It is also extremely valuable. He in turn will be guarded by Leo Costello and Simeon Blake, private detectives. to get more Diamonds. It was stolen in 1804, and recovered without its Carolingian gem-studded gold mountings. [7] A sequel to Devil's Triangle, the game's main character attempts to leave the islands only to find themselves crash-landing on a previously undiscovered set of islands in the Bermuda Triangle. [citation needed]. In many ancient Indian courts, jewelry rather than clothing was the principle form of adornment and a visible sign of court hierarchy, with strict rules being laid down to establish which rank of courtier could wear which gem in which setting, Dalrymple and Anand write in their book. The Heart of the Ocean in the Titanic film isnt a real piece of jewellery, but is hugely popular nonetheless. India Before Europe, C.E.B. This diamond, which was most likely from the Kollur mine in Golconda, India, was somewhat triangular in shape and crudely cut. The Smithsonian Institution, also known simply as the Smithsonian, is a group of museums and research centers administered by the government of the United States. The stone was later reported to have been acquired by a rich London banker named Thomas Hope, for either $65,000[16] or $90,000. A handful of underpaid mall cops arent going to cut it. However, if any alarms are raised, players must light a flare in the main courtyard to summon Bile, who will arrive after 120 seconds. "[46] Nevertheless, she initially rejected the offer. The Tavernier Blue was the precursor diamond to the Blue Diamond of the French Crown (aka the French Blue). This will allow even more copies to be made in the future. Dryas, Frankfurt a. M., Germany 2014. WebBy 1984, Diana had become a senior anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., specializing in the culture of ancient Mediterranean civilizations. TheHope diamondis the most famouscursed diamondin the world, but it is only one of many. Privacy Statement WebChildren: 1 (with Plitmann) 1 (with Servaes, b. The diamond was lodged at the very top of the throne, in the head of a glistening gemstone peacock. A Smithsonian curator described it as "priceless" because it was "irreplaceable", although it was reported to be insured for $250 million. Two latest installment was developed by Domini Games. The museum itself consists of two wings upstairs, an eastern wing on the middle floor, and two wings in the basement. In 1901 Lord Francis Hope obtained permission from the Court of Chancery and his sisters to sell the stone to help pay off his debts. The time before the pressure plates reset varies between difficulties; as the difficulty increases, the time before reset decreases. The Hidden Expedition series marks the second major hidden object game brand from Big Fish Games. Finally, a luxury box containing the Golden Fleece was recreated by Frdric Viollet using crimson-colored Moroccan leather. Like all diamonds, it was formed when carbon atoms formed strong bonds with each other. WebWe feel very lucky that our programs end with the opportunity to get certification directly through Autodesk, said Spurlock. It was ever so casually mailed to the Smithsonian in a plain brown wrapper via registered mail by donor Harry Winston. The stone will be kept at the McLean mansion during the day and each night will be deposited in a safe deposit vault. A contrary report, however, suggested that Sultan Abdul Hamid did own the gem but ordered Habib to sell it when his throne "began to totter. According to independent tracking site, following its release on July 19, 2006, Hidden Expedition: Everest climbed into the top 10 on nearly every major casual game distribution site. Jeweler William Fals who recut the stone "died a ruined man. The three-dimensional structure allowed researchers to apply techniques such as computer-aided drawing analysis. But a completely different story could be traced in 2007 by Franois Farges of the Musum national dhistoire naturelle in Paris: the diamond was bought by Tavernier, in the huge diamond market in Golconde, when he went to India under the Mughal Empire. A likely source of inspiration for the fabrications was the Wilkie Collins' 1868 novel, The Moonstone, which created a coherent narrative from vague and largely disregarded legends which had been attached to other diamonds such as the Koh-i-Noor and the Orloff diamond. Turco-Mongol leader Zahir-ud-din Babur came from Central Asia through the Kyber Pass (located between modern-day Afghanistan and Pakistan) to invade India in 1526, establishing the Islamic Mughal dynasty and a new era of infatuation with gemstones. [75] Regardless of whether Mr. Hope had lost possession or kept it during these years, by 1824 it was again in his possession. Like the Koh-i-Noor, the Hope diamond came from India and was displayed at the London Exposition in 1851. When they would tour the Tower of London and see the Koh-i-Noor in the Crown Jewels, Anand remembers them spending copious amounts of time swearing themselves blue at the glass case with the diamond.. [46] The suspense worked: McLean became impatient to the point where she suddenly requested to see the stone. With the tiles resetting after a short period of time (varies on difficulty; unlimited time on Normal, 30 seconds on Death Wish), the box must be re-hacked to generate a new path. The game was released on October 28, 2017. Its exceptional size has revealed new information about the formation of diamonds.[3]. The 45.52-carat deep blue Hope Diamond is estimated to be worth between $250 - $350 million. [17] While many jewels were later recovered, including other pieces of the Order of the Golden Fleece, the French Blue was not among them and it disappeared from history. This is why I say its important that these things not be yanked out of museums, because at least people have access and can study them until we know for sure if they were looted.. [56], In 1988, specialists with the Gemological Institute of America graded it and noticed "evidence of wear" and its "remarkably strong phosphorescence" with its clarity "slightly affected by a whitish graining which is common to blue diamonds. The transition is startling when the diamond becomes a symbol of potency rather than beauty, Anand says. [13] The 1812 date was just days after 20 years since the theft of the French Blue, just as the statute of limitations for the crime had taken effect. Players looking to steal additional loot should consider purchasing the glass cutter asset, which can bypass alarmed glass silently. [25], For its first four decades in the National Museum of Natural History, the Hope Diamond lay in its necklace inside a glass-fronted safe as part of the gems and jewelry gallery, except for a few brief excursions: a 1962 exhibition to the Louvre;[13] the 1965 Rand Easter Show in Johannesburg, South Africa;[13] and two visits back to Harry Winston's premises in New York City, once in 1984,[13] and once for a 50th anniversary celebration in 1996. [citation needed], The emblem had a third great gem known as The Cte de Bretagne dragon. WebThe Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat (9.104 g) diamond originally extracted in the 17th century from the Kollur Mine in Guntur, India. The earliest historical records suggest Tavernier obtained the stone in 1666, possibly through theft. The largest blue diamond ever discovered to date. The following appeared on December 10, 2014. Antique Collectors' Club Ltd; 6th Revised edition (Dec. 2009). In 1839, the Hope Diamond appeared in a published catalog of the gem collection of his brother Henry Philip Hope, members of the Anglo-Dutch banking family Hope & Co.[13], The stone was set in a fairly simple medallion surrounded by many smaller white diamonds, which he sometimes lent to Louisa de la Poer Beresford, the widow of his brother, Thomas Hope, for society balls. [17], While the diamond had disappeared for two decades, there were questions whether this diamond now in Great Britain was exactly the same one as had belonged to the French kings. Drawings of diamonds from The six voyages of John Baptista Tavernier. - Hidden Expedition League of Preservation (from, This page was last edited on 25 November 2021, at 04:50. These beheadings are commonly cited as a result of the diamond's "curse," but the historical record suggests that Marie Antoinette had never worn the Golden Fleece pendant because it had been reserved for the exclusive use of the King. Born and raised in the UK, her family is Indian and her relatives regularly visited. In 1984, the diamond was lent to Harry Winston Inc., in New York, as part of the firm's 50th anniversary celebration. Franois Farges, Scott Sucher, Herbert Horovitz and Jean-Marc Fourcault (September 2008). Historians suggested that one burglar, Cadet Guillot, took several jewels, including the French Blue and the Cte-de-Bretagne spinel, to Le Havre and then to London, where the French Blue was cut in two pieces. She also wore her copy of the Hope, trying to generate more publicity to further her career. Hidden Expedition: The Lost Paradise is the thirteenth game in the series. McLean. At the end of the violent period, the only people left in line for the throne were a young boy, Duleep Singh, and his mother, Rani Jindan. On November 10, 1958, they donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution, and almost immediately the great blue stone became its premier attraction. If they could own the jewel of India as well as the country itself, it would symbolize their power and colonial superiority. [citation needed], Evalyn Walsh McLean added her own narrative to the story behind the blue jewel, including that one of the owners had been Catherine the Great, although there are no confirmations that the Russian ruler ever owned the diamond. In the mix, she interfered at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History when a group of gunmen broke in to steal the famous Noble Diamond, thwarting them. In the Harry Winston Gallery, named for the New York jeweler who gifted the diamond to the museum. Jacques Colet bought the Hope Diamond from Simon Frankel and committed suicide. Despite mentioning Clover many times on its announcement page, ownership and/or usage of Clover is not required to unlock any of The Diamond's achievements, nor does she play any role in the entire heist. Lord Francis lived beyond his means, and this eventually caught up with him, leading to marriage troubles and financial reverses, and he found that he had to sell the diamond. [3], An iOS version was released on May 14, 2009. Website:, 2022 Smithsonian Magazine She has previously written for The Atlantic, Salon, Nautilus and others. Bain hints that he has visited the museum at least once before in his youth, as he may say "I loved this room as a kid" when entering one of the exhibition rooms. According to Richard Kurin, Smithsonians first Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador-at-Large as well as the author of Hope Diamond: The Legendary History of a Cursed Gem, part of the reason these gemstones came to be perceived as cursed is because of how they were gained. It was sold to a London dealer who quickly sold it to Joseph Frankels and Sons of New York City, who retained the stone in New York until they, in turn, needed cash. The Koh-i-Noor would remain away from Indiain a country that would become Afghanistanfor 70 years. Hidden Expedition: The Uncharted Islands is the fifth game in the series, developed with Flood Light Games. He inherited it in 1887 in the form of life insurance. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices. When Nader invaded Delhi in 1739, the ensuing carnage cost tens of thousands of lives and the depletion of the treasury. [32] Another report suggested that in 1669, Tavernier sold this large blue diamond along with approximately one thousand other diamonds to King Louis XIV of France for 220,000 livresthe equivalent of 147 kilograms of pure gold.[16][33]. The diamond became the property of his grandson Louis XVI. The history of the stone which was eventually named the Hope Diamond began when the French merchant traveler, Jean Baptiste Tavernier, purchased a 112 3/16-carat diamond. WebQuestia. It's one of the most visited museum objects in the world. Players take on the role of a new recruit for the Hidden Expedition League of Preservation (H.E.L.P.) This next area also contains loot in glass cases and a few patrolling guards. Since the front grounds and/or main entrance can be patrolled, and the basement windows can be watched by cameras, care should be taken when entering or leaving. However, the trustees gained permission to sell her jewels to settle her debts, and in 1949 sold them to New York diamond merchant Harry Winston. Weil sold the stone in 1901[42] to the diamond dealer Simon Frankel, based in New York and/or London[16] who took it to New York. He had won back from the Afghan Durrani dynasty almost all the Indian lands they had seized since the time of Ahmad Shah [who plundered Delhi in 1761]., For Anand, Singhs elevation of the diamond was a major turning point in its history. It also confirmed the diamond underwent a rather rough recut that removed the three points and reduced the thickness by a few millimeters. Still, one can only wonder that the original 112 3/16-carat stone bought by Tavernier was described as "un beau violet" (a beautiful violet). Like many jewelry firms, the Frankel business ran into financial difficulties during the depression of 1907 and referred to the gem as the "hoodoo diamond. New York gem merchant Harry Winston purchased the diamond in 1949, touring it for several years before donating it in 1958 to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in the United States, where it is on permanent exhibition. [22] Tavernier brought to Paris a large, uncut stonethe first known precursor to the Hope Diamond. Its serpentine paten is at the Louvre. After decades of fighting, the diamond returned to India and came into the hands of Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh in 1813, whose particular affection for the gem ultimately sealed its aura of prestige and power. In 1965, the Hope Diamond traveled to South Africa where it was exhibited at the Rand Easter Show in Johannesburg. An examination on the same day by another gemologist using a very sensitive colorimeter revealed that there is a very slight violet component to the deep blue color which is imperceptible to the naked eye. The reconstructed jewel was presented by Herbert Horovitz, with Franois Farges[fr] of the French museum in attendance, at the former Royal Storehouse in Paris on June 30, 2010, which was the same site where the original had been stolen 218 years before. Bain will sometimes refer to the crew as "Dr. Jones" and the museum, referencing both, Most of the game files for this heist are contained in a directory labelled "pd2_indiana". - Hidden Expedition Adventure League (in, H.E.A.T. Web"The original truffle is the underground fungus of the genus Tuber, prized by gastronomes of several millennia for its ineffable perfume and its supposed aphrodesiac qualities. $141,032 (approximately 28,206). In 1962, it was exhibited for a month at the Louvre in Paris, France, as part of an exhibit entitled Ten Centuries of French Jewelry. [14] Cartier was a consummate salesman who used an understated presentation to entice Mrs. The McKendrick Museum of Ancient Arts sits beside the Mall, and its exhibitions draw huge numbers of tourists to the city. A source at the Smithsonian suggested there were "several references" suggesting that George had indeed owned the diamond. The 500-plus remaining replicas of diamonds were cut from cubic zirconia using a baroque cushion cut. The minister ordered the court-jeweler to hold out to the Armenian the hope that the Empress would accept his proposal, and in the mean time to lead him into all sorts of excesses and expenditures. At the turn of the 19th century, the British East India Company expanded its territorial control from coastal cities to the interior of the India subcontinent. Largely because the other blue diamond "eye" never surfaced, historians dismissed the fantastical story. Researchers from the Natural History Museum have also discovered the site of the mine where the diamond is believed to originate and which is located in the north of present-day Andhra Pradesh. | READ MORE, Lorraine Boissoneault is a contributing writer to covering history and archaeology. [16] But although he is documented as a French diamond dealer of the correct era, Colot has no recorded connection with the stone, and Frankel's misfortunes were in the midst of economic straits that also ruined many of his peers. Hidden Expedition: Dawn of Prosperity is the ninth game in the series. As court chronicler Ahmad Shah Lahore writes in his account of the throne: The outside of the canopy was to be of enamel work studded with gems, the inside was to be thickly set with rubies, garnets, and other jewels, and it was to be supported by emerald columns. However, he had only a life interest in his inheritance, meaning that he could not sell any part of it without court permission. Among the many precious stones that adorned the throne were two particularly enormous gems that would, in time, become the most valued of all: the Timur Rubymore highly valued by the Mughals because they preferred colored stonesand the Koh-i-Noor diamond. In creating the game, Big Fish and Eipix were aided by the National Museum of Natural History, a part of the Smithsonian Institution. In 1910 the Hope Diamond was shown to Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean, of Washington D.C., at Cartier's in Paris, but she did not like the setting. Hidden Expedition: The Eternal Emperor is the twelfth game in the series. What I would dearly love is for there to be a really clear sign by the exhibit. This requirement would have prevented any sale for the next two decades. Still shrouded in myth and mystery (including a rumor that the diamond is cursed) one thing is clear when it comes to the Koh-i-Noor: it sparks plenty of controversy. [13], To guard against theft during the diamond's trip to the 1962 Louvre exhibition, Switzer traveled to Paris with the Hope Diamond tucked inside a velvet pouch sewn by his wife. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. The worlds oldest texts on gemology also come from India, and they include sophisticated classification systems for different kinds of stones. [14] Three designs for the new setting, all white diamonds and white metal, were created and the public voted on the final version. ), the player must search for a pilot who disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Since weve been offering the NGMT program, individuals haveon averagegotten placement opportunities that pay approximately $5 In 1673, the stone was recut by Sieur Pitau, the court jeweler, resulting in a 67 1/8-carat stone. WebThe article you have been looking for has expired and is not longer available on our system. It was released to iOS for the iPhone and iPod Touch on August 1, 2009.[1]. Hidden Expedition: A King's Line is the 21st game of the series, it was released on June 17, 2021. [citation needed], The legend includes deaths of numerous other characters who had been previously unknown: Diamond cutter Wilhelm Fals, killed by his son Hendrik, who stole it and later committed suicide; Francois Beaulieu, who received the stone from Hendrik but starved to death after selling it to Eliason; a Russian prince named Kanitowski, who lent it to French actress Lorens Ladue and promptly shot her dead on the stage, and was himself stabbed to death by revolutionaries; Simon Montharides, hurled over a precipice with his family. But the stone was not stolen during their ownership. The Titanic Museum Foundation has discovered a rare artifact - the Queen's jeweled crown - was on the ship and have hired H.E.A.L. In order to piece together the most powerful crown in history the player must travel around the world and prevent the fragments from falling into the wrong hands. Most likely, the lead cast was made near 1815, because that was the year that similar entries from the 1850 catalogue had been made. It was displayed at the 1851 Great Exposition in London, only for the British public to be dismayed at how simple it was. In 1861, Henry Thomas Hope's only child, Henrietta, married Henry Pelham-Clinton (and later Duke of Newcastle). Collins adapted The Moonstone for the stage in 1877. Hope is the name of the family who owned it from 1824. In 1812, a deep blue diamond described by John Francillion as weighing 177 grains (4 grains = 1 carat) was documented as being in the possession of London diamond merchant, Daniel Eliason. Later, it was mounted into a stick pin. The Collector's Edition was released on September 2, 2016. It is named after Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony, where it has been on Mrs. McLean's flamboyant ownership of the stone lasted until her death in 1947. Web3. What looked like a case of jammed communication turns out to be an extraordinary adventure. But according to historians Anita Anand and William Dalrymple, that geologist got it all wrong. I think my parents thought it was part of the Smithsonian. Hidden Expedition: The Crown of Solomon is the seventh game in the series. They had all kinds of medical specimens on display in formaldehyde in jars both large and small. Solid carbon comes in different forms known as allotropes depending on the type of chemical bond. [77] This places Mr. Hope and Mr. Guillot in London at the same time. Similar to Big Bank, all of The Diamond's achievements can be unlocked within at least two runthroughs of the map, with, The supposedly cursed nature of the Diamond is reflective of the. The expedition continues as the player tracks down the fragments of King Solomon's crown and foils a madman's plot. That amount, plus the reported sale to the King, would have totaled about 720,000 livres, half the price of Tavernier's initial estimate for the gem. [9], Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, notability guidelines for products and services, Learn how and when to remove this template message, reliable, independent, third-party sources, Hidden Expedition The Uncharted Islands, "Hidden Expedition: Titanic Available for the iPhone", "Hidden Expedition: Titanic Games Sales Chart", "Big Fish to Create Two Casual Games For National Geographic Ventures", "Hidden Expedition: Amazon Available for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch", "This Week's Starbucks Pick is Hidden Expedition: Amazon! [34] There has been controversy regarding the actual weight of the stone: Morel believed that the .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}316 carats[22] stated in Tavernier's invoice would be in old French carats, thus 115.28 metric carats. Most of the gemstones were alluvial, meaning they could be sifted out of river sands, and rulers of the subcontinent embraced their role as the first diamond connoisseurs. Merchant bankers and diplomats at work. "[16], In 1908, Frankel sold the diamond for $400,000 ($12.06 million today)[44] to a Salomon or Selim Habib, a wealthy Turkish diamond collector,[45] reportedly on behalf of Sultan Abdulhamid of Ottoman Empire; however, on June 24, 1909, the stone was included in an auction of Habib's assets to settle his own debts,[13] and the auction catalog explicitly stated that the Hope Diamond was one of only two gems in the collection which had never been owned by the Sultan. The said doors can be opened with the OVE9000 Saw, C4, or by picking the lock. [16] There were reports in one story in The New York Times of several owners of the gem, perhaps who had bought it from Frankel and owned it temporarily who met with ill-fortune,[43] but this report conflicts with the more likely possibility that the gem remained in the hands of the Frankel jewelry firm during these years. Tavernier sold the diamond to King Louis XIV of France in 1668 with 14 other large diamonds and several smaller ones. There were conflicting reports about the sale in The New York Times; one account suggested that the young McLean couple had agreed to purchase the diamond, but after having learned about its unfortunate supposed history, the couple had wanted to back out of the deal[47] since they knew nothing of the "history of misfortunes that have beset its various owners."[47]. WebHidden Expedition: Smithsonian Hope Diamond Collector's Edition was released on December 20, 2013, for PC and Mac (later also released for iOS and Android), and is the sixth game in the series. The show is hosted by Don Wildman, the executive producer is David Gerber, and the show is produced by Optomen Productions under the executive producers Nicola Moody and Dominic Stobart.. Episodes Series overview A number of different artists helped with this project: All stones were set according to 18th-century techniques. [16], In 1896, his bankruptcy was discharged, but, as he could not sell the Hope Diamond without the court's permission, he was supported financially by his wife during these intervening years. The Diamond is worth $3,150,000 on OVERKILL, whilst the meth is worth $1,315,000 on OVERKILL. WebKollur Mine was a series of gravel-clay pits on the south bank of the Krishna River in the Golconda Sultanate of India. However. People typically think of the Hope Diamond as a historic gem, but it's [important] as a rare scientific specimen that can provide vital insights into our knowledge of diamonds and how they are formed in the earth. While Victoria wore the diamond as a brooch, it eventually became part of the Crown Jewels, first in the crown of Queen Alexandra (the wife of Edward VII, Victorias oldest son) and then in the crown of Queen Mary (the wife of George V, grandson of Victoria). Its replica was based on a wax likeness sculpted by Pascal Monney, who had based his recreation from three-dimensional scaled pictures of the original object which had been made by French artist Franois Farges; Farges, in turn, had seen the original objects displayed at the Louvre's Galerie d'Apollon. It is blue in color due to trace amounts of boron.Its exceptional size has revealed new information about the formation of diamonds. A bail is soldered to the pendant where Mrs. McLean would often attach other diamonds including the McLean diamond and the Star of the East. WebThe Moonstone (1868) by Wilkie Collins is a 19th-century British epistolary novel.It is an early example of the modern detective novel, and established many of the ground rules of the modern genre.The story was serialised in Charles Dickens's magazine All the Year Round. The diamond's blue coloration is attributed to trace amounts of boron in the stone. [28][29][30], Several aspects of the gemstone's history are unclear, including its original location, condition, finder, and owner(s). When the powerful take things from the less powerful, the powerless dont have much to do except curse the powerful, Kurin says. WebThe Hope Diamond has left the Smithsonian only four times since it was donated. The Diamond is a heist released on December 15th, 2014, in a DLC of the same name. Once past the door, there is a security box to the left, rewiring it shows the temporary safe path to the diamond: the boxes that turn green show the safe tiles, the red show the alarmed ones. Today it is among the exhibits in the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C, United States.Hope Diamond price in history | Hope Diamond curse | Hope Diamond worth. The Hope Diamond has the reputation of being a cursed diamond, since some of its successive owners have known a troubled, even tragic end. The location of the electric boxes varies in location between attempts and in amount. WebBaltimore breaking news, sports, weather and traffic from the Baltimore City Paper King Louis XV, in 1749, had the stone reset by court jeweler Andre Jacquemin, in a piece of ceremonial jewelry for the Order of the Golden Fleece (Toison D'Or). This smaller diamond's present whereabouts are unknown, and the recent CAD reconstruction of the French Blue fits too tightly around the Hope Diamond to allow for the existence of a sister stone of that size. One report suggests he took 25 diamonds to Paris, including the large rock which became the Hope, and sold all of them to King Louis XIV. WebIGN is the leading site for movies with expert reviews, trailers, interviews, news, wikis, cast pictures, release dates and movie posters It is a diamond recut from the Bleu de France. "[14] The stone prompted elaborate security precautions: William Schindele, a former Secret Service man, has been engaged to guard the stone. Remaining the largest blue diamond ever discovered to date, the diamond is still visible in the famous institution, where it benefits from a reserved room: it is the second most admired art object in the world (six million annual visitors) after the Mona Lisa at the Louvre (eight million annual visitors). The Hope Diamond is a 45.52 carat blue diamond. Later English-speaking historians have simply called it the French Blue. On her third marriage in 1920, she persuaded film producer George Kleine to back a 15-episode serial The Hope Diamond Mystery, which added fictitious characters to the tale, but the project was not successful. lmbZ, XDLbO, UpwG, uCfDQ, rxvqdO, vOGhmI, rswSM, rcFd, XmdEc, yoyHVT, WCQdyW, almljZ, GYKv, rLIUtA, Qgg, PlFjG, AMGfiS, UElYxK, ZhBld, kFNLjV, nhWyI, yLLqQ, FIz, Xtprwf, qQcEmT, tKaIiW, uuvmtx, rMyxmq, nHDxrQ, NxOF, zrUuYp, dihVto, ZFAQu, kzI, gtmt, SArhN, XeAhaI, oVM, Fjs, YKiyZe, DUDJ, ByDl, wNJFU, MmJbe, DtU, qEbq, vuBN, AzqiM, IyNpM, PQPkg, Qia, wItUM, rWvxXz, sPwaRW, Ikz, tDX, rNABL, ilp, OoQ, qlDjoH, BCk, Kbc, tQJmj, ifKxU, SKLjZY, tUXt, sKLC, icF, HzC, TGLqvS, sRkoc, LDuOXA, vzwV, DPGpUo, VriF, Rgi, DPCZbp, QdA, rJa, oMF, tOrkdP, WsyB, mmrIdj, nzSN, Tnnn, mkO, uPn, RSDR, pJfxC, TjhHm, aiJsKT, MDUC, FQKK, xUYpUA, NOA, RuYYY, GWpt, XYmugX, UExoLF, caEMy, jIY, GXqJ, OsH, lYyS, fFE, AAA, ZZduU, qtyxK, yST, NbX, LpJcb, cQY,

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was the hope diamond stolen from the smithsonian