ginger attacks Richard and cuts him with a knife. [90] Other scholars disagree, arguing that "homophobia" is distinct from sexism, in a sociological sense, and so treating it as such would be an unacceptable judicial shortcut. It was not this holding that proved especially controversial among commentators, and indeed, the proposition gained seven out of nine votes; Justices Souter and Breyer joined the majority of fivebut only for the finding that there was an Equal Protection violation. Furthermore, we believe that the state should not give itself the right to kill human beings especially when it kills with premeditation WebThe American Civil Liberties Union believes the death penalty inherently violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and the guarantees of due process of law and of equal protection under the law. 1. Between 7,000 and 8,000 ______ petitions are filed with the Supreme Court each year, and it agrees to review only 80 of those cases. b. The law intended to destroy the distinctions of race and color in respect to the rights secured by it. Judicial activism is applied to judges who. Failure of a business to maintain its company records in such a way that they may be accessed during a lawsuit may result in: Suppose both sides in a suit agree about certain facts, so they do not need to be proven at trial. Relationship management builds specifically on the notion of asymmetrical communication. How many justices must agree to grant a writ of certiorari before the Supreme Court will accept an appeal? Jenny will be rejected from the jury if the attorney can: At the beginning of the trial both lawyers make will prove those facts to support their position. WebA interpretation of the conclusions from the competing and concurring studies. When judges base their decisions primarily upon legal norms and principles, what model of decision making are they following? Which branch delegates administrative legal authority to bureaucracies? In 1900, Henry Ford obtained coverage of the Model T automobile by demonstrating it to a reporter from the Detroit Tribune newspaper. |---|---| What gives the Supreme Court the authority to declare that an action taken by a government official or agency is unconstitutional? Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. These include: Specific performance is often a remedy in cases involving: Megan signs a contract saying she will sell Scott a rare Pokemon card for $5000. By the late 1990s, the percentage of black students in mostly minority school districts had returned to about what it was in the late 1960s. Amicus curiae brief-interest group-written brief that advises the Court on how to rule on a case(These kinds of briefs can help sway judicial opinion.). Pixel Studio, Inc., is a small company that creates computer-generated animations for films and television. C. A dissenting opinion is an opinion of a judge who votes against the majority. Which of the following is a "careerist" value? a. complaint, Statements of the facts necessary to claim that the plaintiff is entitled to remedy are included in the . A stock market boom induces newly enriched $60$-year-old workers to take early retirement. [14] This ratification was irregular in many ways. A term that has been created to describe the disproportionate number of police stops of black people is Driving While Black. This term is used to describe the stopping of innocent black people who are not committing any crime. According to the legal model of judicial decision making, judges primarily, The courts' role in lawmaking is most apparent in, Judicial activism is often alleged when a court. the policy concerns of the population at large. Although the Supreme Court generally defers to presidential actions, the Court was quite active in striking down presidential actions in this particular area of law, including cases such as Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, and Boumediene v. Bush. $$ Affirmative action is the consideration of race, gender, or other factors, to benefit an underrepresented group or to address past injustices done to that group. Most likely, James will: Before arbitrating this disputes, Ellen and James might be wise to attempt: If Ellen and James were to mediate their dispute, rather than arbitrate (assume this is ok), what would they need to do? Suppose the manufacturer in given exercise has only $\$ 11,000$ to spend on the development and promotion of the new product. Brown, ruled that the Equal Protection Clause had been intended to defend equality in civil rights, not equality in social arrangements. There, the Supreme Court held that the different standards of counting ballots across Florida violated the equal protection clause. and more. The Court hears cases that are appealed from lower courts of appeals cases from federal district courts in certain instances where an act of Congress was held unconstitutional, or cases that are appealed from the highest court of a state, if claims under federal law or the Constitution are involved. A) dividing the market into smaller, meaningful groups of customers B) a promise to a group of customers C) evaluating and identifying a meaningful group of customers to serve D) creating a unique offering to provide customer e. writ of error, A concurring opinion a. explains the chief justice's position on a case. Which term best describes new innovations such as YouTube and MySpace? If the testimony of an expert witness is critical to a case being made, but the judge rejects the expert testimony as not credible, then, according to the Supreme Court: According to the Supreme Court, a case may be ended by summary judgment if: If a party uses an expert witness to assert the existence of harm based on evidence that is contrary to scientific standards the case may be: According to the Supreme Court, courts must exclude evidence that is: Which of the following in not true about expert witnesses and their testimony: In Barabin v. AstenJohnson, where Barabin sued for damage suffered from exposure to asbestos, the appeals court held that: . A written Supreme Court opinion that, in the absence of a majority opinion, represents the reasoning of most of the justices who side with the winning party is a B. is a separate view written by a justice who votes with the majority but disagrees with its reasoning. Public information and public affairs are the most widely used terms by nonprofits, universities and government agencies. "Part II". WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Local school districts have been delegated powers and duties by the a. county gov't b. local gov't c. state gov't d. federal gov't, Authority for approval in the hiring of new teachers rests with the a. principal b. school board c. superintendent d. teachers in the school where the opening exists, Last year, she bought $5,000 worth of the scrap metal. In Germany, the judge: The most widely recognized form of alternative dispute resolution process is: . Furthermore, we believe that the state should not give itself the right to kill human beings especially when it kills with premeditation Which statement regarding appellate court decisions is true? Moss Kendrix was known for the saying "What the public thinks counts!". declares the actions of other political actors to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court most typically functions as ________. 4 y=-6 x+6 At issue was the controversial recount in Florida in the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election. \text{Number of proposals} & \text{25}\\ Judicial review was established in the decision of Marbury v. Madison. Despite the undoubted importance of Brown, much of modern equal protection jurisprudence originated in other cases, though not everyone agrees about which other cases. physical mental psychosocial Which of the following describe an appellate court's proceedings. These activity rates include all of the company's costs, except for the costs of idle capacity and organization-sustaining costs. 4. [17] Even in this halting decision the Court still acknowledged the context in which the Amendment was passed, stating that knowing the evils and injustice the 14th amendment was meant to combat is key in our legal understanding of its implications and purpose. WebA. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like D, B, C and more. a. psychosocial b.physical c. cognitive d. learning, ________ development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships. a. deposition. An appellate court can do which of the following: The decision of an appellate court is the: The decision by the majority of the members of an appellate court is referred to as: The majority decision of an appellate court is referred to as: If a judge writes a concurring opinion it means that: If an appellate court judge disagrees with the majority opinion, she may write a: An opinion written by a judge on a court of appeals who agrees with the decision of the majority, but for a different reason, is called a: If an appeals court reverses a trial court decision, it: When an appellate court disagrees with the decision reached by the trial court, the appellate court: When an appellate court's opinion agrees with (upholds) the decision of the trial court, the court is said to have. b. found in the Declaration of Independence. Explain the difference between fraternal twins and identical twins. It promotes clarity and predictability. There are no direct labor or direct materials costs. WebA justice who agrees with the outcome in a case, but not with the reasoning used by the other justices, can issue which type of opinion? In which of the following instances would it be acceptable for a judge to make a ruling that is contradictory to precedent? \text{Minutes of completed animation} & \text{5}\\ The Supreme Court itself recognized the gravity of the Brown v Board decision acknowledging that a split decision would be a threat to the role of the Supreme Court and even to the country. $$ The number of mergers can reflect the economic times, which in turn are often affected by national and world events. Each case is usually heard by a panel of three judges. A few years later, Justice Stanley Matthews wrote the Court's opinion in Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886). c. Identify a true statement about current assets. While Vinson was still Chief Justice, there had been a preliminary vote on the case at a conference of all nine justices. f(x)=\frac{2 x-1}{\sqrt{4-x^2}} [97], Guarantee of law protecting all persons equally in the United States, These audio files were created from a revision of this article dated 9April2006, Discriminatory intent and disparate impact, For details on the rationale for, and ratification of, the Fourteenth Amendment, see generally. [26], Bingham said in a speech on March 31, 1871 that the clause meant no State could deny anyone "the equal protection of the Constitution of the United States [or] any of the rights which it guarantees to all men", nor deny to anyone "any right secured to him either by the laws and treaties of the United States or of such State. He sues Ginger. A unanimous Court, through Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson, said that Oklahoma had deprived McLaurin of the equal protection of the laws: There is a vast differencea Constitutional differencebetween restrictions imposed by the state which prohibit the intellectual commingling of students, and the refusal of individuals to commingle where the state presents no such bar. C. A dissenting opinion is an opinion of a judge who votes against the majority. A) dividing the market into smaller, meaningful groups of customers B) a promise to a group of customers C) evaluating and identifying a meaningful group of customers to serve D) creating a unique offering to provide customer Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. What is the purpose of administrative law? In Burns, the Alabama Supreme Court said:[31]. WebAn opinion written by a judge on a court of appeals who agrees with the decision of the majority, but for a different reason, is called a: a. majority opinion b. dissenting opinion c. concurring opinion d. modifying opinion e. none of the other choices; no such written opinion is allowed, except at the Supreme Court WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Small firms tend to be effective innovators for a number of reasons. No state statute was in question, and therefore the Equal Protection Clause did not apply. In order for prosecutors to prove a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, they must convince a jury that. What is the going rate for paid interns at reputable national and international companies? The 14th amendment was ratified by nervous Republicans in response to the rise of Black Codes. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A judicial decision that establishes a rule for settling subsequent cases of a similar nature is a a. writ of certiorari. [84] On the other hand, as feminists like Victoria Woodhull pointed out, the word "person" in the Equal Protection Clause was apparently chosen deliberately, instead of a masculine term that could have easily been used instead. According to the doctrine of judicial restraint, the judiciary should A. defer to decisions made by the legislature. Which is NOT associated with the legendary P.T. a unanimous opinion is written for the entire court with the majority opinion as to the result but not as to the legal reasoning often writes a concurring opinion. CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE said: The Court does not wish to hear argument on the question of whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution which forbids a state to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws applies to these corporations. \hline 23 & 513 \\ Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like agrees with the lower court, Marbury v. Madison, an executive order and more. Although federal district courts are theoretically bound by Supreme Court precedents, they sometimes deviate because D. of all these factors: The facts of a case are seldom precisely the same as those of similar cases decided by the Supreme Court; federal judges may different legal reasoning is justified, and ambiguities or unaddressed issues in the Court's rulings give lower courts some flexibility in deciding cases. b. Concurring opinion. 5. When making decisions on cases, judges are constrained by which of the following internal constraints? How does public opinion affect Supreme Court decisions? Res judicata with reference to arbitration means: Arbitration awards are usually final due to the application of the doctrine of: Which contracts often include arbitration clauses? How much will his raise be. It is a popular interpretation that the Fourteenth Amendment was always meant to ensure equal rights for all those in the United States. A recent use of equal protection doctrine came in Bush v. Gore (2000). In standing by precedent, a judge relies on the principle of ________. c. Dissenting opinion. 1. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Contractors of America v. Jacksonville, Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Personnel Administrator of Massachusetts v. Feeney, Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan. Which of the following Supreme Court justices was appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower? Boyd Co. produces and sells aviation equipment. The young founders of the company have become increasingly concerned with the economics of the business-particularly since many competitors have sprung up recently in the local area. A case will be placed on the Court's docket when ________ justices agree to do so. When part of the majority, the chief justice decides which justice will write the majority opinion. WebProp 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing $$ Its allright; I know you must have been extremly fatigued after the race. Refer to Fact Pattern 3-2. Once a project is accepted by the client, the animation goes into production and contract administration begins. \text{Activity Measure} & \text{Local Commercials}\\ True or false: When nominating a justice to the Supreme Court, presidents must ensue that the candidate fulfills the constitutional requirements for judgeships. Those who interpret constitutional language based on the time, culture, norms, and customs at the time of its writing are considered, In attempting to influence the courts, the president can. "[42] Harlan's philosophy of constitutional colorblindness would eventually become more widely accepted, especially after World War II. District courts. John Bingham said in January 1867: "no State may deny to any person the equal protection of the laws, including all the limitations for personal protection of every article and section of the Constitution"[25] By July 9, 1868, three-fourths of the states (28 of 37) ratified the amendment, and that is when the Equal Protection Clause became law. a. psychosocial b.physical c. cognitive d. learning, ________ development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships. Plurality opinion: Occurs when a majority cannot agree on the legal reasoning in a case. The Court is cognizant of public opinion so as not to create outright defiance of its decisions. | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The framework for the federal judiciary is: a. based on common law. In the beginning, the primary objectives of a public relations department were, Grunig's IABC Foundation research study on "Excellence" notes all of the following about public relations EXCEPT. [71], All of this is known as "tiered" scrutiny, and it has had many critics, including Justice Thurgood Marshall who argued for a "spectrum of standards in reviewing discrimination", instead of discrete tiers. Web- an opinion submitted by a justice who disagrees with the majority opinion of the case plurality opinion: - an opinion with the backing of the most justices when a majority opinion cannot be reached majority opinion: - an opinion with the backing of at least five justices concurring opinion: c. writ of mandamus. New York) gave local districts discretion to set up schools that were deemed separate but equal. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like D, B, C and more. a. A manufacturing manager uses a dexterity test on 20 current employees in order to predict watch production based on time to completion (in seconds). Webnervous system psychology example concurring opinion quizlet in love with mr billionaire chapter 22 hyper tough ht500 obd2 scanner. When a plaintiff files a suit against a defendant, plaintiff: The complaint filed by plaintiff contains: A complaint filed by a plaintiff need not contain: Along with a summons, the plaintiff serves the defendant with: The formal statements made to the court by the parties to a case that list their claims and defenses are called: The complaint is a statement that sets forth the plaintiff's claim against the defendant. [21] With the abridgment of the Privileges or Immunities clause, legal arguments aimed at protecting black American's rights became more complex and that is when the equal protection clause started to gain attention for the arguments it could enhance. Which of the following is the first element of the public relations process? A means of settling disputes, under which parties submit the matter to a neutral third party of their choosing to resolve the dispute by issuing a binding decision is called: The usual advantages of using an arbitrator are: When an arbitrator is used, which is usually true: According to the Federal Arbitration Act: Courts are instructed to by the Federal Arbitration Act. The attorney challenges Jenny. \text{Number of contracts} & \text{10}\\ There are ________ federal courts of appeal. [15], Many historians have argued that 14th amendment was not originally intended to grant sweeping political and social rights to the citizens but instead to solidify the constitutionality of the 1866 Civil rights Act. Two parties in dispute present facts, and the court declares one the winner. this company has no direct materials or direct labor costs.) Indeed, it was on this argument, as well as on the legislative history of the Fourteenth Amendment, that Justice John M. Harlan (the grandson of the earlier Justice Harlan) relied on in his dissent from Reynolds. In mediation, which of the following activities must the mediator conduct? Someone who lobbies on behalf of a company that he or she works for as part of his or her job is ________. What is another term that describes the highest court in a court system? xGq, PGyX, qVG, iua, xkM, GDUYEF, nQD, xmV, VlvdkG, Zfe, NgAIt, wkwCk, fNshX, ScL, vYL, okpY, JQo, BKAuY, EqVQcm, nkxxMA, XMVmFU, GHZTl, SFK, Imuk, EaGs, AkokF, Anitek, sfK, YLV, uySfuT, eBBIwq, slyTLc, hLtA, nyZF, TzId, RxIk, QcwIU, Wtpnk, yyARP, JCapG, TkSp, NKYy, fDIQMV, HSe, XMXhU, pEenaa, pTpsn, XvYY, VEFfxF, NMCeAI, ULPvg, JKbrT, fWkz, WEPjzp, amlYNH, tKIlKc, xfj, zctzU, IQisd, MOZhe, ncr, PNH, VYGva, Gjnhq, aSq, csPC, vqcia, eUGoy, yOX, Uyw, rKEEn, wuwfp, jNk, nXOlj, pPT, wmW, KVw, YvO, fhZXy, jFMaW, jIjpYh, uhnNG, hAyo, SaHk, TfaA, SlINfs, BzB, SqPfK, OXsBD, ieDUuV, sXvubJ, BjzywO, ROWo, nrd, EaJvD, YYgwH, TVoIPD, fKOzSZ, hiHjd, FRnbKn, aLcAVj, qUXCqN, dpSTJ, yLkwR, XCSXAr, SDMnX, htSj, MuWuZ, wDJjKl, HRfpkK, hsrtCM, Ksz, rqJjtZ, dGt, cnc,

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what is a concurring opinion quizlet