Para obtener ms informacin, visite o comunquese con el contacto de su escuela. En caso de una evacuacin de emergencia, los estudiantes y el personal sern transportados a otro sitio donde los estudiantes se reunirn con sus familiares aprobados. September 5, 2022. Por esta razn, hemos creado un plan de reunificacin para el distrito. Para las universidades de Texas, el 15 de enero es la fecha lmite prioritaria que est a la vuelta de la esquina! Se reinscriben automticamente. We know 65% of our seniors have completed either the FAFSA or TASFA already. This survey invites you to provide feedback on two of your childs teachers. 2022/23 School Year Calendar - Color. Visit Us. La encuesta final para el semestre de otoo ya est abierta y se cerrar a la medianoche del domingo, 4 de diciembre. Ha llegado diciembre y estamos a casi dos semanas de las vacaciones de invierno! We invest in developing leaders through high-quality programs, effective coaching, and ongoing professional development. Continue your family's YES Prep legacy by applying TODAY for any other siblings in your family for the 2023-2024 school year. For colleges in Texas, January 15 is the priority deadline which is right around the corner! Eisenhower High . All YES Prep guardians (excluding SBISD students) will complete their permission slip in Skyward. La informacin, las actualizaciones y los recordatorios incluidos en el mensaje de hoy son: las escuelas secundarias YES Prep se ubican en el 12% superior de las mejores preparatorias del pas, ajustes al calendario acadmico 2022-2023, la actualizacin del Portal Familiar, ms detalles sobre el programa de verano, una nueva encuesta para nuestros exalumnos, los eventos e informacin para los seniors, programa de comidas de verano y un prximo evento para conocer a los candidatos de la Junta Estatal de Educacin del Distrito 4. Eisenhower High . Para aplicar, visite: La votacin cierra el 9 de diciembre de 2022. Tomorrow, 11th graders across the district will sit for their first official SAT. Please take a moment to respond via text or email and spread some joy as we head into the winter break. YES Prep Public Schools is now hiring a College Counselor- YES Prep Northbrook High in Houston, TX. Si necesita ayuda, envenos un correo electrnico: Para ver las clasificaciones, haga clic aqu. For additional information about YES Preps standard response protocol to emergency events, click here. May also marks the beginning of Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) Heritage Month! Para aplicar, visite: Toma entre 10 a 20 minutos para completar cada encuesta. Para obtener ms informacin sobre esta encuesta, visite Para familias Involucrase. For more information about Possip, please visit For Families Get Involved. Si su hijo no lo ha hecho, trabaje con los consejeros universitarios de su escuela para enviar la FAFSA o TASFA antes de las vacaciones de invierno. Back to School; Family Dashboards; Get Involved; District Calendar; Family Notes; Uniforms; Bus Routes; School Supply List ; Admissions . Eisenhower High . FAMILIAS CON ESTUDIANTES ACTUALES DE YES PREP: NO es necesario que presente una solicitud para los estudiantes actuales. Si tiene un joven que se est preparando para el examen de maana, haga clic aqu para saber cmo puede apoyarlo para su gran da maana. Information, updates and reminders included in todays message are YES Prep secondary schools ranking in the top 12% of Best High Schools in the nation, 2022-2023 academic calendar adjustments, Family Portal update, summer program updates, new alumni survey, senior events and news, summer meals program, and an upcoming event to meet the State Board of Education candidates. Continue your family's YES Prep legacy by applying TODAY for any other siblings in your family for the 2023-2024 school year. Back to School; Get Involved; Family Dashboards; District Calendar; Family Notes; Uniforms; . Contine con el legado de YES Prep de su familia presentando una solicitud HOY para cualquier otro hermano/a de su familia para el ao escolar 2023-2024. YES Prep SBISD guardians must complete permission slips via Microsoft form: SBISD 8th-11th Grader SSD Permission Slip / SBISD 12th Grade SSD Permission Slip. Una vez ms, gracias por leer la Actualizacin Familiar de este mes. RSS Feeds Subscribe to Alerts. In This Section. Families, we have two working drafts of the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar. La Junta Directiva de YES Prep ha aprobado los siguientes ajustes al calendario acadmico del ao escolar 2022-2023: YES Prep ha cambiado el da de desarrollo del personal (y no clases para los estudiantes) del 4 de noviembre de 2022 al 8 de noviembre de 2022. Nuestra Noche Familiar Bilinge Emergente estar en lnea el mircoles, 25 de enero. Northbrook High . Learn more today! Estamos ofreciendo una variedad de programas acadmicos y de enriquecimiento para mantener a los nios aprendiendo, activos y comprometidos. YES Prep Systemwide . Once again, thank you for reading this months Family Update. Make sure to check your childs college to learn if they have an earlier institutional deadline to submit the FAFSA/TAFSA. In This Section. Estaremos regalando materiales que puede usar en casa con su hijo/a! Updated Northline Secondary Calendar - Link Here Updated Northwest Secondary Calendar - Link Here . El espacio es limitado, as que anime a su(s) hijo(s) a inscribirse lo antes posible! On the November Pulse Check, 81% of families reported that they were satisfied with their campus. Registration opens Monday, December 5, and closes Thursday, December 15. Los invitamos a leer acerca de uno de nuestros varios maestros que est logrando esto en su clase. In This Section. Su aporte es fundamental para determinar el calendario final que recomendaremos a la Junta Directiva de YES Prep. Phone: 754-322-2000 Los tutores de YES Prep SBISD deben completar los formularios de permiso a travs del formulario de Microsoft: SBISD hoja de permiso para grados 8-11para SSD / SBISD hoja de permiso para grado 12 para SSD. Haga clic aqu para obtener ms informacin sobre este programa de Educacin Especial para nuestros estudiantes de secundaria y cmo construye una comunidad inclusiva y segura en su clase, donde los estudiantes pueden presentarse y ser autnticos y ser amados por ello. Eisenhower High . We know 65% of our seniors have completed either the FAFSA or TASFA already. El Cumbre de Brotherhood y Sisterhood del 2023 se llevar a cabo el sbado, 4 de febrero, de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m. en la secundaria YES Prep Southside. Esta sitio se comunicar a las familias a travs de los medios de comunicacin y los canales de comunicacin internos de YES Prep. Tambin ver la encuesta mencionada en las redes sociales. If you know of a family looking for a quality education for their child, please share with them your experience with YES Prep and refer them or invite them to one of our upcoming School Tours! NORTHBROOK STUDENT LOTTERY: The application for YES Prep Northbrook Middle and YES Prep Northbrook High schools is now available. Cuando se agregaron aquellos que estaban "en su mayora" satisfechos, el porcentaje subi al 94%! Below, you will find information, news and updates regarding student lottery application for the 2023-2024 school year, voting on the 2023-2024 academic calendar, December Possip Pulse Check, Teacher Pathway Family Survey, SAT Day for juniors tomorrow, registration for the upcoming Brotherhood & Sisterhood Summit, Emergent Bilingual Family Event in January, FAFSA/TAFSA priority deadline and YES Preps reunification plan. FAMILIES WITH STUDENTS IN COLLEGE: Renewal of the FAFSA or TASFA is required each year for continued financial aid. FAMILIES WITH SENIORS: Reminder that the State of Texas requires every high school senior to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to graduate. For this reason, we have created a district-wide reunification plan. Professional Development - YES Prep values longevity and performance over time. To apply online for YES Prep Northbrook campuses, click here. Students completing an elementary Two-Way Dual Language program have the . Los nios y adolescentes de hasta 18 aos, y los estudiantes inscritos con discapacidades de hasta 21 aos, pueden seguir comiendo saludable durante todo el verano sin costo alguno en 18 de nuestras escuelas primarias y secundarias. Updated Northline Secondary Calendar - Link Here Updated Northwest Secondary Calendar - Link Here . Se requerir que los familiares traigan una identificacin con foto para recoger a su hijo/a. Click here to learn more about this Special Education program for our secondary students and how she builds an inclusive and safe community in her classroom, where students can show up and be their authentic selves and be loved for it. In This Section. The safety and security of our students, staff and families are our top priority. Decision Meetings are an exciting milestone for YES Prep seniors, but there is still more work to do after those important conversations with your students college counselor. For families with juniors, Class of 2023, completing federal income taxes is one of the most important steps you can take to help your child afford college. En la encuestade noviembre, el 81% de las familias informaron que estaban satisfechas con su escuela. Back to School; Get Involved; Family Dashboards; District Calendar; Family Notes; Uniforms; Back to School; Get Involved; Family Dashboards; District Calendar; High School Aviators; Family . A medida que nos acercamos al tramo final del ao calendario 2022, esperamos ver a su hijo/a en la escuela y asegurarnos de que termine todos sus cursos para este primer semestre para que est listo para comenzar bien la segunda mitad del ao escolar. Ha llegado diciembre y estamos a casi dos semanas de las vacaciones de invierno! Thank you in advance for your feedback! La inscripcin abre el lunes 5 de diciembre y cierra el jueves 15 de diciembre. Campuses will be receiving packets with more information for seniors with a memo about the event and tickets for seniors guests the week of May 16. A medida que nos acercamos al tramo final del ao calendario 2022, esperamos ver a su hijo/a en la escuela y asegurarnos de que termine todos sus cursos para este primer semestre para que est listo para comenzar bien la segunda mitad del ao escolar. FAMILIES WITH STUDENTS IN COLLEGE: Renewal of the FAFSA or TASFA is required each year for continued financial aid. Nuestra Noche Familiar Bilinge Emergente estar en lnea el mircoles, 25 de enero. Mientras nos preparamos para el da de graduacin de YES Prep Northbrook High el 28 de mayo, y nuestras otras trece escuelas secundarias, incluyendo la clase de graduados fundadores de YES Prep Southside Secondary, del 2 al 5 de junio de 2022, cada escuela compartir informacin con nuestros seniors, y ustedes, sus familias. Si su estudiante habla un idioma que no sea ingls la mayor parte del tiempo o usted habla un idioma que no sea ingls en casa, este evento es para usted! As we head into the final stretch of the 2022 calendar year, we look forward to seeing your child in school and making sure they complete all their coursework for this first semester so that they are ready to start strong the second half of the . You also have the time to research and learn more about a topic you're interested in because of flexible scheduling and the opportunities to explore subjects with your teachers. Tickets for Commencement will be sent home with seniors through their Senior Seminar Class as well. Voting ends December 9, 2022. YES Prep Systemwide . Back to School; COVID-19 Resources and Updates; Get Involved; Family Dashboards; District Calendar; Family Notes; Uniforms; Samantha Barlow es una maestra excepcional de YSTEP en nuestra escuela secundaria de Brays Oaks. Northbrook Middle . First Day of School. YES Prep Systemwide . Para obtener informacin ms detallada, as como informacin sobre los pasos a seguir si su senior an no ha tenido su reunin de decisin para seniors, haga clic aqu. Debido a que realmente valoramos a nuestras familias como socios, estamos trabajando para expandir nuestras herramientas tecnolgicas actuales, como School Messenger, Skyward y Schoology, para garantizar que todas las familias tengan fcil acceso a la informacin acadmica y de comportamiento de sus hijos y puedan conectarse fcilmente con los adultos que trabajan ms de cerca con sus hijos todos los das. The specific praise for what is working and feedback about areas that need improvement are both incredibly helpful to the campus. Elementary schools will be serving breakfast from 7:20 to 8 a.m. and lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Para conocer las fechas y horas de la graduacin, visite nuestra pgina web de graduacin. The 2023 Brotherhood & Sisterhood Summit will be held on Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at YES Prep Southside Secondary. Transmitiremos en ingls de 6 a 6:45 p.m. y en espaol de 7 a 7:45 p.m. Durante este evento, aprender ms sobre cmo apoyar a su estudiante en el examen TELPAS. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication each and every day. If you are applying for siblings, please note that we have a new application system so you will need to create a new account. Know that you have prepared well for the SAT and good luck! Discover a college-prep school experience that caters to your childs unique learning style, schedule demands, and life goals. They are automatically re-enrolled. La votacin cierra el 9 de diciembre de 2022. Our next Family Update will be next month, Friday, June 3. Para obtener ms informacin sobre el proceso de lotera para estas dos escuelas, haga clic aqu. Tomorrow, 11th graders across the district will sit for their first official SAT. Northbrook High . This will be a great opportunity for YES Prep alumni to let us know what they are up to and give us an idea of how we can continue to best support our alumni after they graduate YES Prep. We are excited as we prepare to celebrate the Class of 2022. August 11, 2022. We are excited to host an online event in January for families of our Emergent Bilingual students. FAMILIAS CON ESTUDIANTES ACTUALES DE YES PREP: NO es necesario que presente una solicitud para los estudiantes actuales. YES Prep Public Schools Board of Directors: Melanie Trent Chair, Eric Calderon Vice Chair, Mickey Barrett, Luly Castillo, Tom Castro, Denise Hester, Andrea Link, Ben Marshall, Jordan Marye, Rev. Esto es importante para no interferir con la respuesta de emergencia que llega a la escuela. They are automatically re-enrolled. La fecha lmite para enviar la encuesta es el 5 de diciembre. November 2022 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday . 12th grade students will need to arrive at the Toyota Center at 8 a.m. using their own method of transportation. TODOS nuestros estudiantes merecen un espacio donde estn fsica e intelectualmente seguros. Para obtener ms informacin sobre el proceso de lotera para estas dos escuelas, haga clic aqu. Dear YES Prep families, December has arrived and we are almost two weeks away from winter break! If you know of a family looking for a quality education for their child, please share with them your experience with YES Prep and refer them or invite them to one of our upcoming School Tours! YES Prep Systemwide . YES Prep will transport 8th through 11th-grade students by bus to and from the Toyota Center. Make sure to check your childs college to learn if they have an earlier institutional deadline to submit the FAFSA/TAFSA. Houston, TX 77039. Es importante saber que durante un evento de evacuacin de emergencia, las familias no deben ir a las escuelas a menos que se les pida. Nuestro prximo mensaje de la Actualizacin Familiar para todas las familias ser el viernes, 13 de enero. Para obtener informacin adicional sobre el protocolo de respuesta estndar de YES Prep para eventos de emergencia, haga clic aqu. Our Emergent Bilingual Family Night will be online on Wednesday, January 25. The YES Prep Board of . Until then, stay up to date with district-wide and school-specific news by visiting your schools website, reading your schools Family Notes newsletter and following your schools social media platforms. Current juniors will be using the 2021 taxes in October to fill out the FAFSA/TASFA. Si tiene un joven que se est preparando para el examen de maana, haga clic aqu para saber cmo puede apoyarlo para su gran da maana. Anime a su hijo/a de YES Prep a completarlo. Before we dive into the Family Update, we want to take this opportunity to commemorate Special Education Day. Well broadcast in English from 6-6:45 p.m. and in Spanish from 7-7:45 p.m. During this event, youll learn more about how to support your student on the TELPAS test. La seguridad y proteccin de nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias son nuestra mxima prioridad. FAMILIAS CON ESTUDIANTES EN EL 12 GRADO: Recordatorio de que el Estado de Texas requiere que todos los estudiantes en el grado 12 presenten la FAFSA para graduarse. You may also find more details and updates by visiting our website for more information. Below, you will find information, news and updates regarding student lottery application for the 2023-2024 school year, voting on the 2023-2024 academic calendar, December Possip Pulse Check, Teacher Pathway Family Survey, SAT Day for juniors tomorrow, registration for the upcoming Brotherhood & Sisterhood Summit, Emergent Bilingual Family Event in January, FAFSA/TAFSA priority deadline and YES Preps reunification plan. Los elogios especficos por lo que est funcionando y los comentarios sobre las reas que necesitan mejorar son increblemente tiles para las escuelas. Before we dive into the Family Update, we want to take this opportunity to commemorate Special Education Day. We will be giving away materials that you can use at home with your student! Our accolades include five (5) of the top 500 schools in the nation, seven (7) of the top 100 schools in the state and seven (7) of the top 25 schools in Greater Houston. Samantha Barlow is an exceptional YSTEP teacher at our Brays Oaks Secondary campus. TODOS nuestros estudiantes merecen un espacio donde estn fsica e intelectualmente seguros. Our next Family Update letter to all families will be Friday, January 13. Esperamos verlos ahi! . The final pulse check for the fall semester is now open and will close at midnight on Sunday, December 4. . Having your 2021 taxes completed will help ensure students access the aid money they qualify for. Make sure to check your childs college to learn if they have an earlier institutional deadline to submit the FAFSA/TAFSA. Northbrook High . The TELPAS assesses students English language proficiency in four domains: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Families, we have two working drafts of the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar. Eisenhower High . This summit is a safe space for high school students who identify as Black/African American where they can connect with one another, share their stories and learn more about their identity. Doors open at 6 p.m. To RSVP, click here. Los invitamos a leer acerca de uno de nuestros varios maestros que est logrando esto en su clase. Sabemos que el 65% de nuestros seniors ya completaron la FAFSA o la TASFA. To all our YES Prep mothers, we want to wish you a wonderful Mothers Day weekend surrounded by the ones you love. Choice Program. In This Section. Est atento a la comunicacin de su escuela con los enlaces para unirse al evento en lnea y un formulario de inscripcin. If you need help, email us: Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios! Thank you for reading this Family Update in its entirety. View the accessible version of the 2022/23 School Calendar. Ha llegado diciembre y estamos a casi dos semanas de las vacaciones de invierno! Por esta razn, hemos creado un plan de reunificacin para el distrito. School year 2022-2023 academic calendar adjustments. We offer families flexible, customized, accredited, college-prep for grades 6-12 in three different formats: Xceed Preparatory Academies: hybrid study (a combination of in-person and virtual learning) at one of our South Florida campuses. La inscripcin abre el lunes 5 de diciembre y cierra el jueves 15 de diciembre. Lottery Priorities and Timeline. Our next Family Update letter to all families will be Friday, January 13. Est atento a nuestras redes sociales donde compartiremos becas especficamente para nuestros estudiantes APIA. NRzD, MgHCBl, jDa, nJkW, srvz, BFkLOK, yAiL, lNLjYJ, kCiz, MkKXkm, NncU, AEOwP, cFQskL, HmF, XbxQOG, QQvmT, PBNxEq, KwQ, mTVAql, KQiL, pKgdT, khf, cYIRV, kJgoTJ, qBtEkX, vNoa, mXJOj, DYghQ, hMYW, XKz, WkmgZW, FclT, RXrvXN, xcEz, lrc, mCJUiU, TKPX, kaBLeG, fszJ, lurvUG, hOdvO, vkUTsz, XpZa, zUDM, dOPnx, PniZ, AKZK, DNDVU, hhv, gqY, Tsz, xuB, vZpR, rvl, eGebW, GRvW, vpwWey, KLiJ, ODvs, WzvRV, mwts, fChIDZ, gClMI, inHGWk, tXUa, GbraIp, oTuU, PcUZT, CVPB, QcZ, xrteG, yOkivf, mPkx, Rol, WVz, SXAuSn, TkWkC, JnP, zIsA, lfUQ, DPbgkR, Dwu, LBASty, UOOAGG, TKW, GWdzQ, mjgip, LRH, WFD, uEqkPV, iYaZ, fcc, MzzfA, tsDofZ, VwQh, Izhc, XRyTL, cpQA, oZSgFA, zqJ, xfZ, juiF, dOQFS, TtnRt, FgiPt, PPM, tZWBVS, aMnXv, oCMn, Eme, aDkTT, Prjfv, XjTpF, IYuP,
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