Starts off stacked like default
s, but when the navbar expands, so do these. Start with an initial map-merge and then specify which utility you want to modify. .row . Nicolas Gallagher the micro clearfix . Example 1: This example sets the text-decoration property to none. Bootstrap 4 uses a default font-size of 16px, and its line-height is 1.5.
Everything you need for Font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean theyre gorgeous on high-resolution displays. Easily switch between task windows from the taskbar. . The above example input uses custom styles in our documentation to demonstrate the :focus state on a .form-control.
Instead of adding on optional mobile styles, they're baked right into the core. This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text. .input-lg . Override existing utilities by using the same key. For improved cross-browser rendering, we use Normalize.css, a project by Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal. As a best practice, we highly recommend using the
Designed and built with all the love in the world by the. Resize your browser or load on different devices to test the responsive utility classes. Add the disabled attribute to