Mr. This is a critical period, note Patrick, Anderman, Ruan, Edelin, and Midgley (2001) and Patrick et al. Think of yourself as a warm demander when addressing undesirable student behaviors Warm demander is a teaching style that was coined in the 1970s. Robert has collaborated with teachers, leaders, parents, and community members across the United States and has been a teacher at nearly all levels. Some of my students were new to the district and had not even been on campus. They are also more confident in engaging socially as they are more confident and know that they have support when things get tricky. When there is security, the teacher can be firm, have rules and boundaries in place, and hold high expectations, and the students will comply out of mutual respect. . They are not afraid of failure or letting their teacher down because they know she will have their back. Their classes may have been a blast, but they had no concern for managing student behavior, didnt look for opportunities to challenge and encourage academics and were easily manipulated. In one of the sessions, our presenters shared something called the "Warm Demander Chart." This chart is based on the work of Zaretta Hammond, and it looks like this: . Practice it with the students at the beginning of class. I am going to leave audio feedback and use the questionnaire you suggested. The practices that cultivated connectedness included: (1) acting as warm demanders; (2) responding to students' social-emotional needs; and (3) trying to bridge the digital . Have inspiring material? Flipgrid is a very user friendly way to pose a question via video (there is a written component available) and students leave a video response (can be audio only or text onlystudent choice ) Depending on how one sets the controls, the students can see their classmates responses to each prompt. Ill go check it out! It was one of four categories that she identified. In their exploration of the reasons behind their findings, they discovered four themes. 3. The foundation for this is the building of trust in the instructor-student relationship. I have such good news today: many educators have gone before us, and the field of humanizing online learning spaces is not new. In the literature on culturally responsive pedagogy warm demanders are teachers who embrace values and enact practices that are central to their students' success. Participation is a huge aspect of engagement and how much the students will take away from the lesson. Last spring I crisis learned how to use Flipgrid to build and maintain relationships with my at risk population of alternative school students, grades 9-12. This study examines the relation between students' perceptions of 634 teachers' warm demander characteristics and do or say (Rogers, 1957). Perhaps Marian Pasquale, Senior Research Scientist and middle school science specialist, captures it best: As students engage with a task, they must be mindful about the strategy they employ and assess whether it is productive. And Katie, thank you for the Flipgrid recommendation. All those variables? to make something friendlier to humans. We'll talk more about that next. Here's an example from one of my courses last spring: At the end of writing this post, I gave a mighty exhalation. See howJabaridescribesMs. Jacksonsresponse tohis thinking and action. Warm demanders nurture and care for their students without lowering academic expectations or standards. These are qualities often associated with academic rigor and success. . Below, I'll share all that I've learned from folks far more expert than me in this realm of humanizing a distance education. Four Months In: Hows Your Will to Teach? Focusing on you is where the real power's at because you can choose how you show up in your classroom each day. Find out students' interests and use them in your lessons. Where has your teaching journey taken you? Some questions to consider answering in your intro video story: If that seems like a lot, it is! This not only extends to their learning style and what their driving force is academically but also on a personal level. Becoming a warm-demander requires attention to both sides of the equation: emotional and instructional. patience, persistence, facilitation, validation and empowerment for the Explain the term "warm demanders" and culturally responsive teacher. Accept personal responsibility for student success 2. Earns the right to demand engagement and . Julia G. Thompson agreed to answer a few questions about the new fourth edition of her popular book, The First-Year Teacher's Survival Guide. Most of the time, he likes to use basketball. So notice what we're doing here we're picking certain students for higher-touch (but still efficient) interventions. When mutual respect and trust are in place, it encourages self-discipline and self-control among the students. Consequently, Mr. Wallace is developing students sense of agency by insisting and working with students to change cant to can.. Show a non-academic side of you, which heightens your social presence (i.e., it makes you feel like a real person). The very first step in becoming a warm demander is to establish a relationship of trust and mutual respect with your students. Respect is a two-way street. The Teacher as Warm Demander - The Teacher as How can you. Study Resources. The teacher/student relationship is built on trust. Through the teachers tone, interactions and body language, the student understands that they are in a safe place, but they also have a part to play. In 1975, Kleinfeld coined Being awarm demandersas pedagoguesmeans that youdemonstrate practices that areconsistentwith culturally relevant pedagogy(Ladson-Billings, 1994). But then again, it's not I took it all from this two-minute instructor welcome video by Dr. Sarah Williams. The Teacher as How can you create an engaging classroom? We build long-term relationships with our authors, educators, clients, and associations who partner with us to develop and continuously improve the best, evidence-based practices that establish and support lifelong learning. Thank you for doing this! I know it can be freaky to put yourself out there on video for an online course; my encouragement is to do it nonetheless. The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Corwin. Being awarm demanderasacaregivermeans beingdedicated toyourstudents needs and familiar with what motivatesthemto work to meetyourhigh expectations. Andrea, what a kindness that is. Some like to be called upon; others are terrified by it (a problem, by the way, that a humanized classroom helps to remedy; more on that here). You offer us a wealth of knowledge and you are also a source of generosity for our craft! To humanize online learning spaces, Michelle recommends that we: The first step to humanizing an online learning classroom is to humanize yourself. Three local students each recently received a $3,000 scholarship to continue their education at the next level at the 2022 Camos to Classroom gala sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans of America Sierra Nevada chapter 989. Sometimes it is simply offering flexibility when covering new material or asking students to describe the steps of a process. Phone: 805-499-9734 (In the video, her dog makes a cameo.). (Ed. There is a lot to be said about building and maintaining relationships with your students. Active Demandingness & Personal Warmth with Family In a short scene at the beginning of the film, Jaime is taking out the trash as he makes small talk with his neighbors. 33-45). does a mathematics teacher show that he or she cares about you? I dont know how she does it, but sometimes sheknowswhat we are going to do and say before we do and say anythingshe knows us so well that she gets us out of trouble before we get in troubleIn math, sheknowsthe right thing to say to help us with our work.. Sandy, Im so glad. As I have said here many a time thanks for all you do and blessings to your wonderful family that I know is the source of your inspiration! A social tiff can open channels of communication and strengthen a bond. Most of the time, he likes to use basketball.. I hope your cat is doing better since she was at the vet? The teacher takes an interest in things that interest their students and is happy to talk about these interests. Thank you for these practical ways to humanize learning spaces so students are more apt to engage with teachers and content! When it comes from an encouraging place, where the student genuinely feels that their teachers believe in them, they are more likely to aim high. Please reply with an update so that I can help you get back on track with the course. Students love to laugh and enjoy humor with their teachers. Discover trustworthy and timely resources in American government, politics, history, public policy and current affairs. Here's a video that exemplifies the done is better than perfect vibe that we're going for with our instructional videos. Further, giving students the space to work through an issue or problem and arrive at a solution on their own helps them develop persistence and resilience as they pursue that solution and reach their learning goal. They convince Explore research monographs, classroom texts, and professional development titles. high expectations which I will address in category three. I am very grateful to John for sharing this with me, and I am very grateful to Michelle for making this work accessible to us all through a Creative Commons-Attribution license. the readiness for continued studies in mathematics. She described it as an equity approach, built on the belief that you will be far more successful when showing your students that they matter to you and that you refuse to give up on them. When did you decide that you wanted to teach? This was extremely helpful and convincing that I need to use audio/video feedback this year (as well as so many other good ideas). The students must also fully understand what is expected, so they are fully equipped to deliver and avoid consequences. The following are essential elements in the warm demander approach. on students meeting their high expectations. . Wise Feedback at the Heart of Identity Safe Formative Assessment. Students who have a positive, trusting relationship with their teachers are more likely to leave their comfort zones socially and academically. Katie, this is a wealth of insight right here thank you for adding *such* value to this post. Strict in this contextmeansthatthesestudents see this type of behavior as an effort to push them to attain success and manage the class environment that supported and fostered success. Kristine Napper looks at how having high expectations and demanding high standards improves equity in education provided it is done while conveying compassion. But with everybody in their own homes learning, there may be more potential there too, so I'm excited about . Begin to develop the skills necessary to implement the No-Nonsense Nurturer Four-Step Model to actively engage 100% of students: Plan to build relationships with students and their families. Catherine Conner, author of "Understanding and Using Productive Struggle in the Classroom" states "to use productive struggle in the classroom or become a warm demander, consider modifications or additions to existing course design or teaching strategies rather than a wholesale redesign of a course. Classroom Environment and Achievement Growth Lia E. Sandilos, Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, and Julia J. Cohen University of Virginia Theory suggests that African American students benet from warm and demanding teachers. Im so glad, Abigail. Delpit's bestselling and paradigm-shifting first book, Other People's Children , focused on cultural slippage in the classroom between white teachers and students of color. 1st Grade Teaching Resources (29) Anchor . He brings a strong sense of equity and fairness, rooted in my understanding of the mathematical experiences of students of color and the belief that all students deserve access to learning environments and resources that support their engagement with mathematics. A teacher who is a warm demander has a demeanor characterized by Where did you go? To put this into practice, as you track student performance or engagement throughout an online teacher semester, note the dips and respond with a personal message to students that takes into account any real-world challenges the student has identified. We could say that these are four hallmarks of a humanized learning space: feeling valued, known, respected, and safe. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Corwin has one mission: to enhance education through intentional professional learning. They say that many teachers in high-poverty schools struggle in their classrooms because they do not have these characteristics when dealing with their students. participants (Gay 2000). Those receiving scholarships were Roger Gahan, a U.S. Army veteran seeking a master's degree in social work; Blake Jensen, a . The only way to succeed is if the connection is built on trust. Even if the teacher can counter it and reason with the student, pointing out that their perspective is unreasonable or their reasoning is irrational, the fact that they were listened to will go a long way. 2. You bust out the phone, take a quick thinking of you video, and place it in the announcements section of your course. There are so many different apps that students can utilize to help them stay engaged in class. I have found that this approach works very well with the students that I educate. Warm Demand & Academic Achievement Resource (Back to Table of Contents) How to use this guide: 1. Review the definition of warm demand, and the beliefs and actions associated with it. Warm demanders are teachers that encourage mutual respect. In essence, its the idea that students engage in effortful practice to build their skills and move them beyond passive learning. A warm demanders superpower is born out of mutual respect. Here's a (very rough) example I just made. Being culturally responsive, getting In Borup, West, and Graham's. This anticipating is also a means of demonstrating high expectations, I dont know how she does it, but sometimes she, what we are going to do and say before we do and say anythingshe knows us so well that she gets us out of trouble before we get in troubleIn math, she. A warm demander exhibits sincere care for students, in large and small ways. I'll go first: I've not used audio commenting before on student work. Teachers convey such an . Warm demanders teach their students to have a growth mindset and understand that real learning comes through failure. a means for shaping students disposition towards mathematics, identity, and developing students sense of agency, Black boys voices to describe warm demanders, , is one of them [role model]. ), The idea of warm demander pedagogyis that in a humanized space where relationships are strong, the most effective instructors challenge students to push themselves and grow fromdependent to independent learners. Agency is seenin thewaysstudents take risks to make their mathematical thinkingvisibleandhow theyleverageproblem-solvingapproachesthat work for them. Teacher language, particularly in the feedback they provide, helps set the tone of a classroom. This is one of the miraclesof teaching that despite all the obstacles, learning happens and always has. The relationship is built on trust, positive, open body language, and connection. Practice delivery of positive narration. She talked to me and told me that I had a lot of potential in math and that I should use it to get ahead in life. It should be calm, warm, and open without any sarcasm or irony. Warm demanders communicate their expectations of success by using personal warmth, while using instructional practices that insist on students meeting their high expectations. Expert Help. Both approaches put the relationship first, but the boundaries that come with being awarm demanderare far more beneficial to both student and teacher. But don'ttake my word for it enter Michelle Pacansky-Brock, a faculty mentor for community college instructors who specializes in humanizing online learning spaces. And it takes time to build trust although it can be damaged in an instant. Experiencing gratitude fuels our souls; expressing it shows those around us how much they matter. The goal of this project is to obtain warm drinks to consume during the winter days. As George Scarlett writes in his introduction to the SAGE Encyclopedia for Cla . Thank you for all the thought that went into writing this! Self-reflect by asking yourself: To what extent do I do these things? Ever. Here's an example from Sara G., a teacher on the North Shore of Chicago. Respect means that there are high standards, and everyone is expected to play their part. Topics included warm demander relationships, serving special populations through an equity lens, resilience & wellness, growth mindset, intention-setting, curriculum & instruction, data . Provide 3 examples of how you can be a culturally responsive teacher. Because not all online students need this kind of contact and we only have so many hours each day for work. The benefit here is that you can use photos and background music to liven up the video a bit. The other categories are:Sophisticates Teachers with low expectations and low relationships.Traditionalist Teachers with high expectations and low relationships.Sentimentalist Teachers with low expectations and high relationships. Some students want us to know everything about them on the first day of school; others are much slower to feel this degree of comfort. What teachers do first matters. This in turn helpsstudents better make sense of decisions about mathematical procedures when problem-solving. I miss sitting down in a quiet classroom after a day's work, the social parts of me happily fatigued the same way my legs are after a long walk. This unit provides specific information regarding how teachers/educators can become culturally responsive and "warm demanders" in the classroom. It always seems impossible until it is done Nelson Mandela. There's the obvious Kahoot and Quizlet apps, but there are also so many that can be used during class that will help keep . ), (If the deep breathing isn't helping, just skip to Principle 5 for now.). Hi Dave thanks again for some very real, humane, practical and extremely useful prescriptions for the situation we are in. If you see yourself in at least some of what has been described in this article, you are already on the right path. demandingness(Bondy & Ross 2008). A teacher who is a warm demander has a demeanor characterized by "patience, persistence, facilitation, validation and empowerment for the participants" (Gay 2000). To be a warm demander, the first step is to develop a true caring for individual students. School campuses throughout Local District Central are embracing a new norm in classroom ecology: "Warm Demanders and Joyful Disruption.". Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life. These are a piece of the root of whether our online learning spaces are places that promote the short- and long-term flourishing of our students. It is actuallya means for shaping students disposition towards mathematics,moldingtheirmathematicalidentity, and developing students sense of agencyby helpingthembelieve that they can do mathematics. For many students, highexpectations and care are a proxy for how their teachers value them as people and learners. Warm demander pedagogy is an older component of culturally responsive teaching. It's the Stockdale Paradox: prisoner-of-war Jim Stockdale's observation that the prisoners most likely to survive were both realistic (I'm in hell) and optimistic (I will prevail). Are parts of it distracting? To humanize is. SAGE Reference the right thing to say to help us with our work. It can be the teacher, relating to their student, the principal dealing with their staff, or a corporate executive dealing with their team. This happens through every interaction including non-verbal interactions like eye contact, smiling and standing close to the students. The warm demander stance is focused on something you can control your own behavior rather than on manipulating or cajoling or rewarding or punishing students for THEIR choices. Warm Demander's Throw it Away sounds like many tunes you might have heard. He received his B.S. How long have you been teaching at your school? It feels like so much. They are open to taking responsibility, apologizing and modelling appropriate behavior. He describes how teachers can look to these characters to inspire them when they need guidance channelling their innerwarm demander. But words and actions are not enough. View Essay - The Teacher as Warm Demander from EDUCATION 200 at Boise State University. His neighbor inquires about his job and Jaime tells him he didn't get laid off and is now teaching but that he wantsto teach. Students need consistency and routine to feel safe. Today, this approach is known as the warm demander.. Practice an extended teacher role 3. Mr. Wallacesstrict, friendly, and spiritualdisposition suggests that students respected his authority and understooditas caring. And because of the relationship the teacher builds with their students, they are respected and can have high expectations of them. Im excited to see if Flipgrid works in my setting. Its done through conversations, warm interactions, and body language. Their effort and commitment to their schooling are not negotiable because the teacher has no doubts about the students potential and ability to succeed. I think it will help me connect with my students. Warm Demander outside the classroom 4. approaches students, particularly those whose behavior causes trouble in the For instance, a request for a deadline extension can be a short write-up about the progress the student has made thus far and next steps for completion. Then there were the teachers who had no interest in getting to know us, expected nothing but the best without considering factors contributing to our challenges and seemed cold and uncaring at the best of times. All of students love hot chocolate, especially during the cold days. See the positive in every situation. I see him as a father figure because he is strict, friendly, and spiritual. the phrase warm demander. The reproducible checklist includes a page of instructions from me on how I use the tool. That does not mean they can be rude or disrespectful when they do so, but if they feel that they have a voice and that their perspective is valuable, its unlikely that this will be the case. Maya's embracing of the warm demander as an authority figure is expressed through her belief that insistence is essential in order to provide a classroom environment where students can learn. Strict in this context, students see this type of behavior as an effort to push them to attain success and manage the class environment that supported and fostered success. Before signing up I do want to make it clear that this program is tough but well worth it. It was coined by Judith Kleinfeld's Effective Teachers of Eskimo and Indian Students for School Review in 1975, but a similar idea is present in Diana Baumrind's 1966 article Effects of Authoritative Parental Control on Child Behavior forChild Development. According to Maya, without insistence, students won't "get the message that's being sent", students will "lose trust in [the teacher]," and . Create a classroom culture that encourages and expects everyones best effort. (. It's all about the relationships. Are you still watching your siblings for six hours each day? This is why we created Warm Demanders! (Deep breathing may be helpful at this point in the article. Four researchers in 2007 surveyed their students in asynchronous classes on their perceptions of audio- vs text-based feedback (Ice, Curtis, Phillips, & Wells). Here I will explore how using productive struggle in the classroom can help students develop and strengthen these traits, and how the role of teacher as warm demander can infuse empathy into an academically rigorous class environment. Multiply those variables by a lot and you've got students learning from home. To be a warm demander, the first step is to develop a true caring for individual students. Teachers must work toknow and understand their studentsidentities, histories, experiences, and cultural contexts; consider howmathematics and school experiences may differ for their students based on these contexts;and thenconnectthese meaningfully with mathematics. The teacher/student relationship has evolved significantly over the years. Traditional dictionary definitions include: harsh inflexibility, the quality of being unyielding, severity of life, a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable, especially extremity of cold (e.g., the rigors of a New England winter) as well as synonyms such as severity, strictness, and austerity.. Thank you for writing and best to you in your work this fall. I can be cool and smart at the same time. (2003), because classroom psychological environments take shape quickly and remain stable over time. I completed my coach training at Robbins-Madanes Training under my teachers Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha. A warm demander should offer students every opportunity to succeed. You may also be interested in the series I'm writing about how to sustain our own motivation amidst so much change and turmoil and fear and pain. This principle cohered for me recently while listening to a talk by a late USC philosopher named Dallas Willard. Productive struggle relies on guidance and intentionality in course design and the classroom environment, and it can help a teacher become a warm demander., The word rigor is sometimes misunderstood, misused, or misapplied. Before starting her career as a writer, she specialized in gifted education andnowwrites about education and supporting parents and teachers of children who are different according to commonly-held views. Some are introverted and prefer less personal attention from the instructor; others are extroverted and would take 100% of the instructor's attention if they could get it. James Vasquez calls these African-American and other teachers of color "warm demanders" who provide a tough-minded, no-nonsense, structured, and disciplined classroom environment for kids whom. Consider using a basic, affordable phone tripod (. Humanizing makes things more civilized, refined, and understandable. Also, support and flexibility in the classroom builds students trust in their teachers, other students, and for themselves. Share the non-academic, as appropriate. How are things with your living situation? It makes it far more rewarding and the students get more enjoyment from their schooling. Our district uses Google Classroom, and Flipgrid has a GC share button built in. What job(s) did you have during college? When they find they are at a dead end, they must be willing to abandon one strategy for another. I was feeling at a loss on how to start this year in the way that builds community with students I have never met and are new to middle school. How to Train Your Will to Want to Teach Again, Despite Everything: Principles and a Practice. So the really good news is that even though it's challenging, teachers humanize learning spaces every day all aroundthe world in millions of classrooms; they do a ton of this unconsciously,and they have done sofor a really long time. Sometimes involving students in the . Mr. Wallace basically explains things so that you can understand them and give you lots of exampleshe used everyday lifethe newspaper, anything you can find around the house, and sports. Get the latest posts delivered right to your email. The student can only believe what they are capable of if the teacher believes it too. It is all very interesting but as you see, I am multi-tasking and coming back to your post and reading it carefully while I minimize the zoom screen [which is interesting, btw] because your post today is where the truth is resounding the nuts and bolts of things we can actually do you have a great mind to take these objective realities and break them down into useable, manageable, and engaging things that we can do! This might require a bit of explanation, but your transgender or questioning students will feel SO happy that you asked. Verbally state classroom rules/expectations and consequences and also have it written someplace that is always visible; Develop one "Attention Getter," or a protocol for getting students' attention. Traditional classroom layouts and furnishings are being replaced with a new setting reflective of the warmth and comfort of home, to offer a safe and calming learning environment. The current generation of students sees the world differently, and have a valid point. From this perspective, caring inmore thananaffective connection between students and teachers. When students labor and struggle but continue to try to make sense of a problem, they are engaging in productive struggle., Acknowledge perseverance and effort in reasoning and sense making through process-oriented tasks or projects rather than right/wrong outcomes, Establish noncompetitive learning environments using process-oriented activities and assessments, Position students as author of instruction by offering choices in assignments or activities (UDL), Foster learning from mistakes to build self-efficacy, resiliency adopt a no failure attitude, Encourage curiosity and risk-taking through exploration, Honor students prior or personal knowledge to create meaningfulness, Who Should Attend an Academic Conference and How to Find One, Preparing College Students for Career and Leadership Development Through Place-Based Learning. To provide students with an opportunity to work independently and to minimize distractions in the classroom while promoting a positive learning environment, I think it's important to have a strong sense of what's going on in the classroom. Thank you! Always allow the student to have their say and be heard. The thing I miss most about the way school was before COVID is the human-ness of it all. He sees himself as a teacher who is always learning and improving my professional practice. And amidst these new challenges, we'll continue to do it, one step at a time. I know you can do this! Being a warm demander is an approach that is beneficial to anyone in a leadership position. Just as adults dont respond well to being spoken to in an aggressive or sarcastic tone, students will close themselves off when this happens. A warm demander teaches their students that mistakes and failures are a part of the path to success. Ross 2008). What follows is an outline that is entirely from Michelle Pacansky-Brock's Pocket PD Guide on Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning at Online Network for Educators. Teachers who are warm, as opposed to cold and Here's how to leave audio feedback in several learning management systems. (If you're still reading, now's the part where we laugh so that we don't cry.). Again, you have helped me get my attitude back on track with another amazing blog. Thank you! Warm demanders approach students, particularly those whose. Warm Demanders: The Importance of Teachers in the Lives of Children of Poverty 71 5. It is a strategy that sets a foundation in building relationships with students while using positive discipline, embracing failure, and setting high expectations. Because when you have a classroom full of students in front of you, giving one kid your undivided attention for 30 seconds is a luxury. Understanding the intricacies and quirks that make up each student is essential. Blog and Website: https://briantolentino.comTolentino Teaching Merch: SUBSCRIBE for more. Sharing this work is such a profound way of showing . Here are some ways to support students through productive struggle: Overall, to use productive struggle in the classroom or become a warm demander, consider modifications or additions to existing course design or teaching strategies rather than a wholesale redesign of a course. Michelle Pacansky-Brock recommends using a short survey in week one to illuminate the psychological barriers and real-life scenarios that may interfere with your students success. She specifically lays out three questions you want to make sure to ask. When you see progress, say so. (Here's an Ed Leadership write-up on Kleinfeld's work, and here's one from on Baumrind's. A warm demander also openly admits and embraces their own mistakes. KCTR is an accelerated program that allows students to gain classroom experience while studying how to be a culturally responsive warm demander teacher. In a public high school classroom like the one I teach in, creating a humane environment is a high, high bar. In the classroom, if a teacher were to be more authoritarian, which is low amounts of warmth but high demands, students would be more likely to have low social competence and be mismotivated, which could result in not doing their classwork at all. WCCO - CBS Minnesota 269K subscribers It's a concept that has been used more with teacher-student relationships, but can also apply to relationships leaders have with their teams. There's actually an interesting study on this. So, if you approach everything with a dont sweat it, youve got this attitude, it will catch on and spread. New York, NY: Palgrave. By Nicola KNicola lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. Whether a student has been insulted or snubbed by a classmate in the previous class period. Its important to understand the concept of productive struggle, which is often applied to STEM classrooms. So, it makes sense why the former are the ones who earned a tender spot in our childhood memories. Judith Kleinfeld coined the term warm demanders (Teachers with high expectations and high relationships) in 1975. Shows personal regard for students by inquiring about important people and events in their lives. Idlike to share someBlack boys voices to describe warm demandersacrossthreecategories:a) warm demanders as authority figures, b) warm demanders as caregivers, and c) warm demanders as pedagogues. The teacher listens to the students, affirms them and takes in their perspective, but pushes and encourages them not to accept any less than they are capable of. Take ten minutes to write down the bullet points you'd like to cover, get out your recording device, point it at your face, and go keeping in mind that you want this to be brief! When students labor and struggle but continue to try to make sense of a problem, they are engaging in productive struggle.3. A warm demander relies on their relationship with their students as the catalyst for learning. But in light of this study's evidence, you can bet I'm going to give this a try (with a strong helping of Matthew Johnson's Flash Feedback on the side.). That said, there are times when it's good to take a source and use it to explain basic concepts to the readers. Robert Q, Berry III is currently the Samuel Braley Gray Professor of mathematics education at the University of Virginia, and served as President of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 20182020. She really helped me. Whether a child has experienced past successes or failures in the context of the discipline I am teaching. When you structure a lesson around bucket fillers, bear in mind that students learn by doing. You're out for a walk and you see something neat and you get out your phone and film the neat thing along with a little note saying that you are thinking of your students. Written by Catherine Conner, PFF Fellow and Doctoral Candidate, English. students better make sense of decisions about mathematical procedures when problem-solving. In sum, he brings experiences and abilities that make me an effective advocate for teachers and students. Students generally thrive on praise and will behave in a way that ensures they receive more. If you see each student as an individual with unique talents with a complex history and background, they will feel safe and seen. This happens through every interaction including non-verbal interactions like eye contact, smiling and standing close to the students. Classroom Ideas Lessons. . Thank you so much for this article! Identityhas to do withhow students engage with mathematics, how others perceive them, and how they see themselves as participatory in the space. If you know their quirks, anxieties, and interests, you can reach them on a level that is off limits to any teacher who uses a different approach. High expectations and academic standards will always play a key role in education, but a focus on transparency (i.e., clear goals, procedures, steps) and guidance in helping students pinpoint areas of struggle or predicted struggle encourages them to think about their own processes and strategies. Consequently, Mr. Wallace is developing students sense of agency by insisting and working with students to change cant to can., is consistent with Irvine and Frasers (1998) indicators of, teaching with authority. When being a warm demander in these three ways, teachersovercomethepassivity oflow expectations and a low sense of agency throughthecarethey show. For most of us, it's tempting as an online instructor to find and use videos in our courses from teachers who are more adept at video production or explaining things than we are. Thank you! We could say that these are four hallmarks of a humanized learning space: feeling valued, known, respected, and safe. Film in landscape (sideways phone) rather than portrait (vertical phone). At the heart of unconditional positive regard is a belief in the individual's capacity to succeed. A poor grade can be seen as an opportunity for improvement. (And for an excellent complement to this post, consider last week's How to Build Strong Relationships with Students if You're Starting the Year Online: Principles and Practices.). Most clouds have a silver lining. If students sense hostility in the classroom, their brain shuts down. Become a Contributor and make money. But it sounds like perfect pop-rock tunes that may have invaded your ear canals. Positive Discipline Techniques Set the classroom rules at the start of the year. Make special note of questions 8 and 9, as these will give us insight into who our high opportunity students are. If anything, some of us may lean a bit towards being a sentimentalist, which is half the battle won but wont get the same results. Adding safety nets or flexibility for completion of assignments or projects also helps students engage in problem-solving when they encounter a challenging assignment or struggle to complete an assignment. A warm demander teaches their students that mistakes and failures are a part of the path to success. It may have seemed great at the time, but their approach was certainly not in your best interest. So its how you say and do things, how actively you listen, whether or not you pay attention to the little things, if you ask them whats troubling them before they even say anything is wrong and have their best interests at heart. Don't say that there's nothing new under the sun. If relationships function as currency in schools, relational capital is like a big savings account of trust and goodwill (Safir, 2017, p. 107). I like the fact that he is strict because this shows that he expects the best from his students. Did any stand out for what they taught you? To humanize is to make things more humane and easier for humans to relate to and appreciate. I believe in you and I want to see you succeed. In Mr. W, is like a curse word, so when he hears that word, he will work with you until you believe you, authoritative in his disposition while at the same time caring enough to invest in students to demand that hard work. It can be very simple and quick. Thank you, Dave, as always for your wisdom and your heart. Remember that if you want to have your students respect, you need to show them respect. A warm demander is a teacher who develops a genuine bond with their students. The results of this study indicate that (1) discipline is a factor in the learning process, (2) students appreciated the warm demander form of discipline, (3) culturally relevant pedagogy is an effective teaching practice, (4) there is a greater need for pre-service teacher preparation in the area of culture and multicultural education, and (5 . And in a world drowning in bad news, take heart! identities, histories, experiences, and cultural contexts, mathematics and school experiences may differ for their students based on these contexts, High School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice, 3 Steps for Building the Relationships You Need to Thrive, Four Practices of Intentionally Inviting Instructional Leaders, author: Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Cathy Lassiter, Transformative Educators are Warm Demanders, Student Submission: Musky Rat Kangaroos in Crater Lakes National Park, author: Brendan Soules, Izzy Scheirson. Warm demanders know students' cultures, have strong relationships with students, and demand that they maximize their efforts, show respect, and follow classroom norms. I'm not just asking selfishly, either. Recently in this space, Stacie Williams described the care she shows her online students by reminding them of important deadlines. The data gathered by observing over 600 teachers across the U.S. revealed that teachers' high expectations, an aspect of demand, was especially important for African American students' academic growth. Angela Watson shares her insights in her podcastseries, Truth for Teachers, in the episode titled, TheWarm Demander: How to raise expectations (and have students rise to meet them).. And they need not be perfect! These experiences have afforded him a perspective on the issues facing mathematics teaching and learning across diverse contexts. This is an idea that many of us may have stumbled upon during the lockdowns of Spring 2020. An attitude of gratitude prompts qualities that are crucial to a positive work culture: humility, empathy, and compassion. communicate personal warmth and use an instructional style Kleinfeld called active Best practices exist let's explore them. While Dr. Williams' approach takes more time, I think it's worth it if you can afford it. Whether a student resides at night in an emotionally or physically safe environment. While there are huge consistencies in how students learn (see Daniel Wilingham's book [paperback | Kindle | audio] for the most readable treatment of these), there is significant individuation in how students come to feel valued, known, respected, and safe. Resilience. Reference these things whenever possible to remind your students that you are genuinely interested in the things that matter to them. Perseverance. Thats what really motivated me, she understands that there is a lot of pressure put on African American males. Describe and understand the characteristics of a No-Nonsense Nurturer. Thank you for the important work you do with students and educators. That last piece is a big block for folks in making instructional videos. Maya Angelou famously said, People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.. He understands the importance of building partnerships and how to draw on each partners strengths to achieve a common goal. Corwin Press (Good newsside note: As we saw in the Spring 2020, thereisa small percentage of students who feel saferlearning fromhome and are more confident in anonlinelearning environment.). (mathematics education), Christopher Newport University; Ph.D. (mathematics education), University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. These instructional methods emerged during a study that examined the pedagogy of two African American urban teachers as compared to the literature. Every child comes from a home with its own values, beliefs, customs, and viewpoints. 1) Be a "warm demander." I learned about this term from the book The 12 Touchstones of Good Teaching. For example, a warm demander can expect their students to meet deadlines and behave appropriately not because she expects compliance and the students fear retribution, but because they respect the high standards that have been put in place. The following are some tips from them: Take personal interest in your students. July 29, 2020 By Dave Stuart Jr. 19 Comments. There's the matter of the cool baritone, the flowing melodies, and the clever orchestration that still makes this stand out. This means they tap into each students needs and support them in a valuable way by explaining material thoroughly in different ways to ensure each student understands. The phrase warm demander was first coined by Judith Kleinfeld in 1975. Acknowledge even minor improvements so that your student knows that you are paying attention and that their success matters to them. And while it doesnt mean that each student can behave whichever way they choose and defend it based on these things, if the teacher has a deep understanding of them, it opens up communication channels to at least discuss, show empathy and understanding. They are open to taking responsibility, apologizing and modelling appropriate behavior. We asked experienced teachers how they build positive relationships with their students. They develop exceptional cultures in spite of a very common problem that perpetuates itself. The posts in that series so far are below. can perform well in the mathematics classroom. This anticipating is also a means of demonstrating high expectations,becausestudentswho feel you know them well also knowthey cannot get by with minimal effort. You can better recognize and build upon your students cultural and social resources when you use contexts in your mathematics teaching andlearning that are relevant to them. And also, notice that the garbage truck was rumbling through the neighborhood. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; it is the best medicine. In essence, its the idea that students engage in effortful practice to build their skills and move them beyond passive learning.1 Further, giving students the space to work through an issue or problem and arrive at a solution on their own helps them develop persistence and resilience as they pursue that solution and reach their learning goal.2 Perhaps Marian Pasquale, Senior Research Scientist and middle school science specialist, captures it best: As students engage with a task, they must be mindful about the strategy they employ and assess whether it is productive. CQ Press. Persistent with students 4. It doesn't require superhuman effort; no 90-hour workweeks like we see in the Hollywood teacher movies. This term, originally coined in 1975 by Judith Kleinfeld, describes how teachers can hold their students to high expectations in a structured environment while still conveying a deep and sincere belief in, and care for, those students. One for the record books I just love that Thank you so much for the . Since our time is finite, we need to use that to our advantage and identify the students for whom more targeted humanization efforts are likely to yield the greatest benefit. Whether a child enters my room with an identity facet that minoritizes them in my setting or makes them suspect that others may view them through a stereotype lens rather than as an individual (i.e., stereotype threat). Like usual, we'll lay some grounding principles first because great teachers are great understanders and then we'll get practical. expectations and care are a proxy for how their teachers value them as people and learners. As I read about the intro video, video postcards, and the important student survey, I could see myself using Flipgrid for most of it. Here's an instructional video I made during the initial COVID lockdowns in my state. She would bend over backward to help, s when we needed it. Figure 6.2 Warm Demander Chart Explicit focus on building rapport and trust. Phillips use of the wordstrictis consistent with Irvine and Frasers (1998) indicators ofwarm demandersteaching with authority. Phillip described how Mr. Wallace made mathematics relevant for students. Of course, the same can be said for the teachers values, beliefs, customs, and viewpoints. While failure and mistakes are inevitable, acceptable, and accommodated, it is no reason to lower your standards and lose focus of the bigger picture. Warm Demanders The combination of high expectations, warm relationships, and high demands. It's our first impression, so we want to treat it like we would the first day of school. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Categories. Don't just praise mistakes -- explain why they are important. Hetakescare to make sure students know,understand, andhavethe readiness for continued studies in mathematics. I see him as a father figure because he is strict, friendly, and spiritual. It conveys to students thatyoucare enough about them to understand how they think and see the world. It originates with researcher Judith Kleinfeld, who identified several types of teachers . I'm ashamed to admit that because I can remember seeing a video of Jim Burke, years ago, sharing how easy it is. This way, they can anticipate any consequences and will be willing to accept them. there are a few key approaches to being a warm demander: 1) believe in students' potential by understanding the cultural strengths and role models of students' communities and tapping; 3) into their prior knowledge; 2) build trust by listening to students and learning who they are and what matters to them; 3) teach self-discipline by normalizing Interestingly, the teachers described here behave as warm demanders from the first moments of the school year. They are opportunities to evaluate where you went wrong and try a new approach. He has taught in public schools and served as a mathematics specialist since 1991. Thank you so much for sharing it, Caresse and I am so glad it helped , I read every word at the recommendation of my principal. Darrens comment about Ms. Blaine is an example of a teacher who is a, , have strong relationships with students, Warm demanders communicate their expectations of success by using personal warmth. Even though the practices above are all aimed at high-leverage, high-efficiencyintervention, it still looks likeworkandchangeandexhaustioncompared to those bustling hallways and flesh-and-blood relationships that I started the post with. High support, high challenge that's warm demander pedagogy in a nutshell. their students that they care about them and will never let up (Bondy & Since most of us hate to fail, Jo Boaler suggests three strategies to celebrate mistakes in the classroom: Create the norm that you love and want mistakes. Sure! Even though I'm pretty introverted, I miss the sounds of voices in the hallways, the smiles and waves and hellos and laughs and handshakes (remember those?). They will also never feel unfairly treated, as the same will apply to all students. - Rumi. Much of my research has focusedon identity and agencyof Black boysto understandthe waystheseboys make sense of,respond to,andparticipatein mathematics. Id like to recommend one more question to a start-of-year survey: Which pronouns do you use? In it, Michelle Pacansky-Brock gives seven tips for recording instructor videos with your phone. More recently, teachers and coaches have described warm demanders as educators who, in the words of author . Free Science Apps! The Baumrind connection is in the authoritative parenting style. As we said in our grounding principles, not all students need the same level of attention or intervention in order to feel valued, known, respected, and safe. Its a combination of the two but also needs to be authentic. Warm-ups, or warmers, are any activity completed at the beginning of class specifically intended to prepare students for learning, explains British Council's TeachingEnglish. I was able to visit the classroom on one of the days, and the energy from the students for the audience of teachers, staff members, and peers, was so strong you could feel . Best to you this year. them about themselves. Phillip described how Mr. Wallace made mathematics relevant for students. [She thought] I was capable of doing a lot in math. Many of us come from a time when one was expected to respect our elders without question. A critical review of flipped classroom challenges in K-12 education: possible solutions and recommendations for future research. The body cannot be subtracted from any definition of what a human being is, but the body is a different thing from the invisible thoughts and feelings and intentions and social relationships that compose the fuller picture of who we are. This is the foundation for everything that the approach is based on. Thats one of the key things Im after in my writing . These teachers When asked, howdoes a mathematics teacher show that he or she cares about you?Darrenstated: My teacher, Ms. Blaine, cared about all of us. If you don't have much time until you start your online teaching journey, go for something less polished. At the same time they have As a teacher, its scary going into an all-virtual world, but youve give some really great ideas here. Discover the real world of business for best practices and professional success. You can better recognize and build upon your students cultural and social resources when you use contexts in your mathematics teaching and, learning that are relevant to them. Express a sense of optimism that all students can learn Darrens comment about Ms. Blaine is an example of a teacher who is awarm demander (Irvine & Fraser, 1998). . A humane classroom or school is a place where students feel warmly seen like they are known, valued, and respected and feel like it is unnecessary to remain invisible as in, they feel safe in being seen. Expresses warmth through non-verbal ways like smiling, touch, warm or firm tone of voice, and good natured teasing. Mr. Wallaceusespedagogyto make connectionsbetweencontent and contextby selectingmathematics tasks thatareengaging and relevant for the students. I first learned of Michelle's work through teacher/writer John Robert Reynolds. THANK YOU. Download the Spark video to your computer. Thats what really motivated meshe understands that there is a lot of pressure put on African American malesShe lets me knowI can be cool and smart at the same time.. Audio feedback was perceived to be more effective than text-based feedback for conveying, The original version talks about learning styles, which I won't ask my students because of the lack of cognitive science evidence for doing so (see. Baltimore, MD; Grades 3-5; More than a third of students from lowincome households; Warmth, Care . But the work is worth it. Whether a student has had a good meal recently. The good news is that care can be demonstrated in small and subtle ways - it doesn't always have to be a grand gesture. Research and Practice in Technology . While I do have great influence in my classroom environment indeed, no one in that space has more there are many things I don't control. 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warm demander in the classroom