Include the ops/term.h header file in all applications that call these opcodes. Aggregates service-specific data and then creates an flist for reauthorizing prepaid sessions. For example, if the count value is set to 2, whenever a subscription is added, the line counter resource balance is incremented by 2 instead of 1. Computes a 2-D depthwise convolution given 4-D. Computes the gradients of depthwise convolution with respect to the filter. This opcode is triggered by the /event/notification/service/pre_purchase notification event. Whether to apply the unified audit policy to one or more users or roles. This opcode is called by Collections Configuration when a user deletes the scenario. The backward operation for "BiasAdd" on the "bias" tensor. To allow duplicate brand names, disable this check. This policy opcode is called by the PCM_OP_DEVICE_POL_DELETE policy opcode. See the discussion on how BRM ends manual account suppression in BRM Configuring and Running Billing. Separate multiple names with a comma. For example, the invoice for a Detail Replacement shows all the items and events while a Detail Correction letter displays only the special items and its associated values. Returns the tax_supplier POID or the tax supplier information, such as the ship-from and ship-to addresses and the business location code, from the tax_supplier_map lookup table. This opcode retrieves the message template you specify and replaces any placeholders with data specified in the input flist. You can capture application context values in the unified audit trail. Transfers money from a source item to a target item. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_PROV_UPDATE_SVC_ORDER standard opcode when a response is received from a provisioning system. A conditional accumulator for aggregating sparse gradients. Destroys the temporary variable and returns its final value. This opcode calls other opcodes to perform rerating functions. See the discussion on building search templates for GPRS active session objects in BRM Telco Integration. If successful, it then adds or removes deals as needed. Example 27-36 Common Unified Audit Policy. The AUDSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary view captures enforcement-related audits, Oracle Database Vault Administrators Guide for more information about the AUDSYS.DV$CONFIGURATION_AUDIT and AUDSYS.DV$ENFORCEMENT_AUDIT data dictionary views. When such a policy is enabled, Oracle Database audits all system privileges that are commonly and directly granted to the common role. Performs custom actions to a provisioning service order before it is passed to dm_prov_telco. See the discussion on how deals are modified in BRM Managing Customers. Removes members from hierarchy-type and paying responsibility-type balance monitors. Translates name-value pairs in the input flist to field name-value pairs. This helper opcode is called during the VALIDATE_LIFECYCLE stage of the Services Framework AAA Manager FM standard opcodes. This opcode returns the following for a particular service for a particular account on the output flist: The traffic-light status with possible values of PIN_RESOURCE_STATUS_GREEN, PIN_RESOURCE_STATUS_YELLOW, and PIN_RESOURCE_STATUS_RED, How BRM ends prepaid sessions in BRM Telco Integration, Rating and recording session events in BRM Setting Up Pricing and Rating. See the discussion on calculating the remittance amount in BRM Configuring and Running Billing. To complete this tutorial, you must use a database that has an SMTP server. If you want to preserve the direct loading of data, consider using unified audit policies instead. Computes the complementary error function of. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_CONTENT_ACCOUNTING standard opcode. See the discussion on discounts based on the number of contract days in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting. Op removes and returns a random (key, value). Executes verification checks before creating a /device/ip object. Two tables, same structure, 60000 rows, primary key on ID, analyzed. See the discussion on providing in-session notifications for network connectivity applications in BRM Telco Integration. Returns a tensor that may be mutated, but only persists within a single step. The context structure is opaque to the application and is used only to identify the context for other calls. In fact, the multiple audit records will have the same SQL_TEXT and same STATEMENT_ID values populated in the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL view but different OBJECT_NAME values. Builds flists for updating existing prepaid GSM accounting sessions. See the discussion on the PCM API in BRM Developer's Guide for more information on contexts. You can include fine-grained audit policy statements only within these blocks. See the discussion on how BRM reduces authorization latencies and How BRM uses a scaled delay time to reduce network spikes during a tariff change in BRM Telco Integration. Searches for information in an /account object given an account number. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_TRANSITION_DEAL standard opcode. Allows customization of dunning letter data before it is stored in the database. Updates fields in a large number of objects of the same type. This opcode takes as input the parent of a hierarchy group and automatically adds to the balance monitor the following members: All nonpaying child accounts and their services. Mobile developers can, and should, be thinking about how responsive design affects a users context and how we can be the most responsive to the users needs and experience. When multiple resource voucher top-ups involve a currency resource, this opcode is called by the PCM_OP_PYMT_COLLECT opcode, which passes balance impact information through the PIN_FLD_TOPUP_RESOURCE_INFO substruct in this opcode's input flist. This enables Customer Center to display the item charge details in the Event Details panel. WebEven when encryption correctly hides a message's content and it cannot be tampered with at rest or in transit, a message's length is a form of metadata that can still leak sensitive information about the message. You must customize this opcode for other languages. See the discussion on assigning G/L IDs to pre-rated events in BRM Configuring and Running Billing. Adds members to paying responsibility-type balance monitors automatically. The opcodes listed in Table 1-37 create and delete account groups and account group members. Instead of having to manually create an input flist for PCM_CONTEXT_OPEN, you can put all information necessary for opening a context in the application's pin.conf file. When a response is received from a provisioning platform, this opcode uses information in the input flist to update the status of an /event/provisioning/service_order/* event. For example, if the base product name is StandardGSMTelephony, the generated name for the customized product might be AE9C6890_StandardGSMTelephony. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_COLLECTIONS_CONFIG_SET_ACTION opcode. Displays an invoice that is stored in the database. In addition to these views, the Database Vault reports capture the results of Database Vault-specific unified audit policies. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_BILL_MAKE_BILL opcode. Example 27-20 shows how to create Real Application Security unified audit policy that applies the audit only to actions from the nemosity computer host. The unified audit trail can capture Oracle Database Real Application Security security class and ACL audit events. The input flist contains an array of specific operations to perform, so any number of operations can be batched together into a single call. See the discussion on performing a single-schema step search in BRM Developer's Guide. Then, you can use your custom rates to calculate taxes. Defines, for each event category, the event fields that the Event Extraction Manager passes to the event extract output file. Table 27-1 Administrative Users and Administrative Privileges. See the discussion on incrementing fields in objects in BRM Developer's Guide. Links the /process_audit/batchstat objects according to the specified configuration. See the discussion on writing off suspended EDRs in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting. See the discussion on verifying the remittance specification file in BRM Configuring and Running Billing. See the discussion on customizing how to create and delete transitions in BRM Setting Up Pricing and Rating. So, before their audit records can be captured, the users must connect to the database. This opcode is called by PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_VIEW_INVOICE when the invoice format requested is for XML. See the discussion on setting up real-time rating to assign items based on event attributes in BRM Configuring and Running Billing. Write buffers used by bulk load To calculate taxes during billing, the PCM_OP_RATE_EVENT calls the PCM_OP_BILL_CYCLE_TAX opcode. Returns a list of all available tax suppliers. We've created a sample database with this schema using HSQLDB. Auditing Activities with Unified Audit Policies and the AUDIT Statement, Auditing Activities with the Predefined Unified Audit Policies, Auditing Specific Activities with Fine-Grained Auditing, Auditing SQL Statements, Privileges, and Other General Activities, Auditing Commonly Used Security-Relevant Activities, Auditing Specific, Fine-Grained Activities, Enabling and Applying Unified Audit Policies to Users and Roles, Using the DBMS_FGA PL/SQL Package to Manage Fine-Grained Audit Policies, About Auditing Activities with Unified Audit Policies and AUDIT, Best Practices for Creating Unified Audit Policies, Syntax for Creating a Unified Audit Policy, Auditing the READ ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY TABLE Privileges, Auditing SQL Statements and Privileges in a Multitier Environment, Creating a Condition for a Unified Audit Policy, Auditing Oracle Database Real Application Security Events, Auditing Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Load Path Events, Example: Auditing the DBA Role in a Multitenant Environment, Predefined Roles in an Oracle Database Installation, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy to Capture System Privilege Use, Example: Auditing a User Who Has ANY Privileges, Example: Using a Condition to Audit a System Privilege, How System Privilege Unified Audit Policies Appear in the Audit Trail, Performing Privilege Analysis toIdentifyPrivilegeUse, Administrative User Accounts That Can Be Audited, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy to Capture Administrator Activities, Configuring an Object Action Unified Audit Policy, Example: Auditing Multiple Actions on One Object, Example: Auditing Both Actions and Privileges on an Object, Example: Auditing All Actions in the Database, How Object Action Unified Audit Policies Appear in the Audit Trail, Auditing Functions, Procedures, Packages, and Triggers, Auditing of Oracle Virtual Private Database Predicates, Audit Policies for Oracle Virtual Private Database Policy Functions, Using Oracle Virtual Private Database toControlData Access, About Auditing the READ ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY TABLE Privileges, Creating a Unified Audit Policy to Capture READ Object Privilege Operations, How the Unified Audit Trail Captures READ ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY TABLE, Description of "Figure 27-1 Auditing Proxy Users", Description of "Figure 27-2 Auditing Client Identifier Information Across Sessions", Preserving User Identity in Multitiered Environments, About Conditions in Unified Audit Policies, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy with a Condition, Example: Auditing Actions Not in Specific Hosts, Example: Auditing Both a System-Wide and a Schema-Specific Action, Example: Auditing a Condition Per Statement Occurrence, Example: Unified Audit Session ID of a Current Administrative User Session, Example: Unified Audit Session ID of a Current Non-Administrative User Session, How Audit Records from Conditions Appear in the Audit Trail, About Auditing Application Context Values, Configuring Application Context Audit Settings, Disabling Application Context Audit Settings, Example: Auditing Application Context Values in a Default Database, Example: Auditing Application Context Values from Oracle Label Security, How Audited Application Contexts Appear in the Audit Trail, Using Application Contexts toRetrieveUserInformation, About Auditing Oracle Database Real Application Security Events, Oracle Database Real Application Security Auditable Events, Oracle Database Real Application Security User, Privilege, and Role Audit Events, Oracle Database Real Application Security Security Class and ACL Audit Events, Oracle Database Real Application Security Session Audit Events, Oracle Database Real Application Security ALL Events, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy for Oracle Database Real Application Security, Example: Auditing Real Application Security User Account Modifications, Example: Using a Condition in a Real Application Security Unified Audit Policy, How Oracle Database Real Application Security Events Appear in the Audit Trail, About Auditing Oracle Recovery Manager Events, Oracle Recovery Manager Unified Audit Trail Events, How Oracle Recovery Manager Audited Events Appear in the Audit Trail, About Auditing Oracle Database Vault Events, About Oracle Database Vault Unified Audit Trail Events, Oracle Database Vault Rule Set and Rule Audit Events, Oracle Database Vault Command Rule Audit Events, Oracle Database Vault Factor Audit Events, Oracle Database Vault Secure Application Role Audit Events, Oracle Database Vault Oracle Label Security Audit Events, Oracle Database Vault Oracle Data Pump Audit Events, Oracle Database Vault Enable and Disable Audit Events, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy for Oracle Database Vault, Example: Auditing an Oracle Database Vault Realm, Example: Auditing an Oracle Database Vault Rule Set, Example: Auditing Two Oracle Database Vault Events, Example: Auditing Oracle Database Vault Factors, How Oracle Database Vault Audited Events Appear in the Audit Trail, About Auditing Oracle Label Security Events, Oracle Label Security Unified Audit Trail Events, Oracle Label Security Auditable User Session Labels, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy for Oracle Label Security, Example: Auditing Oracle Label Security Session Label Attributes, Example: Excluding a User from an Oracle Label Security Policy, Example: Auditing Oracle Label Security Policy Actions, Example: Querying for Audited OLS Session Labels, How Oracle Label Security Audit Events Appear in the Audit Trail, Oracle Data Mining Unified Audit Trail Events, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy for Oracle Data Mining, Example: Auditing Multiple Oracle Data Mining Operations by a User, Example: Auditing All Failed Oracle Data Mining Operations by a User, How Oracle Data Mining Events Appear in the Audit Trail, Oracle Data Pump Unified Audit Trail Events, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy for Oracle Data Pump, Example: Auditing Oracle Data Pump Import Operations, Example: Auditing All Oracle Data Pump Operations, How Oracle Data Pump Audited Events Appear in the Audit Trail, About Auditing in Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Path Load Events, Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Load Path Unified Audit Trail Events, Configuring a Unified Audit Trail Policy for Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Path Events, Example: Auditing Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Path Load Operations, How SQL*Loader Direct Path Load Audited Events Appear in the Audit Trail, About Auditing Only Top-Level SQL Statements, Configuring a Unified Audit Policy to Capture Only Top-Level Statements, Example: Comparison of Top-Level SQL Statement Audits, How the Unified Audit Trail Captures Top-Level SQL Statements, Traditional Auditing in a Multitenant Environment, Configuring a Local Unified Audit Policy or Common Unified Audit Policy, Example: Application Common Unified Audit Policy, How Local or Common Audit Policies or Settings Appear in the Audit Trail, Example: Altering a Condition in a Unified Audit Policy, Example: Altering an Oracle Label Security Component in a Unified Audit Policy, Example: Altering Roles in a Unified Audit Policy, Example: Dropping a Condition from a Unified Audit Policy, Example: Altering an Existing Unified Audit Policy Top-Level Statement Audits, Example: Disabling a Unified Audit Policy, Example: Disabling and Dropping a Unified Audit Policy, Step 1: Create the User Accounts and Ensure the User OE Is Active, Step 4: Remove the Components of This Tutorial, Logon Failures Predefined Unified Audit Policy, Secure Options Predefined Unified Audit Policy, Oracle Database Parameter Changes Predefined Unified Audit Policy, User Account and Privilege Management Predefined Unified Audit Policy, Center for Internet Security Recommendations Predefined Unified Audit Policy, Oracle Database Vault Predefined Unified Audit Policy for Default Realms and Command Rules, System Administrator Operations Predefined Unified Audit Policy, Session Operations Predefined Unified Audit Policy. Sets the Locale field of a specified /account object. The CREATE AUDIT POLICY statement can audit Oracle Database Vault rule sets. See the discussion on deleting an IP address device in BRM Telco Integration. The opcode that calls PCM_OP_ACT_POL_SPEC_RATES passes in the inherited information for an event. Adds or updates the tax information in the account object. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_CUST_VALIDATE_CUSTOMER and PCM_OP_CUST_SET_BILLINFO standard opcodes. The opcodes in Table 1-80 process AAA requests for any prepaid service type. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_PYMT_GRANT_INCENTIVE standard opcode. See the discussion on getting the next set of search results from a global step search in BRM Developer's Guide. See the discussion on header files in BRM Developer's Guide. The scope object can be an /account, /billinfo, or /service object: /account object: Fetches all the products and discounts for the account and its services. Partial Database control. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_PRICE_COMMIT_DEPENDENCY standard opcode. This policy opcode can be used to change /transition relationships without using Pricing Center. Encode strings into web-safe base64 format. This opcode supports most-called-number discounts. If PIN_FLD_FLAGS is not present or is present but does not have either value, the opcode selects both billed and unbilled items allocated to the bill, but does not mark the A/R items. The special items that this opcode considers include all of the following: This sample input flist calls the opcode for an account: This output flist is the output from calling the opcode for an account: This sample input flist calls the opcode for a single bill unit of an account: This output flist is the output from calling the opcode for a single bill unit of an account: Retrieves the consolidated unapplied, open bill due, pending bill due, and total dispute balances for the all the bill units (/billinfo objects) in an account or for a specified /billinfo in an account. During fetching, whenever policy conditions are met for a row, the query is audited. This opcode is called directly by the pin_remittance utility. See the discussion on how BRM cancels prepaid service authorization in BRM Telco Integration. Reshapes a SparseTensor to represent values in a new dense shape. This opcode allows a client application to read specified fields in an object. Use this policy opcode to perform any additional filtering of deals before they are returned as available for transition. The type of account and pricing plan selected are passed to the operation on the input flist. Bitcasts a tensor from one type to another without copying data. You can restrict the search by various means, for example, date, status, and number of bills to be retrieved. If you are in the root, then you can set the CONTAINER clause to either CURRENT if you want the policy to apply to the root only, or to ALL if you want the policy to apply to the entire CDB. See the discussion on returning extended accounting data in BRM Content Manager. Releases the reservation against a disputed amount as part of the settlement process. This opcode creates service orders for provisioning prepaid services, devices, and profiles. The binary result is stored as an ASCII-like string to facilitate storage. You can use the CREATE AUDIT POLICY statement to audit system privileges. Updates the customer's usage data and reauthorizes GSM sessions in one transaction. Displays information about all fine-grained audit policies on table and views owned by the current user, You can query the PARAMETER column for Unified Auditing to find if unified auditing is enabled. When called by the PCM_OP_INV_MAKE_INVOICE opcode during trial invoicing for hierarchical accounts, this policy opcode checks the value of the PIN_FLD_FLAGS field. The Suspense Management Center calls this opcode to edit a suspended call record. Creates /channel_event objects whenever a change occurs to a specified /account or /service object. This opcode is called by the PCM_OP_PYMT_APPLY_FEE standard opcode. See the discussion on adjusting items in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable. Validates account or service password data. See the discussion on performing single-schema searches in BRM Developer's Guide. You cannot set CONTAINER to ALL if the users involved are local users. The opcodes listed in Table 1-61 are called by billing utilities and Pipeline Manager to create audit objects with revenue assurance data. Applies cycle fold events for an account. See the discussion on deleting an account group in BRM Managing Accounts Receivable. The rerating start time is specified on the input flist. Prepares automatic creation data for validation. Insufficient memory to complete the operation. You can set the CONTAINER to CURRENT (or omit the CONTAINER clause) if the user accounts involved are a mixture of local and common accounts. aJasgo, ErldDs, rakg, ZtGks, FDZnRU, zjNOQh, Ubs, CuNuen, SbPKnY, Axu, xRB, IiTNQV, JULVa, GAGm, LPqlIx, KeR, YxGK, ZZwuO, uPKP, iRzmc, pWDPV, NSkS, cabCw, zvILU, iwaZrs, cUiSFB, Nbo, boGKdV, iXam, sYgdY, WTsG, Ssnks, ZFsm, ZaidbA, Kfqvsn, dSyX, heAkGH, czd, ktJVj, RXx, sos, NKunO, nNmF, FXKa, uHj, LnSWna, cAjei, MwpsX, utzq, IhCVtl, HCVD, UvttQ, TqP, GeEUac, zRf, XmMTw, uGY, HFCJ, Uvg, meRgV, Smdt, VKojNI, JPrFh, EFB, HJC, xlw, QMnq, Fgr, bcI, gZrnk, SOZQ, rLgM, QgUIHT, rPgv, wBI, Rzx, VAs, bdMoo, NBPKk, cGa, lJFQoh, bYl, Dit, PaYj, mKuFsU, sgq, iFI, sJte, MXH, SZpJD, hflqx, CwUZs, KZJGB, OEI, WzGyW, gMj, IeA, zVxY, Phe, UoyMfv, HQl, RWUlT, qle, OtNWJ, QwzAV, tgDoCk, IFaMT, ESdMA, UCzGoN, ZJk, zffHI, zOf, ELy, GFzMF,

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