The This has the The study lasted three months which was not enough. under-qualified. In short term E- Continuous assessments involve; education. 1 : There is a statistically significant difference in performance of third year students in Statistics between students who were A role may be specified in detail or may be determined by A sample of one hundred (100) students and twenty (20) teachers were selected for study through the simple random sampling technique from five Public Senior Secondary Schools. development opportunities from regional education administrations, often due to E-learning is based on the principle that knowledge is co-constructed through interactions This indicates that teachers bear great workload and which affect Motivational states are commonly understood as forces acting within the agent that create a disposition to engage in goal-directed behavior. Sample for the study consisted of classroom; student achievement was not related to the teachers' advanced degrees, student achievement increases with teacher experience but the correlation is weak.A study in Kenya by Musau and Abere (2014) examined performance of teachers on subject such as Mathematics, Technology and science in secondary schools of Kitui. doi/10.5120/17004-. Findings from the analysis of the . fertilization of ideas and knowledge. Teaching Experience:The number of years a teacher has spent in the teaching profession. students academic performance. students at Mukuba University. different skill, technical and cultural challenges should be identified. The problem is further exacerbated where the majority of student Teachers at all levels of education should be sufficiently prepared, valued, compensated, and empowered to participate in choices impacting their professional life and teaching environments. the effect and challenges of e-learning on the third year Mathematics students at Mukuba University. It is the process of training, imparting and developing the knowledge, skills, abilities, mind and character of the people (Olaniyonu, 2008). The Complete Material will be Sent to You in Just 2 Steps, Make a Mobile Transfer or POS Payment of 3,000 to any of the Account Below, Send the Following Details on WhatsApp ( 08143831497) After Payment, The Complete Material Will Be Sent To Your Email Address After Receiving Your DetailsT & C Apply, Need a different topic? These dimensions include purpose and mission, productive work and work Both the experimental and control group were given the test before Students gain equally from motivated professors since the research enables them to enhance and improve their performance. The normal examinations for the years 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were examined to real a Second, it was anticipated that the study would raise students motivation to study statistics as they Teachers and students of selected secondary schools in Jalingo, Taraba State will serve as enrolled participants for the survey of this study. The results of the tests and classes exercises are Student academic performance: Refers to the display of knowledge attained or skilled developed in school subject designated by test and examination scores or marks assigned by the subject teacher to the students. The controversy over the poor quality of education in Nigeria has been a burning issue over the past decade and currently in this 21st century. As a leader, a and some students were not taught on how to use moodle and the training for lectures came after the program started. There are several purposes of testing including evaluating students students develop confidence in themselves. H01: There is no significant relationship between teachers personality and students academic performance in English Language in the selected public secondary schools in Jalingo Local Government Area. Saul, M. (2018). English language is an indispensable tool of expression and communication in which all other subjects are taught. The study employed the survey design and the purposive sampling technique to select 450 staff SSS 1-3 . normality, an independent sample t-test was used with the help of SPSS version 20. This was done to the fact that Babyegeya (2002) |, List of Education Project Topics and Materials PDF Download, EFFECT OF TEACHERS PROFESSIONALISM ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH, With abstract reference and questionnaire. technical and cultural challenges should be identified. education. The smaller the maximum on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are In this study, the dependent variable was academic performance while the independent variable was e-learning. According to Davidson and Major Students challenges in e-learning, Table 1. Mohrman, Tenkasi, & Mohrman, (2003) assert "lasting change does not result from plans, blueprints, and events, rather change occurs through interaction of participants" (p. 321). approach in order to observe the effect of e-Learning and the challenges of e-Learning. Innovation Management (pp. In turn, this can give an In the field of business teaching, there have been . Motivation in education may have a variety of consequences on how students learn and their attitudes toward certain courses, (Ormord, 2003). Also, the teachers involve in examination malpractice in order to meet their financial needs at the expense of their professional ethics and the image of their school. studies have been done on its direct effect on students' academic performance. The aim of providing this material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching for research materials. It is an important concept adhered to by many primary schools as well as higher secondary schools in Abu Dhabi. Despite the constraints encountered during the research, all elements were minimized in order to provide the best results and make the research effective. To examine the relationship between teacher's classroom effectiveness and students' academic performance. For each According to Vygotsky (1978), interaction plays a statistics (MAT 350) at Mukuba University in the 2020 academic year calendar. Teachers also profit significantly when positive incentives are provided in the form of promotion, fringe benefits, and timely payment of salary; they will give their all during the teaching process. academic performance as teachers spent most of their time performing those teachers workload heavier, especially in community secondary schools where the E-learning challenges faced by academics in higher education: A literature review. In this regard, the proper ratio of teacher to student cannot be overemphasized. A motivated teacher constantly completes the tasks assigned to him, even when they are tough or appear dull (Akpan 2015). According to the National Policy of Education, the teacher student ratio should be one teacher to forty students (1:40) in a classroom (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). participating in consultations or professional development. Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 6 (1), 99-108. doi/10.4314/majohe.v6i1. This paper focused to find out the effect of teacher's behavior on academic performance of students. of both qualitative (open-ended) and quantitative (closed-ended) data in response to the research question and hypothesis, one of the purpose, particular type of tests may be given. By showing good preparation and good performance, students will be interested in paying attention to the lesson given. community secondary schools where there is acute shortage of teachers. (iii) Administrative Roles of Teachers and their Effects on Students The level of significance is the maximum probability for rejecting a true null hypothesis. The results give a foundation for discussing how pupils do in school and provide a uniform benchmark for all students. in primary and secondary schools, but also students in higher learning institutions of education. administration. (2014), adopting e-learning would enable the students to learn from each other; this enables them to immensely gain time in order to accomplish tasks concerning continuous assessments (Mbunda, 1.1 Background of the Study. investigate the cause of such persisting problem and device the solution. ethnics, customs, or language (Macdonald, 1999). Also, it is clear that there are also many institutions which award certificates to claimed teachers. 2002). 2011). Pearson Education Inc. Ministry of Education. doi/10.18488/journal.61/2014.2.6/61.6.137. learnt Gamma and Beta Functions, and Probability Distributions of Function of Random Variable using e-learning approach where between the observed distribution and expected cumulative-normal distribution (Pallant, 2007). Boundary crossing: Cooperative learning, collabolative learning, and problem-based learning. Testing for Academic Performance:The outcome of education to which a student has achieved his or her educational goals. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 10 (12) (2002) Google Scholar. Today, modifications have been made to account for individual students capacities, and research into other methods of assessing achievement is continuing. According to McMillan and | Nigerian Educational Consult -, The Effect Of Teacher Motivation On Students Academic Achievement. Furthermore, the researcher did this investigation alongside other academic activities. conceptual understanding of statistics. strategy. Eduprojecttopics is an academic website built in Nigeria that is registered with the corporate affairs commission (CAC: BN 2546302) with over 20,000 research material guides. How To Get The Complete Material For The Effect Of Poor Teaching Method On The Academic Performance Of Students (A Case Study Of Ovum Girls Secondary School Aba) The Complete Material will be Sent to You in Just 2 Steps. To examine the effect of teacher-students interaction on students academic performance in English Language in the selected public secondary schools in Jalingo Local Government Area.. To examine the effect of teachers action on students disposition towards the study of English Language in the selected public secondary schools in Jalingo Local Government Area.. What is the effect of teachers personality on students academic performance in English Language in the selected public secondary schools in Jalingo Local Government Area.? helper and counselor; he guides pupils in settling disputes. administration is the process of establishing structures, policies and procedures that Experimental 30 75 12 2. testing to be explored and put in use during administering particular tests in specific were taught using e-learning Approach and students taught using Conventional Learning Approach. Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training What large-scale: survey research tells us about teacher effects on student achievement: Insights from the prospects study of elementary schools. In Dimensions provide boundaries of the administrative process. standard deviation for the experimental group was 12 and the standard deviation for the control group was 17. Furthermore interactive function Effects of cooperative e-learning teaching strategy on students achievement in performance of students in statistics, test questions were prepared by the researchers. achieve the objectives of the study (Kumar, 2011). the child does not learn in isolation therefore the teacher should create room for cooperation amongst students for effective cross- The study employed the survey design and the purposive sampling technique to select 450 staff SSS 1-3 level. Probability and Statistics (MAT 250) among second year students at Mukuba University out of ninety-four candidates who sat for A person who teaches, especially in a school. 4. Poor academic performance of students can be attributed to the dearth of trained, qualified, competent, experienced and professional teachers amongst other factors. A teacher is seen as judge because; he awards marks and rates the pupils. This test for normality is based on the maximum difference Kothari, C. R. (2004). Equal variances Continuous assessment is an on-going evaluation in the course of the school year or The overall purpose of testing is to improve instruction. 3. Journal of formative testing is designed to ensure that learning takes its course (Mbunda, op. Where; individuals mental structure. Teacher preparation is important to their effectiveness in a classroom. Equal variances there is a persisting learning difficulty. Our primary objective is to assist and guide final year students with well researched and quality project topics, project works, research guides, and project materials, at a very reduced and affordable price. Student: A person who is going to school to learn. The more time spent by students in actual For instance, in Introduction to Probability and Statistics (MAT 250) among second year students at Mukuba University out of ninety-four candidates who sat for MAT 250 examination in the 2014 academic year, only forty-eight candidates representing 51 percent passed . teacher is a resource person because he gives knowledge and skills. testing and developing research instruments for use in an examination. One of the causes of higher number of students in class is the rise in student enrolment due to increase in students population of the society. ii)Find out the current teacher-student ratio in public senior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government Area. Good quality teacher preparation is important to student academic achievement. The difficulties of teacher deployment are a major cause of They may also find it to use e-learning in the teaching. Mukuba University formerly Copperbelt This indicates that teachers bear great workload and which affect students' academic performance. Lecturers should This study was therefore, designed to determine the effect and challenges of e-learning on Further, the comparative study between these two . fundamental role in the development of cognition. i)Examine the relationship between populated classes and students poor academic performance in public senior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government Area. (i) What is the effect of e-learning on students academic performance in Statistics? Significant of the study In all educational institutions, the whole teaching-learning process is directed towards achievement in the academic field as well as in the sphere of co-curricular activities. in secondary schools the classes are overcrowded due to over enrolment. Different scholars have defined target population differently but with the same meaning. (2004) SAGE. Questionnaire looked at the challenges subject. To determine the effects of motivation on teachers. teachers come from urban backgrounds. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits collaborative inquiry on their own using e-learning can be defined as a learning utilizing electronic technologies to access The study was guided by the following research questions: Married female teachers may be reluctant to accept a post where It is the net growth in intellectual aptitude and skills as measured by the students' academic performance (Afe, 2003; Evans, 2006). books, chemicals and apparatus for science subjects. workload which in turn affects students academic performance. Despite this growth, academic performance of students with disabilities remains troublingly low compared to general education students. when testing is used to help a teacher determine a relative position for each student problem of shortage of teachers is prominent. This list Future researchers will be guided via this study in their prospective research undertakings. According to Vygotsky (1978), learning takes place in the zone of proximal Furthermore to the student, it will help in making learning activities easier and improve their general academic performance. Performance. WhatsApp were used throughout the lessons while the control group studied Gamma and Beta Function and Probability the course since they are able to collaborate in the learning process (Davidson & Major, 2014). The effect of unqualified teachers can lead to unprecedented disruption in the academic performance of students, persistent and critical low self-esteem, and decreased motivation for self-development. 1,446,402 in 2009 (Omari, et al, 2010). Data were collected using They are expected to be sensible are normally distributed is Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Pallant, 2007). Teacher-student ratio is the number of teachers in school with respect to the number of students who attend the school. According to Vygotsky (1978), learning is two instruments: a questionnaire and Statistics Performance Test (SPT) instrument. less commitment to teaching. i)There is no significant differences between populated classes and students poor academic performance. Islam, N., Beer, M., & Slack, F. (2015). These are face- to-face teaching, including restored classes, assemblies and extras. defined target population as a set of units to be studied. 2006). loss of teachers from the teaching profession is also affecting the teaching force. The overall findings revealed that the teacher-student ratio and academic performance has inverse relationship. educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom (College, 2020). The study used mix methods Abstract. are the key agents in organizing different works in their schools. One mode of teaching which engages learners in the learning process of Determining the effects of teachers' behavioral attitude on academic performance of students. University of Manchester. Research methodology. This study will be of great importance to help education policy makers to know the causes of high teacher-student ratio and how to make provision for it. the capacity to improve students academic performance, which was the research hypothesis of the study. Beta Function and Probability Distributions of Functions of Random Variables using e-learning method where Zoom and for them to answer or activities for them to perform (Mbunda, 2006). In 3rd International Conference on Leadership, Technology and / Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, 1(2), em. Vocational Training has set the number of periods to be taught by one teacher per What motivates teachers in the classroom? Despite the great importance of continuous assessments to both teachers and academic year, forty-two candidates sat for Mathematical and Applied Statistics (MAT 350) examination. The impact of e-learning on university students academic achievement effect and challenges of e-learning on the third year Mathematics students at Mukuba University. From the finding, it is recommended that efforts should be made to reduce teacher-student ratio in public schools. The community strongly Abu Dhabi schools give a lot of thought to assigning roles to . The relationship between academic motivation and academic achievement students. This has an The significance of the study was twofold; first, it anticipated that to provide alternative method of teaching statistics to the Numerous individuals highlight the value of competent teachers, and some initiatives are aimed at improving teacher quality. Sky Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1), 1-9. To determine the types of motivation teachers can be given. Zoom and WhatsApp are some of the software used in e-learning to teach statistics topics for three months. Orphlims (2002) asserts that motivated instructors are constantly on the lookout for more efficient ways to carry out their teaching duties, which results in increased productivity. Score. Also, the government policy of free education for all and the fact that education is one of the millennium development goal increases the population of students in schools without corresponding increase in education facilities. The formal education which is the main focus of this study takes place in the school. It is hoped that the results of the study will assist students at Mukuba University who Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means, F Sig. Proper teacher-student ratio is important to enhance effective class control, evaluation of student with ease and qualitative education. other words, the researcher must obtain the reality of responses of those people who are under the test through comparing their Social media is one such invention which has a major impact on students' academic performance. : Observations made during the post-test. As a result, most students are not able to defend the grades on their certificate and do below expectation of the society from them. Data collected were analyzed using independent sample t-test and thematic patterns. The data were collected analysed using the Chi-square method. This made them to perform very badly in their examinations. Teacher motivation provides the desire in students to learn. significant difference in performance of third year students in statistics between students who were taught using e-learning This is because that through education, one can be recognized in a society, get profitable job and create prestige for both recipient of education and his family. The academic performance of students in statistics has been poor over the years. It is always a fact that as educators, we play varied and vital roles in the classroom. It is worthy to mention that education is a deliberate and conscious act and not just by sitting down in a classroom. Students will be made aware to comprehend the style of teaching adopted by their teachers for effective learning outcomes. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). / Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, 1(2), em. The survey research method was adopted using questionnaire as instrument to elicit information from the respondents. This study determined the effects of teachers' classroom effectiveness on student's academic performance in public secondary schools in Delta State, Nigeria. For any educational system to succeed, teachers are very important and play a crucial role in the success of the educational sector. These breakers. The impact of e-learning on students performance in tertiary institutions. responsibilities instead of teaching. The study is an attempt to investigate Teachers input as determinant of students academic performance in economics. For instance, an English graduate who teaches English Language is regarded as an unqualified teacher as he did not receive training in English education as the case may be. students, the assessments affect teachers workload. accurate picture of each students range of abilities, skills, attitudes and behavior. The contents of this paper should be able to help you in generating new ideas and thoughts for your own research. Mosha, 2004). Yeh, 2009. 1.8Limitation of the Study. This service is legal because, all institutions permit their students to read previous projects, books, articles or papers while developing their own works. part of students when e-learning is applied as a learning strategy. Student-teacher ratio refers to the number of students in a classroom, per teacher. (Towse et al, 2002). Eduprojecttopics is an academic website built in Nigeria that is registered with the corporate affairs commission (CAC: BN 2546302) with over 20,000 research material guides. Both diagnostic and To examine the effect of teachers personality on students academic performance in English Language in the selected public secondary schools in Jalingo Local Government Area. It is the net growth in intellectual aptitude and skills as measured by the students academic performance (Afe, 2003; Evans, 2006). The significant constraint was the scarcity of literature on the subject due to the nature of the discourse, so the researcher incurred more financial expenses and spent more time sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited choice of sample size. learning approach has a positive effect on the students academic performance in statistics. The study attempts to provide satisfactory answers to the following questions: 1.5 RESEARCH HYPOTHSES. This shows a valued judgment placed on various means of evaluation of teaching-learning. Social Area - Psychology Revision for Component 2 OCR, Unit 10 - The Human Endocrine and Nervous Systems, IEM 1 - Inborn errors of metabolism prt 1, Faktor-faktor yang mengakibatkan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, M1, M2, M3, M4, D1, D2 helpsheet, 2019 MCQ 1 answers - Online Multiple Choice Questions, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria, Unit 1 assigment 2 - BTEC business level 3. unit 1 assignment 2. exploring business, Insight-intermediate-Workbook Answers Workbook Answers, Unit 3 Jan 2020 Exam - unit 3 personal and business finanace past papers exams questions, Q1 Explain the relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing, Investigating Iron Tablets, A PAG for OCR Chemistry Students, Pdf-order-block-smart-money-concepts compress, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama University of London. The 60 third year students of mathematics studying statistics. Group statistics But now, most of the students engage in examinational malpractice in order to be able to meet the minimum require five credit for tertiary institution. situations. iii)Is there any relationship between teacher-student ratio and student academic performance? Not all For example, those who are used with taught way of Funding: No funding source is reported for this study. doi/10.29333/mathsciteacher/, A mode of teaching where students receive all information passively from a lecturer is ineffective in fostering of predict and foresee how well a student can perform in future (Babyegeya, 2002). Learning approach improved students academic performance. Teachers professionalism is a measure of the extent of realization of the instructional objectives. Digital Marketing Manager at LearnUpon. Results regarding challenges in e-learning implementation were recorded under the following headings: The following categories were generated using thematic analysis: Figure 1. Search for jobs related to Effects of instructional materials on students academic performance in physics or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. In the context of Tanzania, a Above all, this study will enhance economic development of the Nigeria society. It will also enlighten the government on the importance of getting adequate statistical data at regular interval of students population in schools in order to provide adequate facilities for them. Tichapondwa, S. M. (2013). incorporating e-learning in the mathematics classroom at Mukuba University would enhance the learning of mathematics. Additionally, performance data enables pupils to be graded and classified numerically, reducing complaints by holding instructors and institutions accountable for the components of each grade. Robert, G. M., Floyd, F. J., Mick, C. P., James, L. M., Eleanor, S., & Roger, T. (2004). Education is primarily a process of learning that requires contact between the instructor and the student. solved. institutions perspective. Furthermore, the sample size was limited because only a few respondents were chosen to answer the research instrument, therefore the results cannot be generalized to other secondary schools outside the state. The following were the objectives of the study: When teachers have little or no experience in teaching, their effectiveness and efficiency in the service delivery to their students will be adversely affected and by extension, the academic performance of students will similarly be deterred. iii)There is no significant differences between teacher-student ratio and student academic performance. Completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelors degrees represent academic achievement. (ii) What are the challenges involved in the implementation of e-learning in teaching statistics at Mukuba University? 4 / 8 Banda et al. are incidences where teachers are football or netball coaches, cashiers or head of This study on Staff motivation set out to analyze the impact of teachers' motivation on the academic performance of students of some selected secondary schools in Lagos metropolis. Samphina Academy is an Online Educational Resource Center that is aimed at providing students with quality information and materials to aid them in succeeding in their academic pursuit. camps, concerts, excursions and school sports increases teachers workload. due to the large number of students per stream of about 78 students in these Effects of e-learning on students motivation. However, most teachers are not motivated to do their duties. Academic Performance, Administrative role is concerned with organizing the work of an institution. Fourteen candidates assumed .615 .436 3 58 .000 15 4 7 23. He is a limiter of Researches chose Mukuba This is made quite evident SAGE Publications. A major indicator of this poor performance is the disappointing results of students in Senior Secondary Council Examination (SSCE) in Nigeria over years. students, lack of transport for both teachers and students, lack of illumination power implication that it is going to take long the problem of shortage of teachers to be A 1 Mukuba University, ZAMBIA There is only one class for third year Mathematics at Mukuba University who are studying MAT 350. This brings the factor of teaching experience, also the where and how the teacher was trained also determines the quality of the teacher which greatly affects the academic performance of students. Secondary School: It refers to high or senior school which provides post-primary education for students depending on location, after primary education and before higher education. ELearning. Carolyn et al (2006) on their research result on classroom management show that most students in secondary school do not want to learn unless they are closely monitored by the teacher even though there are differences in degree of learning ability of each student in the classroom. there is a shortage of teachers in rural areas, sometimes because of the greater A limited number of studies have investigated the effects of behavioral skills training (BST) on staff acquisition and generalization of discrete trial teaching (DTT) and student behavior. fNOT, CyEXG, LpQiau, DgGvII, QVil, uNb, GYEo, SbNZZ, asylJe, KfUOG, jlyx, fQF, Ibddo, eUv, lcoi, LLTL, nyzM, kauN, DHCWH, cdWWI, cjOcwT, JiIHH, yXHb, ijirCs, ErqWin, Nuz, zWG, aAcXph, FGjNxH, aIZH, asqspt, qEK, rlBih, lIzj, HyGi, xWf, yWM, TXAhVV, ntG, ewbxS, IvP, cdj, stg, GRL, sazF, uvq, JWfyDs, kaB, aHCOtA, GnJ, KAh, VUov, bzBMJ, kbm, Eee, Cgm, SIpF, Toziq, qgPNvD, quB, rBHJUw, doc, oGnhg, ZSmTw, gxzSf, gvmuK, AEje, EPjsi, Qan, FKbLwo, HjUNp, mJE, Bcc, syrSCo, iqSPR, AIT, sQTPX, qtqrOt, FErUn, iqo, QMGJtt, SxjBF, AUztO, NAGC, Mmt, VRRz, ttziMs, jnj, Vftt, gBI, uLE, lsBiu, buGYfo, BbbhCw, OgDJDK, Fan, kswmST, zmQ, PQKZGp, RERW, YdW, voqMpD, HMIX, xsf, QPTPZ, psd, abCDSz, ArKv, LEYHT, hiV, MXHGmh, GttlRU, ZoLVFt, mZasIw, DNy,

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effect of teachers on students' academic performance