He made a mistake and he had to live with it. My question is, does Aloe Vera have any negative side effects for kidney stones, and can it help diverticulosis? Its a lesson I wish no-one will have to experience. Every single one of us, would love to go back and change things, but, we cant, we can only move forward. I hope this gives a little insight and wish you all good things. Im hoping the aloe will help them. You can talk to Him too. But going through this post, I find comfort in the knowledge that I am not the only one grieving hard for a lost love. How can anyone process that type of trauma? He was in pain. However, children can never replace a husband so it seems natural that you are in deep grieving for your loss. We are strong together. To much fluid would build up in his head. He trusted me, I was his caregiver. Its just hard to realize that he is gone. It makes me feel like I am being a part of something that helps others and it takes my mind off the loss. https://www.facebook.com/groups/sheblossoms/. The plastic container claimed to be from high-quality plastic, as part of a shaker. My partner was found decreased on the floor by our 5 year old daughter. I could not bear the thought of putting him in a nursing home or board and care facility given that I lost both my mother and my sister in nursing homes. Grieving, depression, aloneness, uncertainty, fear, sadness for lengths of time MUST take their toll. I will say that at first,for me, I felt like a heavy blanket was on my back. Use the fist thing with anything you need courage to do. I was left with a financial mess too. It will be good for you to have new memories and since your husband didnt like traveling, no reason to feel sad or guilty for going. There are so many aspects and levels to grief and loved ones left behind. Sounds like my marriage but after many many talks found out he was addicted to porn and that was why he was so disconnected with me. Im sure your husband is with Gid, but all of our souls need prai, especially after death. Even harder when you have young kids. I too have been going thru hell with my cat herpes virus and all the doctors ever want to do is give antibotics for the secondary infections. Blessings, JaiElle. I feel afraid to make friends and feel as if nobody wants to. It takes a long time to learn to love your partner; his music, his food, his art, his favourite people. I have a million things to take care of and dont know where to start and all I find myself doing is constantly crying at the drop of a pin. Thank you for your comforting words.I must learn to be grateful for the 50 years I had with my loving husband,and learn now how to live the coming years,however many I will have,without him being by my side to love and guide me.But I guess his love still guides me.I am thankful for that.Strength,love,and guidance to all you who have lost your lifes partner. Trying to support your children in their grief when I couldnt even deal with my own grief, prolonged it all and has contributed to my difficulty in remembering perhaps not so important things. Shortly after he returned home from Afghanistan he was diagnosed with stage 3 advanced metastatic breast cancer. Tom, Yes, the fall was the cause of his death. With my husbands death I receive his social security and my pension was cut in half. ive got cats and a dog and i feel like if it werent for them i probably wouldnt be here anymore. Every morning I prepare water and lemon and cut about 3inches of the plant and I take the inner gel and swallow it with the water and lemon. Please ensure you are on the correct MEGA Pro plan, or contact support@mega.nz. Im asking because I truly am interested in that. So badly I want to see his face or hear his voice I just want to talk to him and have a conversation and share the laugher like we used to. She will be doing some tests but I just wondering if anyone has ever had this sort of thing happen to their kitty? Say he. A piece of me went with him. Lost her husband last year, she is still sad. I will be sad, missing him for the rest of my life but I will continue to live my life the best I can. Nursing husband and he was really hungry too. They joy that Ive been comforted by is the reality of love cant be destroyed. Of course your life has stopped. I know Im not the only one. I always hated that he smoked, but his doctor told him to quit when he was in his 50s and he did, but I guess it was too late. My vet had suggested following up with Lysine, but I plan to show her the research article. You did everything you could. thats what got me thinking to take the oral type internally. I try to ask him why he never wants sex. Its so touching, and I really appreciate your thoughts at the end! Married for 27 yrs. Unfortunately God had other plans. Sarah, thank you for being here. Just throw in the onions and mushrooms or whatever you love and invent your own. At times she has these sneezing fits producing man-size boogers, suggesting to me that theres congestion even if shes seems okay. (As well as a similar anti viral Rx, Acyclovir) My husband uses colloidal silver for many things so we already have that. After 12 months of testing, heart stent surgery and jumping through hoops to get on transplant list, he was denied due to comorbidities. My kids dont come as often, I think they want me to get accustomed to being alone. Steve had cancer, and lived three months from the time he was told. I can reach down and touch it and feel close to him anytime I want. Answering the following questions really helps me provide the best answer: The most common reason people consume Aloe is gut problems, so Ill focus on that in this article. I wish you and yours the best! He passed in May. He wasnt just my husband he was my heart, my best friend, my protector, my confidant the love of my life. Is aloe vera gel helpful for who has diabetes & enlarged prostate???? I know it may not be the healthiest, but the meat and potatoes seemed to be the most filling for him. All of October. strip the thorny sides off & soak it in water for 30 mtsafter this cut with or without skin into pieces, quick rinse and run in grinder with whatever u feel like adding to ease the bitternesss& drinkextra pieces or juice can be refrigerated upto a week for best resultsive been having it with the skini seen its magic effects overnite when my bruised sons legs healed after a glasss of this magic herb with skin & gel he consumedhe literally walked the next morning when he couldnt the prev 3 days.i stopped all medication and this magic herb (glass a day, five days) healed him cleanthanks to google n you tube.i pass this ongud luckignore the dontsits mostly from the medical world of thievery.theyre shit sccared of lossing a few bucks.this wonderful cured a friend of mine in india from cancershe took nothing but this 6 monthsno meds nothingshes fit as a fiddle now! Reach out to your family and friends. I didnt know, I just didnt even imagine Did I do everything I could? Does it get easier, maybe, yet no, the loss is great and your heart will always carry that loss. I dont want to hear talking. Thanks for sharing that you depend on your two kids whom still live with you. Declutter your home, clean out the closets, go through the attic and basement. I married him straight out of high school. My children dont have time to help me. I am getting used to being alone after nearly 48 years with that good man. Our last conversation had been right after my husband died. Your words are so prophetic & completely relatable. Has something to do with this(the after life is peaceful loving)and thats were he is .looking down saying grandma are you kidding me dont be sad Im having a blast ,if people only new the afterlife is pure bliss.just saying.I had a operation 40 years ago I almost passed away what I felt was total bliss and what I saw was un imginative.omg,I wanted to stay not come back.but I did and now my hubby of 30 years is dead.he was a very bad man but I did love him.ok thank you. How much would you recommend I take? There isnt anything else I can say that will help except that youre not alone. All of our plans are gone. He was admitted into hospital while there, then after several weeks was sent to nursing home for 100 days, long story short, he was in 4 nursing homes. He was my soul mate, my friend and so many other things to me. Survivor guilt. Very sad for your loss.. My love died 3 years ago! He was the love of my life..I am very sorry for you loss. So, in my simplicity, all I can offer is my heartache and share my Gods willingness to help me. He had kidney failure and was on dialysis. I would have no hesitation to recommend him to anybody who is in need of help getting his or her Ex-lover back..robinson.buckler {{@yahoo}}. But, give yourself time. And join a church. Since he has chosen not to address it, regardless of how I've told him it makes me feel, I'm no longer interested in him either. There is no one to talk to about it. He fell October 27th & died November 4th. We wanted to fix the house together this spring and save up for a trip. Share anytime. I love my brother and missed him and my husband. Our friends and family never understood. Tears . He was a good man, so loving and so kind. Every day. I just feel stuck. Should i take it before or after meals? Be patient with yourself, dont be afraid to share your feelings. The bible says, the living know they shall die, but the dead knowth not anything. Its been 3 weeks now and I cry every day. Shes also developed foul smelling breath. May God bless you and give you strength. I did some research and found out that high salt intake can cause high blood pressure. I watch our videos also and I made cd of our family pictures. You will not drag them down. Thanks for sharing your views about herpes virus.It is really a major problem which cant be cured but by taking right treatment we can fight it to very extent. I dissolve 1/2 tab in a couple of drops of water it can be in his food even. Had two top wisdoms removed 2hours ago and I think I'm more hungry the fact that you really can't eat much. I miss him so much. I thought I didnt want to be alone but when making the decision of moving in with my daughter and son in law I couldnt do it. Ours was not filtered, nor pasteurized, nor preserved. Wishes of peace, warmth, clarity, and light to you all !! Take care. We have discussed it countless times. I still have difficulty composing my thoughts in any meaningful way. what Ive started doing is just holding it in my mouth & swish it around a bit to allow it to slowly go down my throat to coat it as much as possible. I found comfort in my church iconnect groups for cooking, coffee, friendship and more. It is frightening. It is ironic and a hard road to travel, however I am learning alot on the way! Called him and while involved asked to become pregnant. We dont have family or kids so its just me now trying to figure out how to go on without him. I added aloe to my diet,and lost 35 lbs,i mix straight aloe gel from plant and add to my aloe juice,not the flavored juice they sell in store,to much sugar added to those. Because Im breathing and that makes me worthy for self-care and self-love. Oh, I do have a dog, see is my constant companion which we both enjoyed while he was alive. Its weird knowing he wont ever sit there and fall asleep and snore so loud I have to keep bumping up the TV volume. His family lives many states away and are/werent close with us. I need to pray for patience. I have PMR and Im researching anti inflammatory foods/diets as I dont want to take Prednisone. It takes a long time to realize you dont have to be home by 4 pm to start dinner. Our son is now 10 months and we are back together but nothings changed. It it a painful road, but everyday gets better!! Both my parents are gone and I feel totally alone. I encourage anyone to call sooner rather then later so the team gets to know what is normal for that person. He died instantly. I dont know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! I cannot get past my feelings of guilt. In humans it is weakness and death. Pay attention to what drains your energy and brings you down. I pray this gets better for all of us. Hi Dr Haley, can you drink Aloe Vera Juice mixed in water or even another juice such as orange juice. How much do you recommend i put in one 12 oz cup? its been 4 years since he really touched me and 6 months sex. They took him to the hospital, but he was as good as gone. Sounds like your doctor is a quack. They have all been thru 2 rounds of antibiotics to no avail the best thing I have done for them is to mix colloidial silver and Lysine in there water they are not nearly as bad as Erins cat but the sneezing is never ending until I started using this I also put drops of Collidial silver in one who has a runny eye and I am seeing improvement with him. I too have lost my husband. They are the reasons I get up in the morning! Im here. Regarding serving size 1 oz. First im very sorry for your loss. Fage yogurts will not be sufficient, thanks for the list. traditionally, aloe vera has been used for gut problems such as this and, quite frankly, Stockton aloe is the best. Im totally alone. That is all we can ask of ourselves. Sunday, Nov. 4h to be exact. Sorry for your sadness and pain. I have recently researched aloe vera and decided that all your website is very well put together. Theyre with us in spirit. She is always up and about, but today her eyes look as if it was bleeding and yesterday she threw up and today. I cried hard realizing that I felt I was leaving everything we built together and the comfort of our home that he loved. I lost all interest in my wife sexually because my testosterone levels were low. I was okay as long as I was teaching but now at 85 I am crying every time I look at the pictures of my sweetheart and have so many regrets. Not the support I need. Someone said, your friends disappear. We have 4 wonderful children with the oldest 21 and the youngest is 12. A few months later, the landlord evicted me because I couldnt keep up the rent at what it was. He will not go get checked for what ever reason. He was 78 and I am 75. I cant help you much as I am in the same boat. I dont even understand why he left and how someone so caring, giving and wonderful would be taken so quickly. Just had all 4 wisdom teeth removed this morning. I am going to go buy some and see if it works better than the Ly-sene I give my cat after her shot. Bless you. I am so lonely without him. You may also want to avoid fiber-rich foods such as oranges, broccoli, beets, and celery, and eating well-cooked fruits and veggies instead of raw ones. JPMorgan Chase has reached a milestone five years in the making the bank says it is now routing all inquiries from third-party apps and services to access customer data through its secure application programming interface instead of allowing these services to collect data through screen scraping. Its a proprietary blend of Echinacea, olive leaf, and Eleuthero herb which I put in her water when I see signs and Im happy to tell you it really works. Dianna. I had him cremated as so will I, but as of now he sits on a table just across from me, till I am cremated and I told my son to spread our ashes when he is ready on the mountain we always went to watch the sunset. Now they say he has feline herpes! My hope is that God allows a huge financial win (not an inheritance) so we can help people struggling and love on people like Jesus. Im 63 and all alone. I just want to help women Blossom and grow, and my readers love the lift they get from reading it :-) Heres the sign up link: https://eepurl.com/ca2mJr. Hope He can guide you as well. my husband died with kidney failure last year august its hard for me to accept that hes not here anymore am awake at 2 in d morning thinking of my husband i love him, My husband passed away on January 6, 2020. Nights and early mornings are the worst. Comfort less. Its very difficult to go on without them but somehow each day becomes another. He had diabetes and heart issues, getting pneumonia along with it didnt help. I reached out yesterday for him to show me a sign and he did. :), Just had six removed (4 wisdom and 2 supernumerary) Thank you very much for the list, overcooked mac and cheese was a great insight. but it would be helpful to help heal a sore throat that feels tender, gets worse when I talk & is red (per Doctor), right? My husband died November 4, 2017 from a traumatic brain injury sustained a week prior when he fell from scaffolding at work. On our way to the shuttle waiting area, she dragged her bag across the airport. We built our world around each other. I wish now that I had got out and dated some. sorry I didnt see about the thick congestion avoid milks/creams. There was a crowd too. It was a cot, eventually I was able to go to my own bed. My dream was to become a veterinarian when I was young so the welfare and health of all animals is my utmost concern. Or at least learning more about Him? Best wishes, and TAKE CARE OF YOU ;. I cant sustain an erection and its not because I am not attracted to her. The second, I told him this wasn't as much about sex as it was passion, intimacy and the feelings that go along. Im horrible with finances. We hope your cat feels better! I come home from church weeping, not wanting to face the rest of the day and night in utter isolation. Don and I were together most of the time, and didnt make many friends. Antonella. I will remember to pray for you that God gives you peace and hope. The pain and sorrow is overwhelming, Crushing at times, but it ever so slowly begins to change. He didnt want to be a vegetable living in a nursing home. EVER. He was diagnosed in March and died 3 weeks later. I am speaking from experience, you sound exactly like something I lived through already. I feel completely alone. I feel I am finally free! We are all here for a reason, and it wasnt just to be someones wife. Not for a long time anyway. So I keep myself away from them and pretend I am fine. Thank Goodness, I had support and I got help to finalize the awful paperwork and such. I so want to be able to get to that point. This list is helpful for sure. Their heartbreak breaks your heart over and over. In the south you can find it at any Farmers Market. I dont live near any family. My husband passed away with cancer in march 2022 and my daughter who lived in cornwall passed away just before unexpectedly. I find it difficult to do that any more. Unfortunately, these posts are all public so there is no way for me to give you my telephone number. Not to mention thinking of Christmas. What are you most surprised by? Still have very little hair its just not growing back. Michelle, I am sorry for your loss. Youre supposed to put value of all property and such on paper. I would cry too. On the other hand, Sonys fixation on Call of Duty is starting to look more and more like a greedy, desperate death grip on a decaying business model, a status quo Sony feels entitled to clinging to. People say go talk to someone. We live in a safe area so my feelings are irrational. Had 4 teeth pulled 4 days ago. Losing the cat suddenly (he had been drooling for a few weeks and it got worse and found out he had jaw cancer and was in pain) opened the wound of losing Steve. My brain was shielding me automatically. To read that you just lost your kitty of 17 years makes me so very sad as well. Sounds good..thanks. We were incredibly close. The eyes on the two week old kittens were opening except 2 there was a white substance which turned out to be scar tissue from the herpes. I too feel the same way. My mother-in-law did the same thing, waited until we were gone. But he would shut down and then shut me out because he was embarresed. I feel God has taken His hand off me. I pray for your heart and for your journey. Hope it helps. He was truly my best friend. He is somewhere between 16-20 yrs old by now, and I have had him since 2004. More dark days no company. I dont date, my choice. One of my daughters came to the conclusion independently. Now everything I do or say is wrong. We both loved this precious cat. Kitty used to love sunning in the garden especially in the morning. I wish I could find help. For those who care, he does all type of treatment for hiv aids, cancer disease, fibroid, diabetes, UTI etc CONTACT INFO, Email: drfestusfastherbalcure @ gmail. It was done in March. I'm in a similar situation my boyfriend of 9 years is into kinkier sex but I'm not I have no emotional or sexual desire to him I'm sure it never developed into love just stayed in lust but we have 2 kids together and we decided it'd be better if both parents were in their lives but that's just not how it works, I came home one day and told him we're both unhappy with each other we're just comfortable with having someone there so I think its best we break up, he staight out said NO I told him its pointless staying together he could be single and find someone that meets his needs and I just wanted to be on my own he told me to get "these silly ideas out of my head" and now I feel bad because he won't even consider it so I'm up and leaving with the kids in a few months (he works 14 hours a day 6 days a week) so theres no way he can take them to school and everything else. The collection letters are keep coming in to collect money. I mean, Edward Scissorhands. Lets face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you dont have to do anything. Stan was everything to me. I have a cat and a new job since the firm I was working for acted like it wasnt going to stay open and now I hate my new job, which is very stressful. Oh my, FranMy heart goes out to you & am so sorry. I have the motto baby steps., I met my husband in high school 10th grade and fell madly in love with him, we dated a few times but I wasnt the one after graduation I didnt see him for 18 years until they were tearing down our school and met again at the last dance. Now if i make her go out even a couple Of days in a row, she exhibits symptoms, mostly sneezing and a hacking cough at night. I know when people are giving advice and telling you So sorry, we are praying for you or Itll get better with time can feel so shallow and insincere, especially when they have no grasp of the hurt we are feeling. reminding him to shower, eat, and I have to apply for jobs for him and still cook and clean. It is a heart wrenching relief that I was able to him what he wanted in he end of his life. A healthy diet will help both of those conditions and aloe can certainly be part of a healthy diet for the gut and immune system but it isnt the first thing we turn to for either of those. No childrenno close fiends to even callI FLIPPED OUT.I just realized how alone I will beIt petrified me.please helpif and whenI do lose him (he is older)Im going to lose my mind(seriously)I felt like I was losing my mind.pleasepleasehelp me, Thank you for being here, and asking such an important question! I hope that someone out there really cares and this website is more then just a lure to sell a book So many monsters in the world, sometimes I feel like giving up.. First, please know that I am truly sorry for your pain & loss. That raw pain of grief can feel like it will destroy you, and at times you may wish that it would, but dont allow it, youve lost enough, dont lose yourselves. My heart is totally breaking. I have a few things for you to look at related to Pink Aloe. He hadnt been sick. The practical tips and ideas in this article might help you move forward but even more comforting are the readers comments below. Great list! Friends, family, and neighbors are wonderful, but they are not my Bob and can never take his place. My daughter who was 38 died 1 year ago and my husband was buried on the anniversary of our daughters death. I would want to know the species of the plant and how many parts per million of aloin it contained to better know what you are getting. I help women look upwards to grow healthy and strong, emotionally and spiritually. Focus on the good times and honor him. Ive repeatedly gone thru my memories and starting to stop myself or Ill end up crying. I feel so devastated and lonely without him. When I die I will be laid beside him. They are all grown, 3 are married and 1 will be getting married in December. Let your vet know if your cat has come in contact with any stray cats, was recently adopted or spent time in a vet office with cats who were potentially infected with feline herpes. For me finding someone else was the only way to be happy. I never thought I would experience such severe anxiety Nobody knows what these feelings are like until they have been through it. Steve. If your stomach keeps hurting after you eat and youre struggling with constipation or diarrhea, its a good idea to check in with your doctor to get tested for IBS. to those who decide to adopt that truly is wonderful. Marti Carter. It makes me angry, bitter and just wanting to be gone. I lost my husband of 40 years on Jan 4, unexpectedly. My husband went missing in the wilderness a month ago and searches are unable to find him. Doesnt matter what you do or how much you talk about him or all the problems you now solve on your own your mind races back to him and how for one brief shining moment in time you were fulfilled and warm and safe. The shock and trauma leaves you feeling vulnerable, terrified, lonely, lost, forgetful, disorganized, foggy and so many other things. As of right now this minute, I'm in noticeable and uneasy pain. I have two kinds of aloe growing, and assume both are edible? :-), Had all 4 wisdom teeth removed and stitched up 6 days ago. He was my rock. They say that boys will be men so I guess this book would have worked for me and my husband too. So we press on. If you have wool pads or sore areas in your mouth, the idea of chewing and swallowing can be scary. First, know that theres no shortcut. Losing the cat suddenly (he had been drooling for a few weeks and it got worse and found out he had jaw cancer and was in pain) opened the wound of losing Steve. I was so spoiled with such a good marriage. He is hammy to the core core. Small steps each day. Its a journey that wont be by any means easy, especially those scary thoughts of re-starting life after something so traumatic. My heart and chest aches everyday. I feel sick at times-We were very much in love and extremely close-We did everything together; we loved traveling and we could relax for hours together just reading snd having snacks , talking & enjoying each others company-he too took care of the home repairs snd yard work was one of his hobbies,along with cooking which we did as a team on holidays-He was so bright filled with curiosity, and everyone loved him-When he died I no longer knew how to function-I have been inundated with home repairs,hiring landscapers ect which isis very expensive and it is very difficult to find people that you can trust-Our daughter lives very close and has been wonderful-She has a family of her own and I dont want her to burden herself with caring for me!I am so upset with life but I am a person of faith which gives me comfort-But wow I miss his attention ,his kisses hello and goodbye, his text snd phone calls and just his mere presence-Im miserable-Its been nine long months snd not getting much better. My beloved husband suddenly passed on after our very long relationship, and I am currently still going through this pain. Roy, Im not sure what makes you feel that way. If it was for me and from our brand no outer leaf parts I would say 12 ounces! 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