In addition, all existing inventory aggregate values (tables MBEW, EBEW, QBEW, OBEW) and their complete historic data (tables MBEWH EBEWH, QBEWH, OBEWH) are migrated into the new universal journal entry table ACDOCA and ACDOCA_M_EXTRACT. The universal journal (ACDOCA) is the heart of Accounting and includes all Margin Analysis characteristics in order to allow multi-dimensional reporting by market segment. Thanks for the detailed blog, I got question on CDC on the join context. The values from table ANEK are saved in tables BKPF and ACDOCA in new Asset Accounting. Is it the same like in SLT, which requires a full reload of the data? So what would be the remediation in this case for custom programs . But since both of these fields refer to the same Data element, the system disallows different values to be stored in these two fields. technical SAP allow us to Change the Accounting Document thru BAdI BADI_ACC_DOCUMENT (Interface IF_EX_ACC_DOCUMENT). SAP S/4HANA Finance New Additions, Features and Functionality. Depreciation posted document will have asset number in it. Probably good to post your question in the SAP community for SAC. How several modules have been integrated into single table and reconciled on real time? This document covers GL, AR, AP ,Asset and other topic in S/4Hana. The number of database tables has been reduced. Well, here shown like delta image works fine.. You should not use ACDOCA lastchangedatetime for delta. generally, a delta for a CDS view will be triggered for any changes in tables which are mentioned in the CDC mapping section of that view. Objective of this document is to give the Basic overview of S/4Hana features. In particular, it is about the fields material, customer hierarchy, product hierarchy. For details, please refer the help portal on the reason code definition: How could you set up the extraction that archived and deleted records should not be collected and no deletion be triggered on the target DB side of SLT? In reporting, the extension ledger inherits postings of the base ledger. The generic delta based on date / timestamp has been around since release SAP S/4HANA 1809 on-premise and relies on a date/time element being present in the CDS view reflecting the changes of the underlying records. Good to know it and thanks for sharing ICMR in S4H 1909 OP. FINCS* Tables for Group Reporting . Table; ACDOCA table has been introduced in S/4Hana which have all the fields which were in separate tables before. Yes omer, you need add an additional annotation above, the time stamp field @Semantics.systemDate.lastChangedAt: true. The standard CDS Consumption Views like C_SALESDOCUMENTITEMDEX_1 don't seem to have any type of deletion indicator. @ObjectModel.entityChangeStateId: 'LastChangeDateTime'. You then drill-through to document line item level. With Central Finance concept, its now no need to acquire new software for consolidation. The Maintenance Scheduling Board app allows you now to use additional filters from the header bar, view new columns in the table, and use additional settings for the Gantt chart.Let me highlight here the new condensed mode for the Gantt Then we maintain all the possible fields values manually and Publish: Fiori App Custom Fields and Logic: Code list 2. Year-End Closing. would like to encourage you to post your question in the SAP community, so it does not get lost under the blog here (which I can't monitor every day). The Maintenance Scheduling Board app allows you now to use additional filters from the header bar, view new columns in the table, and use additional settings for the Gantt chart.Let me highlight here the new condensed mode for the Gantt This is all you need and off you go with your CDC delta enabled extractor. Please check: We created a CDS view Z_BW_AUSP based on 2 tables and we are trying to apply the CDC concept. technical SAP allow us to Change the Accounting Document thru BAdI BADI_ACC_DOCUMENT (Interface IF_EX_ACC_DOCUMENT). and specifiy the safety interval that you would like to have in the past. They are available in system but will not be used further. 4. If you see on left hand side, it shows you as Business Partner. I also wonder if there is a requirement of a SLT license when using CDC based extraction using ODP. We already delivered some standard contents covering accounting and consolidation. Source Tables: The tables used to obtain the financial records for entities in SAP S/4HANA are: Table ACDOCA: Universal Journal Entry Table. Once the subscriber deletes its subscription, it will need to do a full reload, if it subscribes again. Previously extracted records that have not changed within the safety interval, will not be extracted again. Each ledger will have one depreciation area in Asset Accounting. In this blog, we are going to discuss about the functional impact of ACDOCA in Finance business processes. Looks like BSEG still gets updated until you deactivate classical PCA. 1. If we want to add a ZZ field to the table, the DB trigger need to be dropped before we activate the new field. It seems not working. We have migrated to S/4 HANA-1610 and trying to find related fields in ACDOCA because BSEG entries are now moving into ACDOCA and we have to convert our select queries from BSEG to ACDOCA. Hi Alexander, Thanks for the good question. 2. Actual data of COEP (WRTTP = 04) is now stored in ACDOCA. A general comparison with Cost based COPA. Fiori App Custom and fields and logic: Code list 1. When I use a date field for delta extraction, which annotation I can use to set the max delay in days? Tables list by Module area. But, Trial balance fiori app gives details at house bank level as all data gets stored in ACDOCA. tableElement:['mandt','atinn','adzhl'] so could we add the input parameters in the CDS view definition,e.g. ACDOCA V/s BSEG currency settings. Do, you have any suggestions on this? Our BW4 team is looking for a training on CDS views from a BW4 data source perspective. Records not available in the view anymore are sent to the consuming clients as deletions. Extraction tab DataSource C_SALESDOCUMENTITEMDEX_1. Its nice blog and very much informative, Thank you for your effort. While I completely understood what you intended to explain I just have the below doubt. This scenarios have to be activated by technical team before it can be used through below screen. Firstly, add a custom field (XYZ) to the business Or is there some sort of extend CDS view you recommend? Option to shift from On Premise edition to cloud version. It worked. keep up your good work! mapping : { It is included in S/4HANA core, no separate license is required. These Sub-modules are: We would further read down all the features of ACDOCA in the mid of this article. When you find out the big differences at aggregated level, you want to know more in detail. It worked for me when I followed the instructions by Vincent: All revenue and cost of goods sold postings are automatically assigned to the relevant dimensions at the time of posting. Thanks for a wonderful blog . Extraction of transaction data should always be delta enabled as this allows a seamless loading and reporting scenario. To write on this table you need some basic concepts: Document Type. It was only with the introduction of the SAP HANA database technology that the last logical step could be taken, namely to unite the FI and CO components into one physical table (table ACDOCA). Oct 2019) and corresponding records will be extracted again. monitor for record changes. Wait until the publishing process has ended. Then we maintain all the possible fields values manually and Publish: Fiori App Custom Fields and Logic: Code list 2. KSL is filled, if the company code is assigned to a controlling area. Here is a list of tables organised by SAP functional or module area (i.e. If Depreciation area is not created for corresponding ledger, system will give error. blog part I ). have moved in the data model and going forward you should be using view C_SALESDOCUMENTITEMDEX_1 instead of C_SALESDOCUMENTITEMDEX. Please keep in mind that theses extended fields will not trigger a delta, only changes in the original CDS view will to my knowledge. @Analytics:{ But since both of these fields refer to the same Data element, the system disallows different values to be stored in these two fields. BSIS, BSAS, BSID, BSAD, BSIK, BSAK, BSIM table and many more are now obsolete. the triggers are dropped, once there is no subscription left (be it by ODQ/ODP, Data Intelligence (formerly know as Data Hub) or SLT) that needs the change recording for a respective CDS view/table. Wait until the publishing process has ended. Here you can choose from the configured currency types the BSEG relevant currency types. Assume the currency of the sales organisation SO is changed from USD to GBP, Does it going to trigger a delta for all the sales orders which uses the sales organisation SO ? I have a similar filter issue then in the post before. With Universal Journal concept CO Postings are written in the Universal Journal table (ACDOCA). I have tried to do some prototype for a S4HANA migration project (S4 2020) in order to support the extraction of "old" tables like BSIK, BSAK, MSEG, MARD, not yet existing (as table) in S4. Once you transfer GL balance, Asset balance will also be transferred. This single Table provides flexibility and a faster response time for reporting. Mobile base application is also available. Meanwhile, it allows snapshot, meaning, when you want a stable data state, you just record a timestamp. Of course you can use any tables you want. You can also expect reasons and solutions will be inferred based on historic results. Cost based COPA. WebPosition Column Name Description Primary Key Data Type Length Check Table; 1 RCLNT Client X CLNT 3 T000: 2 RLDNR Ledger X CHAR 2 FINSC_LEDGER: 3 RBUKRS Company Code No GUI transactions? If you want to read the technical aspects, here is the link to the blog. The second and third parallel currencies of FI (BSEG-DMBE2 or BSEG-DMBE3) correspond to 2 amount fields of KSL GSL according to configuration in transaction FINSC_LEDGER. Please check the following figure in which you see the representation of all underlying key fields surfacing in the CDS view. WebSearch S4 HANA tables. SAP Universal Journal analyzes the major impact of S/4 HANA Finances table architecture design on General Ledger Accounting. The subsequent implementation of multiple valuation approaches in a productive SAP S/4HANA system is not yet supported. delta.byElement : { name: 'date_d', For the highly demanded extractors 0FI_ACDOCA_10 and 0FI_ACDOCA_20, it has been confirmed that a modification to the key fields RLDNR, RBUKRS, PERIV, FISCYEARPER, BELNR, DOCLN is possible (See SAP Note 2341038). If you are SAP ERP customers, you may know there is a built-in intercompany reconciliation functionality(ICR). It allows business users to freely define matching rules and run matching in an instant. In general this means to expose the key fields of the main table as well as the foreign key fields in the on-condition(s) of the involved join(s) (for which you want to have changes tracked and delta records delivered) as elements in the CDS view. This blog will cover the summary of the main tables, customizable objects, and master data elements used in the consolidation processes within SAP Group reporting. Table Size = Table Disk Size on the database / Total Number of table rows * Number of rows in the examined client. But thanks for taking time in writing it, looking forward to read your last one . if you want to blur out the view name, there is one occurrence of your CDS view name in the screen shot still unblurred. You can specify it either as per Functional lines, Product lines or as per responsibilities assigned region-wise. I found nothing in SAP Support and also note here. 3. FI SD Integration VKOA Understanding Flow SAP ECC. Read here from SAP HELP. With the universal journal and the common line item table ACDOCA for FI and CO, there is also a central currency configuration for the universal journal. To complicate things the ShipToParty can either be maintained in the header document or individually directly on a sales order item level in the application. It is not a real last changed date time, but it's actually equal to the creationdatetime, and is not updated when changes occur. or the delta will be triggered only if we make any changes to transaction data, in this case if you made a change to sales order using the transaction va02 it will trigger a delta otherwise wont. { To stop using classical PCA you have to deactivate it as described in SAP note 2425255. Hi Simon, What is your current role? Ill give you a rest now, so you can digest all the annotations. 3. Constant value 000000 for Sales Document Item (POSNR). If option Primary Cost or Revenue is selected, field for cost element category appears. sorry can't help here, hard for me to dive into the details of each view and filter constellation. You can check the unassigned items from both parties, as well as those automatically assigned by matching rules. Its flexibility and workflow-enabled auto-adjustment will make you re-think how you do intercompany activities. best regards. as example I tried to create a simple view from MATDOC to extract the data of the old MSEG. The mapping is necessary to enable a comprehensive logging for each of the underlying tables and subsequently a consistent selection/(re-)construction of records to be provided for extraction. Lets go into the detailed annotations needed for the CDC delta method. ] Scenario: We are using the OData API GET call to get the data from ACDOCA table. Therefore the following tables must not be accessed anymore via SQL statements. In subsequent extraction run 2, records belonging to this time interval will be selected again and compared against the formerly saved records/hashes of extraction run 1. It provides both transaction level matching and aggregated level reconciliation in a real-time fashion. There are several technical changes in general Ledger Accounting such as: SAP S/4 HANA Finance has two major functionality impacts on General Ledger Accounting. You can carry out the fiscal year change only for the new fiscal year with the last month of the old fiscal year being the earliest period for undertaking the change. Access to old data in tables is still possible via the views V_*_ORI (for example, V_COEP_ORI). There are rare exceptions in which only line item records in table ACDOCA are written, without a corresponding document header record. If it posted an AR document in April, and also get the matching run result in April. one more question in the S4HANA still the ABAP based extraction valid? Yes, ICMR supports real-time reconciliation on non-stop changing data sources. Asset details in Depreciation posting document. ShipToParty etc. $CurrentFiscalYearPeriod$ ? After all, the data volume should be much less than ACDOCA. If you have already configured an operating concern for Margin Analysis, columns will be created for each of the characteristics during migration. If you are already using the material ledger, existing material ledger records (tables CKMLPP and CKMLCR) are transferred into ACDOCA and ACDOCA_M_EXTRACT with all existing currency information. S4H combines the data structures of different components (for FI , AA , CO , CO-PA and ML) into a single line item table ACDOCA, called as Universal journal . However, I cannot see the subscription in ODQMON, even we can specify ABAP CDS CDC as subscriber type. It is also no longer possible to subsequently Thank you Isabel. delta.changeDataCapture.mapping.filter.operator It provides both transaction level matching and aggregated level reconciliation in a real-time fashion. Regarding your question, you would be using the same annotation, i.e. What is SAP Material Master? Margin Analysis has been extended broadly over the past releases and we continue to conduct new developments in this area only. Or see the full index of SAP tables that are available in many SAP systems accessed via transaction SE11 and entering the table name.. What's the impact on the delta process for ODQ/ODP, if the trigger is dropped in S/4HANA? It is recommended to maintain one SAP ArchiveLink for each DP doc type even if the process is same as it allows separation of database and custom functions. This consists of a header record (Table BKPF) and the respective line items record (Table ACDOCA). There is also BW/4HANA Content available for the service orders, you can find the details here. Are these "only" quantities that are posted via invoicing (ie invoiced quantity?) HANA internal compression is not considered here as well. And academic back ground? Non-leading standard ledgers, as in the earlier version, can still be assigned to selected. technical SAP allow us to Change the Accounting Document thru BAdI BADI_ACC_DOCUMENT (Interface IF_EX_ACC_DOCUMENT). With SAP S/4HANA Finance, when you post a journal entry, the header record is posted in table BKPF, and the line item record is posted in table ACDOCA. Thanks for the great blog, it's really insightfull. There is not as triggers are table based. But, Trial balance fiori app gives details at house bank level as all data gets stored in ACDOCA. pls do rly it Ill be more helpful for me. Is this the correct approach to use the standard S4 CDC enabled views in something like SDI, DWC? Furthermore, it also checks the impact of business process transactions and configuration changes. If you click on it, this will take you to transaction Code BP. In case of a DELETE operation the job generates an empty record with just the key field(s) filled, sets the deletion indicator and hands them over to ODQ. In case of the main table, (identified by role: #MAIN), this list enumerates all exposed CDS view element names corresponding to the key fields of the main table. All the fields from sub-modules of S/4HANA Finance are available in the table ACDOCA. The Z Transaction Code is recorded in the BKPF table (Field TCODE) where you can see in the document display (FB03). However, once discrepancies are identified, accountants need to figure out the reasons and solutions manually. SAP Universal Journal has integrated the functionalities of S/4HANA in its best possible way. Below are few important points for Asset Accounting in SAP S/4Hana. Scenario: We are using the OData API GET call to get the data from ACDOCA table. As I said in the reference section, information has been extracted from simplication item list by SAP. Cost based COPA. I have added the way in the last comment of the last chapter "Others" as below.To add the fields added to the master data also to the app, firstly, enable usage to the master data in UIs and Reports tab and then go to Data Source Extensions tab and add the field to teh app. Can we use ICMR for CO Documents I.e. Period records more recent than the last period of the previous year are converted into material ledger currencies using standard exchange rate type M. This ensures for primary postings that there is a single source of truth, such that all general ledger items with an assignment to cost centers, orders, WBS elements, business processes, or CO-PA characteristics are treated as one data record which is enriched with the relevant profit center, functional area, segment, and so on. To write on this table you need some basic concepts: Document Type. fields ROCUR/OSL from To stop using classical PCA you have to deactivate it as described in note 2425255. It was only with the introduction of the SAP HANA database technology that the last logical step could be taken, namely to unite the FI and CO components into one physical table (table ACDOCA). User Fields: ANLZ S/4HANA -Table and general NotesACDOCA : Universal Journal Entry Line Items: OSS-Note 3128916 - In other cases, like joins, the developer must explicitly provide the mapping to the frame work. role:#MAIN, Among them, the most attractive one is Real-time analytics. In cases, in which big data volumes with a frequent changes are expected, e.g. A new approach to delay the cost of goods sold posting until the invoice is posted is currently available in S4HC. e.g. Hence we are trying to have a delta load for this. As the currency configuration depends on the universal journal ledgers, there is a combined view cluster for ledgers and currencies, transaction FINSC_LEDGER. The currency type for KSL is defined by the setting in the controlling area. dataCategory: #FACT, Please pardon if any points is missed out. This type of Profitability Analysis is primarily designed to let you analyze profit quickly for the purpose of sales management. Do we need to have any annotation in CDS view so that, the parameters would be exposed to SDI? Now, data needs to be inserted only a single table instead of several tables thus reducing the data foot print drastically. In S/4Hana, there is an integration/Link between FI and Asset Accounting document. Postings are still made to the table BSEG. Data Model. Video 4: SAP Fiori app Maintenance Scheduling Board Graphical relationship management Condensed Mode. But i've seen scenarios where entries are getting maintained in both(BSEG & ACDOCA) tables. From first impression what you are trying to achieve, you could get some inspiration from extraction enabled CDS view C_SERVICEORDERITEMDEX. our version is a S4_2020 SP2
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