Aim to identify six examples. Applicants are responsible for obtaining their supporting statements and at least one supporter must have, at minimum, Fellowship of the HEA. It needs to demonstrate all of the areas of activity, all the professional values and all areas of knowledge as described by the . On gaining Fellowship you become part of a community of Fellows and you will need to familiarise yourself with the FellowshipCode of Practice. Senior Fellowship (SFHEA) application template . Typical roles . Successful engagement in continuing professional development in relation to teaching, learning, assessment, scholarship and, as appropriate, related to academic or professional practices, VII. UCLs institutional teaching and learning strategy envisaged the BASc providing a model for a substantial proportion of UCLs undergraduate teaching[3]. About the Program. To be recognised as a senior fellow of the HEA, you must demonstrate that you meet Descriptor 3 (D3) of The UK Professional Standards Framework. Spam protection has stopped this request. The HEA is The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is the national body for enhancing learning and teaching in higher education (HE). The accreditation panel from the HEA was very complimentary about the quality of the . Feedback received from Carl has been In many (most) cases it really does get students thinking about the content of the lectures and how sophisticated some of the students questions are. Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) is an advanced level of professional standing that evidences expertise in teaching and learning in higher education. substantive examples that you use in your application are drawn from teaching in UK higher education. The application comprises a 6-7000 word reflection on practice and two 'case studies' of practice. The scheme is accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA), which . Sticking with the feedback example, there might be a need to describe howthe practical emphasis of the curriculum acts as an influence on the approach taken to feedback. The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Principles of Exceptional Assessment and Feedback resulted in innovative employment of the practical implementation of video-based assessment and feedback. The workshop was run by one of the HEA-accredited Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/ or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning. The course design was influenced by the work of John Fazey on experiential learning, which looked at the journey taken by new lecturing staff in their deep understanding of learning processes and teaching. Demonstrates a thorough understanding ofeffective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning. in class[2]. A little bird told me that HEA is getting so big worldwide that, for example, its now impossible to get a teaching position in the UK without having a fellowship. Your practice can include face-to-face AND online learning and teaching activities. Give detail about individual contributions when working on joint projects. This template has been designed so that you add text under the sub-headings provided across your application. People approach the case studies in very different ways but I would recommend some kind of structure to ensure going beyond description. Typically, those likely to be at Descriptor 3 (D3) include: a. PS Ive linked my Senior App to this blog under resources on the rhs menu, Thanks Lydia, I will let you now how I get on. You essentially need to prove to the HEA that you already meet requirements for one of their 4 levels of fellowship. for this criterion in the other column (see a small snippet below of how I did The average salary for a Social Worker is $63,991 per year in Omaha, NE. for example, teaching . I thought it helpful to share my thoughts and feedback on their draft case studies, in hope that it might also be useful for others. UKPSF Description . HEA Fellowships. If you're interested in this professional recognition programme, please visit their webpages and look through the Professional Standards Framework (PSF). Application for HEA Senior Fellow (SFHEA) Name: Job Title: Department: Email: Telephone: . Hi Lydia. The whole process took me around 6 months. The main issue was getting the time to write it! I put together a Senior Fellowship application (and was successful) earlier in the year. Experienced staff able to demonstrate, impact and influence through, for example, responsibility for leading, managing or organising programmes, subjects and/or disciplinary areas, b. Pay Type Salaried. Relevant to those who can demonstrate a sustained record of effectiveness and evidence of supporting others in learning and teaching. Staff roles encouraged to apply for Associate Fellowship, Fellowship or Senior Fellowship via the HEA@UQ program include: adjunct and honorary staff; casual staff; professional staff who support teaching and learning A Senior Fellowship application should really include evidence of institutional impact. I'm a 'long-term' Mq girl. Support for writing your application. PART 1: Reflective Account of Practice With over a decade of HE teaching, including 6 years of programme leadership experience, I currently lecture on BA (Hons) Graphic Design for Digital Media at GCU. To my surprise, thinking about my teaching and other work in terms of HEA framework gave me an unexpected feeling of comfort. And while there is a virtual reading group that anybody regardless of their location could potentially participate in, its scheduled for 12:30 London time, which happens to be 23:30 Sydney time. in a narrative. After you have answered a series of choice questions, which will take around 10-20 minutes, you will be shown your results and a PDF report summarising your responses will be sent to you. (Consult the relevant PRiSE Participant Handbook for full guidance on how to submit your application) Title: Dr Surname: Hobbs Given Name . Releasing slides before lectures is it really a good idea? Our project types include higher education, government, healthcare, Industrial, and commercial building projects. If you wish to apply for Principle Fellow (PFHEA), you must apply directly through Advance HE and pay the requisite fee. Hi Lynda very useful! The Senior Fellowship is considered to be a major and as such, is intended to be a culmination of a student's academic trajectory. Individuals should be able to provide evidence of: I. 703150 | Registered charity, England and Wales 1101607 | Registered charity, Scotland SC043946 | VAT Registered number GB 152 1219 50. Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). (ever felt that way?). This portfolio showcases the content/evidence for Section 3 of my Open Arena Application for Fellow of the HEA. Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). One issue thats arisen is that so many questions are submitted and so many are of a high standard that it is a bit bewildering to look through them all. Carl wanted to put people back at the centre of the learning12 and I supported and advised him while we created an active learning, flipped lecture, environment (A2, A4). UCL runs an institutional model for fellowships calledARENA, your institution may run one too speak to people! Introduction. thanks, Your email address will not be published. A student on the course commented once you have the additional time in lectures, youre going to be able to take advantage of that9. It took longer than I anticipated and came back with comments like reference HEA criteria more consistently in your application, which were easy to address. As a lot of the work that I do is in the media realm it also seemed most appropriate to . Have you bothered to pursue this yourself? As an experienced member of staff I have a wide range of institutional e-learning responsibilities. + Follow. V . Name, role, department, teaching qualifications/awards . Successful engagement across all five Areas of Activity, II. 2. creating a table with every single criterion in one column and specific examples Senior Fellowship applicant guidance Aug 20 4 2. In 2011 I was an integral part in designing, delivering and evaluating a new teaching style called the flipped lecture. I think many of the same points apply to both Senior and Principal particularly evidence of sustained impact and engaging in constant reflection, with follow up action or assumption changes. It IS helpful because it liberates me from a nagging doubt I'm currently working on my application for Senior Fellowship of the HEA - and one of the key factors in getting it is evidence of impact on colleagues' practice . their story. Being a UK-based organization, HEA currently has limited training opportunities in Australia. Such individuals are likely to lead or be members of established academic teams. Im now supporting colleagues through the same process and am developing a framework to enable us to undertake our own recognition, so steadily getting to grips with all of this. Senior Fellow (SFHEA) Individuals able to provide evidence of a sustained record of effectiveness in relation to teaching and learning, incorporating for example, the I have shared the flipped approach within external communities[7] and Carls work has become an inspirational exemplar for staff to experiment with flipped lectures. Education Presentation to help mentors and assessors understand the process of HEA application Mandy Jack Follow Senior Academic Developer at Swansea University Advertisement Recommended HEA Assessor and mentor training Nov 2015 Swansea University Louise Rees 3.5k views 39 slides HEA Fellowship Assessor and mentor training Louise Rees 845 views A sample from Olga's HEA Fellowship application The next step was to decide on the overall style of my application. Case Study 2 Bringing lecture flipping to a new interdisciplinary programme. This requires extensive research on existing models, hypothesizing and testing new methods. The University will support you in your direct application for Principal Fellow (D4) to the HEA by bearing the cost of the application and holding occasional workshops to guide you through the application process. I submitted my application in February 2014. Give detail about the specific context; sometimes there is a need to make the institutionaland disciplinecontextmore explicit. CEED's Head of Educational Development, Dr Heather McKiggan-Fee, has put together a self-enrol Moodle course on Applying for HEA Fellowship which will take you step-by-step through the process of deciding which category of Fellowship you should apply for, and how to write an effective application. For some time, I couldnt decide whether I liked the framework or found it too general in important (to me) areas. Ihave been involved ininformally supporting a number of HEA Senior Fellowship applicants. Applicants should provide their completed application to their supporters for review and comment before submission since they will . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Demonstrates a sustained record of effective strategic leadership in academic practice and academic development as a key contribution to high quality student learning. Our plan was to create a teaching approach with innovative and sustainable qualities. Department Astronomy Department-1003. 2 Your Support The Benefits Your Plan Your Evidence A Strong Claim Preparing for Submission of Portfolio for Senior Fellow Congratulations on deciding to prepare a claim for Senior Fellow (D3) of the HEA. Evidence provided through the application should reflect your recent and current work, usually within the last five years of your employment in the HE sector. As often happens with expectations, the reality turned out to be a bit different. UVU is accredited to assess AFHEA, FHEA, and SFHEA applications through the Experiential route. The University of Reading FLAIR Framework (Facilitating Learning and Teaching Achievement and Individual Recognition) is accredited by Advance HE and combines three strands: an AFHEA pathway for doctoral researchers, the Academic Practice Programme (APP) and a non-taught CPD scheme. Find 251 available IT Project Manager jobs in Omaha, NE at Ladders. Having a toddler who wakes me up around 5 am every morning, that is simply not feasible for me. So when it comes to Australia, HEA Fellowships are currently more like accreditation or a seal of approval for your practice. I did my PhD here and taught on different courses, ranging from 1st year to PhD students. Following are successful project statements from a former junior fellow, a senior fellow and a performing . Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, HEA Fellowship Program @ MQ now open for 2019 applications. Theimpact of the case may be on students, colleagues, the institution and its policies/systems, the discipline community or network or the sector as a whole. assessors/trainers who talked us through HEA framework. the existing PG Cert for accreditation with the HEA. You can sign up for one of the Thinking about Senior Fellowship workshop via the CHERP Event Booking App Considering Principal Fellowship If you wish to explore how your experience might be used for a Principal Fellowship application we recommend that you: Complete the Advance HE Category Tool Read the Advance HE guidance on PFHEA [1], [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8], [9], Filed under Case Studies, Matt's Musings, Moodle, Tags: Fellowship, flipping, HEA, hot question, lectures, Moodle, PSF, RT @UCL_ELE: HEA Senior Fellowship Case Study Series: 2 Bringing interdisciplinary lecture flipping from @mattjenner, My @HEAcademy Senior Fellowship Case Study Series #2 Interdisciplinary lecture flipping In 2017 she gained National Teaching Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) for recognition of the information literacy work that she is carrying out in her workplace. Happy HEA applications, my friends! Appropriate knowledge and understanding across all aspects of Core Knowledge, III. I am currently putting a Principal Fellow application together, any experience? He is a part-time writer and web developer, full time husband and father. While retaining alignment with the planned learning activities, (A1, K4) I researched available options and evaluated a new tool called Hot Question[4] based on research from Purdue University[5]. Example 5 - Senior Fellow context statement (Principal . Personal details. Hello Olga Senior Fellow guidance and application form . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Most HEA events, like workshops, seminars and reading groups, take place in the UK. Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team. As HEA doesnt allow the sharing of examples of successful applications electronically, Im happy to meet with anybody whos interested. My research outcome delivered a solution which matched the requirements for the BASc and was designed to scale for the institution if flipping increased in popularity. The first academic to explicitly flip their lectures, and put the concept in the UCL spotlight, was Carl Gombrich, director of UCLs flagship interdisciplinary degree the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (BASc). Graduates will receive a Postgraduate Certificate qualification awarded by the University of Liverpool and automatically attain professional recognition as a Fellow of Higher Education (FHEA) awarded by Advance HE. Consider the impact of the case onyour own values and attitudes as a result of involvement in the casedid you rethink any assumptions about your role or your approach to supporting learning? Part of your application should include a commentary from two referees. both simplified and refreshing at the same time, as it was the first time I saw Most senior fellows in academia and at corporate organizations earn their position by contributing knowledge in a particular field. The comments attached are provided in order to help you avoid common errors and identify what you should be aiming More than 30 teaching staff at different career stages successfully applied for one of the four categories of HEA Fellowship (Associate, Fellow, Senior, and Principal) through the pilots. My tips of creating a successful Higher Education Academy Senior Fellowship application. Could you please share the application as an example for other to guide This Senior Fellow application template has been created to support individuals in structuring their application to fully address all the criteria for Descriptor 3 of the Professional Standards Framework (PSF). It includes detailed guidance from Advance HE as well as . The following list is ten things I believe it is particularly useful to remember when applying for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, through the Professional Recognition Route. A barrier emerged within institutional systems which did not support his approach. 8 can u please guide? Commonissues have resulted in the following advice: Consider the impact ofeach case with evidence so for example if someone is describing their pro-active and innovative approaches to feedback, it is necessary to say how they know their approach is working well. By example, in my initial list I put things like 'created and led the university's teaching recognition scheme' and 'developed postgraduate provision around teaching and learning'. Once I finished my draft, I sent it for internal review. (view criteria for HEAFellow, Principal Fellow). At first, I was disappointed with the current lack of workshops in Australia, but I thought Id apply anyway. This is an example of how Mahara can be used to build a portfolio of evidence. The statements must be included with their application by the deadline. My thoughts are focused particularly on the Associate (D1) and Fellowship (D2) levels though they apply to Senior (D3) and Principal (D4) as well. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Typically, those likely to be eligible to apply for Senior Fellowship are: experienced staff able to demonstrate impact and influence through, for example, responsibility for leading, managing or organising programmes, subjects and/or disciplinary areas; experienced subject mentors and staff who support those new to teaching; Download a PDF of our prospectus or order a printed copy to be delivered to your door. (View criteria for HEA Fellow, Senior Fellow) Descriptor 4: Principal Fellow of the HEA. Hope all is well, Cheers Stephen. Our Fellowship Category Tool has been designed to help you reflect on your practice. Senior Fellow - Guidance and Application Resources The resources below provide you with the relevant documents to start your application. specific categories. . The scheme is managed by the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit ( LTEU) at Aberystwyth University. A proposed structure would be something similar to the following: This of course is just one way to tackle the task and Im sure there are many more! that I may be missing something important and that there is never enough In other words, I expected HEA to show up at my doorstep and make me a world-class learning and teaching professional. Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship. The commentary should be based on a face-to-face meeting in which you and your referee discuss your application. Another academic commented flipping uncovers the impact of the information we provide for students, and their understanding at a much finer temporal resolution than what was available previously[6]. Senior Fellow; Principal Fellow; Global; Application; for example, within work-based By applying to be a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy individuals Central's Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education central who are themselves Principal Fellows, by formal application and If you work as part of a delivery team, be clear about what your role is in that team and the contribution you make to it. 04931031 | Company limited by guarantee registered in Ireland no. You will then have the space and supportto outline your ideas and application plans. The fellowship year comprises three terms of registered enrollment, at least one of which must be spent primarily in residence. And you do it by writing a story about your work, your values and, in the case of a Senior Fellowship, by adding two detailed case studies. Give detail about the specific context; sometimes there is a need to make the institutional and discipline context more explicit. Find out more about using technology for learning and teaching at UCL. Required fields are marked *. I chose the latter approach as I find it easier to be reflective hea senior fellowship case study series: 1 - creating a public- facing e- learning environment by matt jenner, on 12 august as a four- part series i am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my senior fellowship of the higher education academy. The next step was to decide on the overall style of my application. Here you'll find updates on institutional developments, projects we're involved in, updates on educational technology, the latest digital skills training schedule, events, case studies and personal experiences (or views!). I completed a Fellowship by individual entry in 2007 and have taken the same route for the Senior Fellowship. We are able to award Fellowship in all categories - Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow - to our staff at our four campuses. As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. The resources below provide you with the relevant documents to start your application plus a copy of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), which underpins the Fellowship process: We will email you these documents; however we advise that they may go into your junk mail folder. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Advisory Group, Global Perspectives Strategic Advisory Group, Leadership and Management Strategic Advisory Group, Teaching and Learning Strategic Advisory Group, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, Race Equality Charter Governance Committee, Equality in higher education: statistical reports, Equality in colleges in Scotland: statistical reports, Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES), Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES), Student Academic Experience Survey (SAES), Advance HE Membership 2022-23: Member Benefits, Tertiary Education: Navigating Complexity, Student Success Framework Series Review and Redesign, Exploring a holistic approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, Teaching and learning for student and institutional success, Certificate in Learning and Teaching in HE, Driving progress in equality, diversity and inclusion, Transforming leadership for the new world, Supporting your sustainable transformation strategy, She Leads: Developing women leaders of the future, College HE Governance Effectiveness Review Collaborative Project, Success on the board: unlocking the power of underrepresented voices in research, Developing an inclusive and supportive research culture, Research Leadership Development Programme, Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion e-Learning Course, Introduction to Race Equality e-Learning Course, Supporting an Inclusive Experience in Higher Education e-Learning Course, UK and Ireland Aligning organisational strategy to Sustainable Development Goals, College HE Governance Effectiveness Review, Embedding Employability in Higher Education, Teaching and Learning for Student Success, Programme, Events and Conferences Calendar, In-house development programmes and training, Professional Development for External Examiners, Professional Development Course for External Examiners, Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education, Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence, Professional Standards Framework Review 2022, Enhancing the quality and status of teaching for individuals across the globe, End-Point Assessment for Higher Apprenticeships, Programmes + Events - Teaching and Learning for Student Success in Higher Education, Inclusive learning and teaching workshop series, Senior and Principal Fellowship Writing Retreats, Culture, Change and Organisational Development, Programmes + Events - Developing Leadership, Research Team Leadership in Changing Times, Senior Womens Leadership Development Programme, Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership, Programmes + Events - Strategic Leadership, Top Management Programme for Higher Education, Spotlight Series for Senior Strategic Leaders (Series II), Consultancy + Enhancement Services - Transforming leadership for a new world, Reviewing, developing and reforming strategies, policy and culture, Student recruitment, retention and attainment, Equality Charter Good Practice Initiatives, Consultancy + Enhancement Services - Driving progress in equality, diversity and inclusion, Programmes + Events - Fostering Inclusion in Higher Education, Programmes + Events - Gender Equality in Higher Education, Programmes + Events - Race Equality in Higher Education, Programmes + Events - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Colloquia, Programmes + Events - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2023. Free trade is the only type of truly fair trade because it offers consumers the most choices and the best opportunities to improve their standard of living. Senior Fellow; Principal Fellow; Global; Application; for example, within work-based By applying to be a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy individuals To be recognised as a senior fellow of the HEA, (view criteria for HEA Fellow, Principal Fellow) Descriptor 3: for example, responsibility for Bibliography for HEA accreditation resources BETA. HEA Senior Fellowship Case Study Series: 2 Bringing lecture flipping to a new interdisciplinary programme, A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study, A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance, A5 Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices, University College London,Gower Street,London,WC1E 6BTTel:+44(0)20 7679 2000. For example, a senior technology fellow at a technology company may earn the title by developing a new programming model. In your written application you reflect on your professional practice and demonstrate how you meet the relevant standards of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).Gaining AHE Fellowship (FHEA) evidences your commitment to being part of the vibrant . By example, the person using innovative approaches to feedback as their case might say that student engagement led them tochange their assumptions about students expectations; they discovered their students valued less feedback in a timely way, more than they valued extensive feedback which takes longer to deliver, in turn this led them to adjust their feedback practice. I then got the green light from my referees (people who vouched that what I wrote is not a fable or wishful thinking), and sent my draft to the HEA. It aims to provide excellent learning . What is Good Governance in Higher Education? As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. UKPSF dimensions; A 1-5. Examples from your Practice. Job Category Staff Posting. Senior Fellows are typically the colleagues who lead in teaching and supporting learning by supporting others and spreading effective practices. By ensuring the flipped lecture was well supported we have seen a growth in popularity across the universitys faculties of Engineering, Social and Medical Sciences. You must have at least three years of experience in teaching/supporting learning in higher education to apply for Senior Fellowship. Successful engagement in appropriate teaching practices related to the Areas of Activity, V. Successful incorporation of subject and pedagogic research and/ or scholarship within the above activities, as part of an integrated approach to academic practice, VI. (LogOut/ Can I ask what the RHS menu is assuming it isnt the Royal Horticultural Society! HI Stephen, Good to hear from you. Reflection and Action Research: How do they work together? Seeing this as a potential future component of teaching at UCL, it was my role to ensure we built a sustainable model not just for the BASc but for the wider UCL community. application. It is now used across 81 courses at UCL (A4). UCL Arena Fellowship is a welcoming and flexible programme of events and opportunities which focus on advancing research-based education at UCL. Senior fellows are not required to enroll in regular classes . Give detail about individual contributions when working on joint projects. Its on the right hand menu bar or hopefully this link will get you there too. HEA Senior Fellowship Case Study Series: 2 - Bringing lecture flipping to a new interdisciplinary programme By Matt Jenner, on 13 August 2014 As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. All three pathways are supported by the Academic Development . Position Type Grant Funded Full-Time. Plymouth University Teaching Development Framework leading to HEA accreditation Senior Fellowship Application Name Document1 1/15 Application for Senior Fellowship (UKPSF D3) Senior Fellowship is awarded to those who can demonstrate a sustained track record of success and effectiveness in relation to teaching, supporting learning and/or the organisation and management of aspects of learning . Before submitting an application for your fellowship you must attend at least three 'Developing your Advance HE application - writing retreat' workshops (in order to be automatically taken to the list of courses that are available please ensure that you are already logged into myHR before clicking the link below) - The flipped model is where students gain first-exposure learning prior to class and focus on the processing part of learning (synthesizing, analyzing, problem-solving, etc.) 6. Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge (a brief introduction), D3vii - the Achilles' Heel of Senior Fellow Applications, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, Academic Practice (PgC Teaching & Supporting Learning), Describethe activity and an outline of the rationale, World-Leading - what a great way to end the week @. This event is free. The University of Sunderland is accredited by the Higher Education Academy to award Fellowship aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF). 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senior fellow hea application example