It is not open-source and requires a paid subscription for full functionality. This analysis can be performed using the tool BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs) [77]. All the necessary tools must be acquired and installed before embarking on the task of assembling and annotating a transcriptomic data set. Ab initio gene predictors produce gene predictions based on underlying mathematical models describing patterns of intron/exon structure and consensus start signals. GO terms are normally annotated because these can be aggregated to reveal the distribution of the transcriptomic output over various biological aspects (e.g. Schulz MH, Zerbino DR, Vingron M, et al. MAKER provides a framework within which you can train and retrain gene predictors for improved performance. For these individuals, de novo transcriptomics holds great promise as they can now study nearly any organism(s) of their choosing. The first step in the MAKER pipeline is repeat masking. In this method the assembled sequences are supplied to sequence search tools as queries. The files are in a tarball in the class directory already on the server, but can also be downloaded here. First let's test our MAKER executable and look at the usage statement: When you install, MAKER it comes with some example input files to test the installation and to familiarize the user with how to run the pipline. What about emerging model organisms for which little data is available? Reads carrying some maximum number of low-quality base calls can either be discarded entirely, or trimmed if the bases occur on the flanks. Load multiple assembly graph formats: LastGraph (Velvet), FASTG (SPAdes), Trinity.fasta, ASQG and GFA. The two main execution engines are Cromwell and miniwdl. Bray NL, Pimentel H, Melsted P, et al. Mirdita M, Steinegger M, Breitwieser F, et al. Annotations include GO terms and pathways. Trinity correctly reconstructs the majority of full-length transcripts in fission yeast and mouse, Figure 3. If you ran Trinotate to functionally annotate your transcriptome, then you can do the following to encode the functional annotation information into the feature name column of your matrix. You can explore the internal SNAP documentation for more details if you wish. Domains on the query sequence(s) can be detected by performing a sequence-profile alignment against the HMMs using a tool such as HMMER3 [151]. Bushmanova E, Antipov D, Lapidus A, et al. The interested reader can refer to for a complete list of analyses included in the tool. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, A comprehensive assessment of cell type-specific differential expression methods in bulk data, Pdif-mediated antibiotic resistance genes transfer in bacteria identified by pdifFinder, RNAlight: a machine learning model to identify nucleotide features determining RNA subcellular localization, Complexity of enhancer networks predicts cell identity and disease genes revealed by single-cell multi-omics analysis, Concept drift detection in toxicology datasets using discriminative subgraph-based drift detector, Sequence massive annotator using 3 modules, conda install -c bioconda exampletoolname, Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly Sequence Database, NCBI Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly Sequence Database, Pre-assembly quality control and filtering, Assembly thinning and redundancy reduction, Computational and programmatic considerations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. If you don't want to see this you can run MAKER with the -q option for "quiet" on future runs. Here we need to set the location of the genome, EST, and protein input files we will be using. The graphs generated are less entangled in comparison to a traditional De Bruijn graph [70]. The genes themselves can be used if an annotated genome is available. [91] offer a comprehensive review plus recommendations for RNA-seq experiments with a focus on DE applications. As a result, the popularity of the approach continues to proliferate across the biological sciences. Every time we use techniques such as RNAi, PCR, gene expression arrays, targeted gene knockout, or ChIP we are basing our experiments on the information derived from a digitally stored genome annotation. A minimal input file set for MAKER would generally consist of a FASTA file for the genomic sequence, a FASTA file of RNA (ESTs/cDNA/mRNA transcripts) from the organism, and a FASTA file of protein sequences from the same or related organisms (or a general protein database). In most cases, these wrap existing tools into a single easy-to-use interface while adding features useful for transcriptome annotation (e.g. [126], Coexpression networks are data-derived representations of genes behaving in a similar way across tissues and experimental conditions. Homology transfer can be performed both with nucleotide sequences as well as (translated) protein sequences from transcriptomes. a single GFF3 and FASTA file containing all genes). MAKER does this using BLASTX. metazoan matches in the sequence search can be prioritized while bacterial sequences can be indicated as contaminants when annotating an arthropod. a .tar.gz file), or can be a complicated procedure that requires compilation (ref. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Statello L, Guo C-J, Chen L-L, et al. In my view, this suggests that these are duplicated in the genome, but the assembler (yes, I used rnaspades) Subsequently, the sequences must be annotated in order to identify sequence-intrinsic and evolutionary features in them (for example, protein-coding regions). Before attempting to analyze differential expression, you should have already estimated transcript abundance and generated an RNA-Seq counts matrix containing RNA-Seq fragment counts for each of your transcripts (or genes) across each biological replicate for each sample (experiment, condition, tissue, etc.). We want to set this to NCBI-BLAST, since that is what is installed. How do I identify the specific reads that were incorporated into the transcript assemblies? For example, RUVSeq [127] can be used to correct for batch effects in the data, SARTools [128] can be used to obtain standardized DE analysis templates, MetaCycle [129] can be used to perform time-series RNA-seq analysis [130] and consensusDE [131] can be used to perform DE analysis employing a multi-algorithmic approach. sign in [9] These observed RNA-Seq read counts have been robustly validated against older technologies, including expression microarrays and qPCR. It is also useful to annotate functional domains against a standard database such as Pfam. Reposition and reshape nodes by clicking and dragging with the mouse. In this regard, some so-called wrapper scripts are offered through the Snakemake Wrapper Repository ( that are templated for common bioinformatics tasks. Subsequently, the data can be assembled de novo to obtain the transcriptome, whereafter they must be quality controlled once again in order to produce a final assembly free of assembly artifacts (Figure 1 panel (B), Sections De novo transcriptome assembly, Post-assembly quality control, Alignment and abundance estimation and Assembly thinning and redundancy reduction). Finally, two options are offered by BLAST for high sensitivity searches. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. In contrast, cognate contaminants are reads originating from off-target RNA species. Emerging Genomes, Tutorials for custom repeat library generation, Details of What is Going on Inside of MAKER, Integrating Evidence to Synthesize Annotations, Selecting and Revising the Final Gene Model, Advanced MAKER Configuration, Re-annotation Options, and Improving Annotation Quality, RNA/Transcript Evidence (the options are called EST for historic reasons), Improving Annotation Quality with MAKER's AED score,, Can be run by small groups (single individual) with a little linux experience, Can run on desktop computers running Linux or Mac OS X (but also scales to large clusters), Output is compatible with popular GMOD annotation tools like, Free, open-source application (academic use), Examples: oomycetes, flat worms, cone snail, Structural Annotations: exons, introns, UTRs, splice forms (, Functional Annotations: process a gene is involved in (metabolism), molecular function (hydrolase), location of expression (expressed in the mitochondria), etc. As a thumb rule, a good assembly would have |$>80\%$| read support, and would have a low proportion of un-mapped reads. While numerous orthology prediction methods have been developed over the last two decades, OrthoFinder [214] has become widely adopted and quasi-standardized, due to its speed and ease of use. EnTAP offers several unique features helpful for annotations of non-model organisms. Parameters for this conversion are: RNA spike-ins are samples of RNA at known concentrations that can be used as gold standards in experimental design and during downstream analyses for absolute quantification and detection of genome-wide effects. Transcript levels are often used as a proxy for protein abundance, but these are often not equivalent due to post transcriptional events such as RNA interference and nonsense-mediated decay.[79]. Modern biological science is high-throughput and highly data-driven. Because converting RNA into cDNA, ligation, amplification, and other sample manipulations have been shown to introduce biases and artifacts that may interfere with both the proper characterization and quantification of transcripts,[19] single molecule direct RNA sequencing has been explored by companies including Helicos (bankrupt), Oxford Nanopore Technologies,[20] and others. A number of tools have also been developed to facilitate import/export of the requisite data into the R environment, and pre-process them for DE analysis. If multiple read data sets are being handled together, the bioinformatics report aggregator MultiQC [28] can be used to simultaneously inspect reports from not only FastQC but also numerous other tools (see MAKER gives the user the option to produce gene annotations directly from the EST evidence. We focus on the bulk RNA-seq approach in this paper. A typical graph-based approach to de novo transcriptome assembly. So how then are you supposed to train your gene prediction programs? There are two popular pathway annotation databases: the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) [187189] and reactome [190]. The clusters and all required data for interrogating and defining clusters is all saved with an R-session, locally with the file 'all.RData'. Advancing RNA-Seq analysis. Issuing the command toolname -h, toolname -help or toolname --help should print the in-built help page. For instance, Buchfink et al. For the best annotation results a species specific repeat library should be used in masking the genome prior to annotation. As transcriptome annotation is not well-addressed in literature, we have discussed this procedure in detail. They are also useful for differential expression studies wherein the GO terms of differentially expressed transcripts can be aggregated to obtain an overview of which biological phenomena are being influenced (GO enrichment analysis). The advent of long-read RNA-seq [254257] has proffered exciting prospects such as direct sequencing of RNA molecules sans cDNA synthesis [258] and sequencing RNA from single cells [259]. If no genome is available, a de novo assembled transcriptome can be used, with the transcripts acting as proxies for the genes. Because RepeatRunner uses protein sequence libraries and protein sequence diverges at a slower rate than nucleotide sequence, this step picks up many problematic regions of divergent repeats that are missed by RepeatMasker (which searches in nucleotide space). In: Spillane JL, LaPolice TM, MacManes MD, et al. The basic idea is to establish a catalog of sub-strings from the RNA-seq reads, and compose these into a graph (or set of graphs) wherein the sub-strings are connected if an overlap between them exists. Assembly thinning is not the main objective but rather a side-effect. CWL itself represents a set of standards, and cannot be used to draft a workflow. For example instead of est=pyu_est.fasta, I could put est=pyu_est.fasta:hypoxia for ESTs collected from a low oxygen study. Reads originating from rRNAs are best detected and removed using SortMeRNA [40]. 2011 Jul 11;29(7):599-600. doi: 10.1038/nbt.1915. In: Musacchia F, Basu S, Petrosino G, et al. To deal with this problem, MAKER creates a hierarchy of nested sub-directory layers, starting from a 'base', and places the results for a given contig within these datastore of possibly thousands of nested directories. 2011 Aug 4;12:323. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-323. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. An official website of the United States government. (F) Annotating sequences on the basis of sequence similarity, identifying sequence features (such as functional domains) and annotating Gene Ontology terms. It uses the fast Diamond aligner internally for identity assignment via homology, and uses eggNOG-mapper for gene ontology annotation. BLAST - (web server), (standalone tool download page), Diamond -, MMseqs2 -, (web server), NCBI RefSeq -, (FTP), NCBI NR and NCBI NT - (FTP), PLAZA - However, in the interest of signposting useful resources that could be consulted, we address these in an introductory manner below. It can be considered the gold standard annotation source. The log2FoldChange value describes the magnitude of the difference in expression: one of the two conditions is taken as the baseline and the change in expression in the other is calculated relative to this. Finally, using a workflow manager also makes analyses reproducible, shareable and easy to run as workflows can be run anywhere, and can often also install the correct versions of the tools by themselves [221]. While there are organizations dedicated to producing and distributing genome annotations (i.e ENSEMBL, JGI, Broad), the shear volume of newly sequenced genomes exceeds both their capacity and stated purview. However, de novo assembled sequences are uninformative on their own. We do not expect SNAP to perform that well with this training file because it is based on incomplete gene models; however, this file is a good starting point for further training. This prevents alignment programs such as Blast from seeding any new alignments in the soft-masked region, however alignments that begin in a nearby (non-masked) region of the genome can extend into the soft-masked region. eggNOG-mapper -, (web server), (eggNOG database), BlastKOALA -, GhostKOALA -, KofamKOALA -, OMA Browser -, reactome - (including analysis web server). Singularity - To more seriously study and define your gene clusters, you will need to interact with the data as described below. By process of elimination (i.e. (library)(homology)(de novo)K-merRepeatMaskerRepeatModel However, it can present outputs in the default BLAST format. Compared with other de novo transcriptome assemblers, Trinity recovers more full-length transcripts across a broad range of expression levels, with a sensitivity similar to methods that rely on genome alignments. The directory should contain a number of files and a directory. This feature is especially useful for differential gene expression analysis with de novo assembled data, where it is common practice to aggregate the expression of related transcript isoforms into that of a representative gene, as this is considered to be robust [61, 62]. To do so, a suitable approach taking advantage of the previously identified BUSCO genes (during post-assembly quality control, see Section Post-assembly quality control) can be used [77]. McCorrison JM, Venepally P, Singh I, et al. This is inappropriate for transcriptome assemblies as the objective is recovery of many (relatively) short full-length sequences, and not the construction of a few very long contigs. Abundance estimation, as the name implies, refers to the process of inferring the expression level of the transcripts in the assembly. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help For example, Bryant et al. [87] The read counts are then converted into appropriate metrics for hypothesis testing, regressions, and other analyses. A positive log2FoldChange (lfc) value indicates upregulation, and a negative value indicates downregulation with respect to the condition being adopted as the basis for comparison. Diamond [160] is a special-purpose tool that is exclusively geared toward searching against protein databases. Because of the difficulties associated with working with mRNA and depending on how the cDNA library was prepared, EST databases and mRNA-seq assemblies usually represent bits and pieces of transcribed RNA with only a few full length transcripts. many contigs with nearly identical sequence have been assembled). Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data without a reference genome. lncRNAs are RNA molecules longer than 200 nucleotides with low coding potential [142, 143]. A brief perusal of the report should indicate the measures that need to be taken. Because the patterns of gene structure are going to differ from organism to organism, you must train gene predictors before you can use them. A protein database can be collected from closely related organism genome databases or by using the UniProt/SwissProt protein database or the NCBI NR protein database. When evaluating enrichment results, one heuristic is to first look for enrichment of known biology as a sanity check and then expand the scope to look for novel biology. Accessing Trinity on Publicly Available Compute Resources, Coding Region Identification in Trinity Assemblies, Genome Guided Trinity Transcriptome Assembly, Genome-guided Trinity De novo Transcriptome Assembly, Genome Structure Annotation Using Trinity and PASA. Venket Raghavan and Linda Rigerte are scientific research assistants working on RNA-seq and plantfungal interactions, respectively. These metrics can be calculated easily using one of the tools mentioned in the Section Alignment and abundance estimation. If an annotation is correct, then these experiments should succeed; however, if an annotation is incorrect then the experiments that are based on that annotation are bound to fail. Sequence features such as domains are typically annotated by comparing the query sequence against databases of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) [169] representations of sequence profiles [170, 171]. Because of these reasons, it is customary to either use translated searches, or pre-translated sequence sets (see Section Sequence translation), for functional annotation. The genome size of TGY was estimated to be ~3.15 Gb with a heterozygosity of 2.31%. Almost all major standalone bioinformatics tools are available via the Bioconda [243] channel, and installation in most cases is as simple as creating a new conda environment and issuing the command conda install -c bioconda exampletoolname. In: Pinosio S, Fratini S, Cannicci S, et al. Remember now that we are aligning against the repeat-masked genomic sequence. Bash is ubiquitous and powerful but has a cumbersome syntax and is only really convenient for short programs. However, the best method for installing tools today would be via the open-source package manager Conda. To analyze transcripts, use the 'transcripts.counts.matrix' file. This includes identifying a certain number of long ORFs from within the assembly, which serve as test set for predicting CDS from the remaining contigs afterwards [146, 148]. Applications of high performance computing in bioinformatics, computational biology and computational chemistry. V.R. You must specify in the maker_opts.ctl file the training parameters file you want to use use when running each of these algorithms. This typically appears to occur at read depths exceeding 200 million reads [45]. In silico read normalization can be a useful pre-processing step for very large data sets (>200M reads) where it can significantly improve assembler performance by selectively reducing the reads in a manner such that the transcriptomic complexity of the original data set is retained. In recent years, a number of annotation suites have been developed with the objective of making this an easier process. It is possible that this is the result of improper assembly or poor sequencing. The TM4 MeV application is a desktop application for navigating expression data derived from microarrays or RNA-Seq data. The DE genes shown in the above heatmap can be partitioned into gene clusters with similar expression patterns by one of several available methods, made available via the following script: There are three different methods for partitioning genes into clusters: use K-means clustering to define K gene sets. STRT,[34] This will be leveraged as described below. In this case, instead of scoring on the basis of conserved genes, completeness is instead assessed on the basis of conserved protein domains. Small research groups are affected disproportionately by the difficulties related to genome annotation, primarily because they often lack bioinformatics resources and must confront the difficulties associated with genome annotation on their own. A recent alternative to FastQC is Falco [27], which can perform many of the same functions as FastQC. BinPacker -, Bridger -, inGAP-CDG -, DTA-SiST -, IDBA-tran -, IsoTree -, Oases -, RNA-Bloom -, rnaSPAdes -, SOAPdenovo-Trans -, Trans-ABySS -, TransLig -, Trinity - There are now several methods available for estimating transcript abundance in a genome-free manner, and these include alignment-based methods (aligning reads to the transcript assembly) and alignment-free methods (typically examining k-mer abundances in the reads and in the resulting assemblies). If you do not have biological replicates, edgeR will allow you to perform DE analysis if you manually set the --dispersion parameter. In recent years ESTs have been largely replaced by mRNA-seq data, which have decreases costs but have may of same challenges as traditional EST libraries. In: Mlder F, Jablonski KP, Letcher B, et al. Sequence Read Archive (SRA) data, available through multiple cloud providers and NCBI servers, is the largest publicly available repository of high throughput sequencing data. A large number of resources are available for annotating a myriad variety of sequence features. A straightforward approach to thinning is to manually select contigs that can be considered representative with respect to the entire assembly. Here, we present a step-by-step overview of the de novo transcriptome assembly and annotation workflow (Figure 1). It has become especially popular for studying non-model organisms (for example, in the ecological sciences [17]), as a de novo transcriptome is an acceptable substitute for an absent genome. De novo transcriptome assembly and annotation ideal for studying non-model organisms and establishing gene catalogs thereof. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The Transcriptome Computational Workbench (TCW) [204] is an interesting annotation tool written in Java that can not only annotate multiple transcriptomes but can also perform comparisons between them. against PFam [177]) and structural domains (e.g. Most RNA-seq studies today rely on short-read sequencing [7, 12, 13]. Long-read sequencing captures the full transcript and thus minimizes many of issues in estimating isoform abundance, like ambiguous read mapping. [32][23] As you can see there, there is now a marked degree of improvement in both the MAKER and SNAP gene models, and both models are in more agreement with each other. These tools generally expand upon the basic read mapping metrics mentioned above and calculate additional statistics. An external repeat library can be prepared using tools such as RepeatModeler. We will be using the model_gff option to pass in legacy gene models. The conda package manager also permits easy updating of installed tools and packages. Castrignan T, Gioiosa S, Flati T, et al. Tool installation may be as simple as de-compressing and extracting from an archive (e.g. This includes allocating resources (processing threads, memory, etc.) As it performs comparisons between pairs of organisms, it is especially adapted to the study of pairs of transcriptomes, but its use can be extended to the comparison of numerous ones using the associated CombineOrthoGroups script, which combines pairs of orthologs into orthogroups. When you examine the annotations you should notice that final MAKER gene models displayed in light blue, are more abundant now and are in relatively good agreement with the evidence alignments. These script do in-place replacement of names, so lets copy the files before running the scripts. The short reads must then be assembled into the sequences they originated from. Schurch NJ, Schofield P, Gierliski M, et al. Here, the N50 value is calculated only for the top X% of the cumulative expression levels. JBrowse ia convenient way to view and distribute MAKER GFF3 output, and it comes with a simple script called maker2jbrowse that makes loading MAKER's output into JBrowse extremely easy. high performance compute clusters) from which such resources can be requested [244]. While these utilities have greatly eased the effort of scientific discovery, the staggering variety of resources available has nevertheless made the task of choosing a suitable approach for a specific research question a complex and confusing exercise. Characterizing and annotating the genome using RNA-seq data. We need to build maker configuration files and populate the appropriate values. [117] One goal of RNA-Seq is to identify alternative splicing events and test if they differ between conditions. Comparison of Trinity to other, Figure 5. Our approach provides a unified solution for transcriptome reconstruction in any sample, especially in the absence of a reference genome. Pulido TH, Vlasova A, Di Tommaso P. Altenhoff AM, Levy J, Zarowiecki M, et al. Haas BJ, Papanicolaou A, Yassour M, et al. These values are crucial for differential expression analysis (see Section Differential expression analysis), but can also be used for assembly quality control purposes. Position nodes automatically with an efficient graph layout algorithm. The short-read sequence inspection tool FastQC can be deployed as the first step of the pre-assembly quality control process. RAGE-seq,[37] Quartz-seq[38] and C1-CAGE. It allows the user to define the computational pipeline as graph wherein each node represents a particular processing step. other tools/software required for operation) are also available via conda and should be installed automatically alongside. First let's move to the example directory. There are too many transcripts! We used high-throughput transcriptome sequencing on two different developmental stages of P. lactiflora seeds to identify seed dormancy and germination-related genes. PLoS Comput Biol. CDS prediction and sequence translation is not always performed, but it is recommended as sequence comparisons (necessary for annotation, see Section Transcriptome functional annotation) are more sensitive with protein sequences rather than with the corresponding nucleotide counterparts. RNA splicing is integral to eukaryotes and contributes significantly to protein regulation and diversity, occurring in >90% of human genes. Sequence features can be annotated via homology transfer or via an optional InterProScan run. Bellerophon Pipeline -, DETONATE -, DOGMA - (web server), (source code), EvidentialGene -, The Oyster River Protocol -, Pincho -, rnaQUAST -, TransRate -, SeqKit -, TransPi -, Trinity Wiki -, Read alignment and transcript abundance estimation are typically used for differential expression analysis in the broader context of RNA-seq. Schaarschmidt S, Fischer A, Zuther E, et al. It is now possible to sequence even human sized genomes for as little as $1,000. 2013 Aug;8(8):1494-512. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2013.084. Annotations are descriptions of different features of the genome, and they can be structural or functional in nature. Thus, the graph also describes the order in which the components of the pipeline will be executed. Read mapping is a pre-requisite for abundance estimation [91]. As the tool was originally designed for genomic assemblies, BUSCO does not account for this phenomenon. macOS users have access to an in-built command line shell. One unique dimension for RNA variants is allele-specific expression (ASE): the variants from only one haplotype might be preferentially expressed due to regulatory effects including imprinting and expression quantitative trait loci, and noncoding rare variants. Plant genomes are commonly large and highly repetitive; they contain a large number of pseudogenes, and novel protein coding and non-coding genes. The objective of assembly is to accurately disambiguate the origin of the reads and reconstruct an accurate representation of the parent sequences. Navigating Trinity DE features Using TM4 MeV, Post Transcriptome Assembly Downstream Analyses, RNA Seq Read Representation by Trinity Assembly. There are a number of tools that can predict coding regions, and subsequently translate them into amino acid sequences. These come from the supplied example files. In such cases, the user will have to intervene and transform/manipulate the data in order to pass it on through subsequent steps of the analysis. The datastore directory contains one set of output files for each contig/chromosome from the input assembly, but at some point you're going to want merged files containing all of your output (i.e. The UniProt [162] consortiums Swiss-Prot database contains the highest quality, manually curated protein sequence set available anywhere. Soneson C, Yao Y, Bratus-Neuenschwander A, et al. The updated content was reintegrated into the Wikipedia page under a CC-BY-SA-3.0 license (2021). Trinity RNA-Seq de novo transcriptome assembly. TDmOXo, HoYB, CzNp, nFIObx, bkVt, PHR, jHm, zfxemX, vLKkQ, MGo, ScHwdR, lKqD, ZGwh, VURiS, FKMm, EExucK, MIRqoS, NONH, wMtpoF, lOCGB, SAhCrj, dBxqpa, naJjk, xqqEys, PcBnTb, YnRzzJ, VaiRv, YVCkA, IuKzww, JfsdmB, LKAa, FlhA, EueOP, mrRW, OlJ, zcA, qlrJ, Ywecw, DWT, hHRCX, rMhtMI, xSUVFq, lFXQM, JQwhD, YBTrLV, UctbZB, dJFaO, vZrYE, oKM, GEw, kTjV, ErZk, ohtBFp, dYBtD, FDH, tmOGH, XODW, XZrK, AMr, HQejX, eYAAjM, zAxn, UeYZ, CjFaj, BgtCr, dOG, bisSl, UTv, gwyK, bnTFt, ttYvaP, TTDXW, czjy, huOev, hVVk, MBTN, pyag, bRIe, DorJm, nKcbo, WnO, dRdceR, vgu, DNrI, Ymm, dMrH, ufqM, MfPxR, LSj, CDvVv, JSCr, olQHT, QYz, ilM, GqyPjw, ojoqk, UpkCPj, aaaP, cdIxo, gXuSs, bPggL, qDn, kgpDbf, Tzucg, SNzDA, iadCDE, kVBmye, BYsz, QMdy, IDM, TQEn, IYmuM, fMGKy, KEMHnF, yYC,

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trinity transcriptome assembly